HTTP backend proxy for cross-state dependendies in Terraform / OpenTofu
Set the following environment variables:
: The name of your S3 bucket where backend states will be storedPORT
(optional): The port on which the server will run (default: 8080)
Run for local development
go mod download
go build -o interstate cmd/server/main.go
The service will start on http://localhost:8080 (or the port specified in the PORT environment variable).
List all backends
GET /api/backends
- Returns a list of all backends
Create a new backend
- POST /api/backends
- Creates a new backend
- Request body:
{ "name": "backend-name" }
Get a specific backend
- Retrieves details of a specific backend
Update a backend
PUT /api/backends/{backendId}
- Updates an existing backend
- Request body: { "name": "new-backend-name" }
Delete a backend
DELETE /api/backends/{backendId}
- Deletes a specific backend
Get backend state
GET /api/backends/{backendId}/state
- Retrieves the current state (terraform.tfstate) of a specific backend
Update backend state
POST /api/backends/{backendId}/state
- Updates the state of a specific backend
- Request body:
Terraform state JSON
Reset backend state
DELETE /api/backends/{backendId}/state
- Resets or clears the state of a specific backend