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Software Directory README

To help software authors maintain their software entries, scripts are provided which help you with creating a proper pull request.

All software entries are contained in data/software.json. You can either edit this file directly via GitHub or use the tool provided.

A note on the platforms key: For clients and servers, this is the list of platforms a project runs on. For libraries, this is the list of languages they support.

Modifying your existing entry

For changing an existing entry, you can use the tool from the command line. Example:

./ Conversations

The tool will ask for confirmation:

  difference between old and new:
  --- before
  +++ after
  @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  -    "doap": null,
  +    "doap"; "",
       "name": "Conversations",
       "platforms": [
       "url": "",
       "categories": [
  is this okay? [y/n]

After confirmation, it writes the changes to data/software.json. You can then add and commit the changes to git as usual. Validate that your entry is correct using ./ and then make a Pull Request on GitHub.

Updating information

When asking the tool for --help, you will notice that it supports a few other options too:

  usage: [-h] [--rename NAME] [--set-url URL] [--set-doap URL]
                         [--set-platforms PLATFORM [PLATFORM ...]]

  Modify a software entry in the software list.

  positional arguments:
    NAME                  Current name of the project

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --rename NAME         Rename the project
    --set-url URL         Change the URL of the project
    --set-doap URL        Change the URL of the project DOAP file
    --set-platforms PLATFORM [PLATFORM ...]
                          Change the contents of the last column
    --no-ask              Do not ask for confirmation before applying changes.

The following options are useful for updating information about your project:

  • --rename: If you need to change the name in the registry, this option is for you. It will not allow you to replace another project.
  • --set-url: Change the URL to which your project links.
  • --set-platforms: Set the words shown in the third column: if your project is a client or server, this is the list of platforms it runs on. if your project is a library, this is the language(s) it supports.

Example use:

./ Pidgin --set-platforms 'Windows' 'Linux'

Do not set --no-ask and always be sure to review that your changes do what you intend them to do.

If you do not know how to spell your project correctly, leave out the NAME argument; the tool will list the project it knows.

Do not forget to validate that your entry is correct using the ./ and then make a Pull Request on GitHub.

Add a new entry

There is no tooling for that. Add the following template to data/software.json:

    "name": "My Fancy New Client",
    "doap": "https://myfancyclient.example/doap.rdf",
    "platforms": [],
    "url": null,
    "categories": [

Insert it into the top-level JSON Array as last element by adding a comma after the last , and then pasting the above template with your modifications. Use the tool as described in the previous section to perform a modification (this will sort the list correctly to minimize future diffs).

If you do not use the tool, make sure that you adhere to the sorting requirements of the JSON file. You can use the tool to verify that everything is in order. If complains, the CI will reject your Pull Request.

Finally, create a Pull Request.

Note: The JSON file must be saved using UTF-8 character encoding, without a Byte Order Mark (BOM). Using other character encodings, or including a BOM may result in the failure of the validation procedure, which will cause the pull request to be rejected.

Remove an existing entry

Simply drop the corresponding JSON Object from the array and make a PR. Use the ./ tool to ensure that the syntax is still valid.

Validating Entries

To validate that the list contents are okay, use the ./ tool:
