Dnrs is a dns server written in rust that aims to modernize the approach to writing configuration files and to be lightweight.
Dnrs is a mix between dns and rs from rust.
For dnrs to work perfectly, you just need to install rust and have a Linux system.
For the moment, dnrs installation is only available on Arch Linux with the AUR package. Here's how to proceed:
Updating the aur repository
yay -Syy
Install dnrs
yay -S dnrs
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/VeroniDeev/dnrs
Go to the folder
cd dnrs
Set build.sh as executable then run
chmod +x config.sh && ./build.sh
Enable dnrs.service
sudo systemctl enable dnrs.service
Start dnrs.service
sudo systemctl start dnrs.service
Check the status
sudo systemctl status dnrs.service
If you see an error, don't hesitate to open an issue
You can find the documentation at this link.