Git for Windows Install Here (needed for dev sh script)
From src:
): Run first time to create a full agent layout in {root}/{runtime_id}/_layout
): build everything and update agent layout folder
): build agent binaries, run unit tests applicable to the current platform
Normal dev flow:
git clone
cd ./src
./dev.(sh/cmd) layout # the agent that build from source is in {root}/{runtime_id}/_layout
<make code changes>
./dev.(sh/cmd) build # {root}/{runtime_id}/_layout will get updated
./dev.(sh/cmd) test # run unit tests before git commit/push
Using Visual Studio 2017
Using Visual Studio Code
Debugging in Visual Studio Code is supported out of the box. To correctly use it, perform the following steps:
- Clone the project
- Open the project folder in VS Code
- Pres F5 or click the "Run and Debug" tab on the left, and start the debugging process by clicking the green triangle
- The project will compile once
- Debugging will start and fail (agent is not configured)
- Run the following commands:
cd _layout/linux-x64 && ./
- Follow the instructions to register your agent in your DevOps tenant
- Debug your project again
We use the dotnet foundation and CoreCLR style guidelines located here
'unzip' not found
- if you see this while building or testing on Windows, you need to install unzip for the Windows bash shell
- open a command window, run bash, and run
sudo apt install unzip
to get that tool installed