This is the source code for the Clojars jar repository webapp.
If you're looking for user documentation, try the wiki. There is a also a FAQ.
See the CHANGELOG for facing changes.
Please report bugs/feature requests as an issue on this repository. For issues with the repository or group name verification, please file an issue on the administration repository.
If you'd like contribute a change please send a GitHub pull request for a topic branch. Feel free to open a draft pull request early with a in #clojars on the Clojurians slack to get feedback from other contributors. If you are looking for a task to work on, take a look at issues labeled ready-for-work.
We try to make releases fairly soon after merging contributions, but ping us if it has been a week or two and you'd like something pushed to the production website.
Note: Java 17 is required
To begin developing, start with a REPL.
lein repl
You'll need postgres running as well. That's managed via docker-compose:
docker-compose up
Run migrate
to initialize the database to the latest migration.
user=> (migrate)
or alternatively, from the command line.
$ lein migrate
Run go
to initiate and start the system.
user=> (go)
By default this creates a running development system at http://localhost:8080.
Note: You may get the following error in the browser when accessing the dev
system after running (go)
for the first time:
No implementation of method: :-report-error of protocol: #'clojars.errors/ErrorReporter found for class: clojars.errors.StdOutReporter
If so, running (go)
a second time should eliminate the error.
When you make changes to your source files, use reset
to reload any
modified files and reset the server.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (...)
If you'd like to hack on the UI or search it might be useful to have
production-like metadata. To create that, use
to create test users, import an existing
maven repository (your local ~/.m2/repository/
works well), and
setup a search index:
mkdir data/dev_repo
cp -r ~/.m2/repository/* data/dev_repo
lein run -m
Note that this setup task isn't perfect - SNAPSHOTS won't have version-specific metadata (which won't matter for the operation of clojars, but may matter if you try to use the resulting repo as a real repo), and versions will be listed out of order on the project pages, but it should be good enough to test with.
Testing is designed to work in a REPL to allow flow.
user=> (test)
user=> (test #'clojars.test.unit.db/added-users-can-be-found)
Tests can also be run through Leiningen for CI.
lein test
Occasionally it can be useful to start a production system based on the development
configuration. This can be done by lein run
See the Deployment instructions in the infrastructure repo.
Also see Configuration.
The configuration is loaded from resources/config.edn
When running automated tests at the repl, or with lein test
, a test environment
is used to provide isolation. It can be found in test/clojars/test/test_helper.clj
Copyright © 2009-2023 Alex Osborne, Phil Hagelberg, Nelson Morris, Toby Crawley, Daniel Compton and contributors.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file COPYING.