All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.82.2 (2025-02-26)
- Fierce brute remnant again (8f8fa66)
2.82.1 (2025-02-26)
2.82.0 (2025-02-23)
- /ranking-data/ safeguard (c0c29c7)
- Add indexes on foreign keys + update Prisma (7748737)
- Fight display issue on leaving backup brute with fierceBrute activated (ad50b0a)
- Ignore dev deps on Dependabot (1fc2321)
- Missing achievement titles (6f6af2f)
- New achievement titles. #196 (c347b7d)
- Prevent fights if a brute can level up (da31c5a)
- Unlimited tag position. FIxes #1123 (2990f5e)
- User logs being replaced (0585eb4)
- Weird double gold won issue (825839a)
2.81.4 (2025-01-26)
2.81.3 (2025-01-26)
- Only select brute IDs in daily job (b8bcbb5)
2.81.2 (2025-01-26)
- Error generating global tournament (f97a6e5)
2.81.1 (2025-01-25)
- Add tournament info to wiki. Fixes #1116 (ce60088)
- Unlimited global tournament for unregistered brutes only. Fixes #1115 (5665d38)
2.81.0 (2025-01-24)
2.80.0 (2025-01-24)
- Serve higher res logo to OG and Twitter (29858de)
2.79.7 (2025-01-24)
- Brute deletion queries (2f6b089)
- Revert to old release-please action (37f9362)
- SEO optimizations. Fixes #1102 (1530a96)
2.79.6 (2025-01-23)
2.79.5 (2025-01-23)
- Bodybuilder applied even without conditions being met (6bd2a7e)
2.79.4 (2025-01-22)
- Better HTTP methods (a3eb730)
- HP not translated (041054f)
- Prevent overheal from Fast Metabolism. Fixes #1099 (579d854)
- Rename endurance to HP in destiny view (17dbc4d)
- Replace endurance with HP in skill tooltips. Fixes #1098 (d0e9841)
- Stop redirecting to cell after winning too much XP after a fight (b28f727)
- Wrong crit chance and damage %. Fixes #1100 (1c925cf)
2.79.3 (2025-01-21)
- Sanitize daily request (a326f8d)
2.79.2 (2025-01-21)
- Wrong redirect after event brute fight (22bcc99)
2.79.1 (2025-01-21)
- Fetch the csrf token if not available. (5a825c9)
- Hide + button in topbar when not connected. (5b53778)
2.79.0 (2025-01-20)
- Brute search. Fixes #1090 (8426492)
- Clan admin panel. Fixes #1087 (d62e53b)
- Critical hits. Fixes #1084 (e5aeeea)
- CSRF protection. Fixes #1089 (5e201a2)
- Event page rework. Fixes #997 (bc18d84)
- New Fast Metabolism skill. Fixes #1076 (ff07bff)
- Replace endurance by HP values. Fixes #1085 (8dd8de7)
- add podium beneath tournament winner (#1074) (8b16ef4)
- Admin config panel. Fixes #1072 (0a66d24)
- Admin routing refactoring (3531ea9)
- Animations (#1068) (0c5109a)
- Boss fight logs. Fixes #1042 (d007904)
- Check user uuid on auth (4fd8fb1)
- Clickable names under clan fights. Fixes #1086 (599cba1)
- Make brutes optional (#1073) (ffe4281)
- Missing translations (12018c8)
- missplaced fight text using Brave (#1075) (6cda7c5)
- Remove brute from following feed on deletion. Fixes #1080 (c1a42d8)
- Remove deleted brutes from clan war fighters. Fixes #1057 (eb0cb27)
- Safeguard ascend route (c172327)
- Seed command (202b6d8)
- Separate event brutes in cell ranking display (e7f56d4)
- Serve differrent default languages per host (26e9094)
- Store env variables in DB. Fixes #1071 (704d582)
- Throw accurate errors from the backend (#1083) (fd03d33)
- Update Prisma to V6 (af6b341)
- Use better HTTP methods for API calls. #1089 (cca5a78)
- Use cookies for auth. (allows multiple subdomains). Fixes #1082 (5848005)
- User upsert race condition (7aa8465)
2.78.4 (2024-11-24)
- Fight deletion syntax error (99ce654)
2.78.3 (2024-11-24)
2.78.2 (2024-11-24)
- Fight deletion index on logs (706714a)
2.78.1 (2024-11-24)
2.78.0 (2024-11-23)
- Anti pet skills revamp Proposal (#1032) (c8cc1e3)
- Known issues on Discord. Fixes #1043 (2a35604)
- User last seen date. Fixes #1045 (f716383)
- Additional fight positions. Fixes #1039 (88da327)
- Allow event brutes at max level to still fight. Fixes #1003 (1580e64)
- Apply ascended skills and pets stat modifiers. Fixes #1049 (2f85556)
- Display followed brutes on feed view. Fixes #1053 (bd2d2f4)
- Display temp skills/weapons in opponent details. Fixes #1051 (5dff8ff)
- Fight deletion query index (03c3805)
- Give more than half XP when loosing with an event brute, to account for odd XP required (e49639b)
- Opponent details toggle not staying on. Fixes #1052 (9749cfc)
- Optimize fight deletion query. FIxes #1048 (92fd1e0)
- Order reports by handled date. Fixes #1046 (ef66b1a)
- Prevent visual shift when hovering opponents in the arena. Fixes #1040 (1631d6b)
- skip logging common oauth token claim errors (9fb8e13)
- User last seen updated each day (b480f96)
- Wrong new event notification link (f014e9a)
2.77.0 (2024-11-12)
2.76.2 (2024-11-11)
- Error when accepting a report (e8adc8c)
2.76.1 (2024-11-10)
2.76.0 (2024-11-09)
2.75.0 (2024-11-09)
- Adjust weapon dexterity for clearer impact (cec0009)
- Multiple QoL fixes. See #1017 desc (5adac47)
- Notification link visibility (8540a33)
- Update prisma. Fixes #1022 (0c03a0f)
2.74.7 (2024-11-08)
- Wrong block calculation (9f0ee74)
2.74.6 (2024-11-08)
- Counter attack triggering without blocking (b769448)
2.74.5 (2024-11-07)
- Topbar visual bug (baaeb59)
2.74.4 (2024-11-07)
- 30 max favorited brutes. Fixes #1009 (3508f1e)
- Decrease sai disarm, increase sai deflect. Fixes #1001 (052a3c4)
- Display gold needed for a new Brute. Fixes #1019 (805643f)
- Don't trigger reversal when at 0 HP. Fixes #998 (b7afbd9)
- Get skill modifiers from a single source. Fixes #1016 (e391031)
- Redirect to event ranking from event brute cells. Fixes #999 (cfe4478)
- Simplify accuracy use in fights (099ff45)
- Treat cures Chef's poison. Fixes #1002 (119f8d2)
2.74.3 (2024-11-01)
2.74.2 (2024-10-31)
- Reduce shield reduced damage (050ae1f)
2.74.1 (2024-10-31)
2.74.0 (2024-10-30)
- -45% damage while wearing a shield. Fixes #992 (a9cc4e0)
- +25% block against throws for
. Fixes #991 (73bce57) - New user menu. #948 (fa0cbcb)
- Settings in user menu + skip versus view. #948 (41330a1)
- Wiki. Fixes #586 (3317e81)
- Decrease chance to not draw a weapon when not holding one. Fixes #987 (18277a4)
- Disable achievements for event brutes. FIxes #980 (b7c5bbf)
- Disable chef poison from backups. Fixes #973 (1caf76b)
- Hide level up after reaching event max level. Fixes #976 (7896006)
- Missing achievements. Fixes #979 (67126c3)
- No additional fights when unlocking
for event brutes. Fixes #994 (f355577) - Random event brute sorting + fix uneven event participants in rounds. Fixes #956 (d3ad48a)
- Random weapon/skill seeded per brute, not per server. Fixes #955 (093e01b)
- Remove initiative cost for treat. Fixes #990 (b043262)
- Store last release seen and event step watched in DB. Fixes #970 (8fa8807)
- Trapped brutes stunned on untrap. Fixes #989 (ad37278)
- Weapon hit speed influences throwing chances (more hit speed = less likely to throw). Fixes #988 (e327b97)
2.73.2 (2024-10-02)
2.73.1 (2024-09-29)
2.73.0 (2024-09-27)
- Allow to delete/edit threads for owners (#961) (ec9bbe8)
- Event ranking page. Fixes #969 (95a12ca)
- Language per host (19d7523)
- Allow sacrificing event brutes in ongoing events (72aae27)
- Display event icon instead of rank for event brutes. Fixes #962 (e733306)
- Don't decrease gold on free resets. Fixes #953 (594199e)
- Don't focus backups with focus modifier. Fixes #966 (d4dd15a)
- Give half a level for event fights lost. Fixes #949 (8b627c5)
- Hide event tournaments in tournament history. Fixes #957 (557c3e9)
- Neutral pronouns (b727b12)
- No gold on event brute sacrifice. Fixes #952 (ea1dbc4)
- Untrap VFX + treat buff. Fixes #965 (ca5b009)
- Wrong log image for last rank rankup logs (5f09c47)
2.72.4 (2024-09-05)
- Allow multiple auth requests at once (e7dbb01)
- Don't start multiple event rounds per day (068c788)
- Tournament rewards not given + Event tournament stuck (f349ded)
2.72.3 (2024-09-03)
2.72.2 (2024-09-02)
2.72.1 (2024-09-01)
- Event not found in event view (900ae32)
2.72.0 (2024-09-01)
- Battle Royale event. Fixes #852 (6443fd8)
- Event rules. #852 (c1e4ea1)
- Fighters list below clan war fight (3dbd8ea)
- Full event views. #852 (1a39b75)
- Order clans by elo or points. Fixes #927 (5004434)
- Piopio rework. Evasion + disarm. Fixes #928 (5ca4901)
- Weekly events lifecycle. #852 (096f7e9)
- Agility not doubled visually with modifier (53c97fb)
- Clan war history table overflowing on mobile. Fixes #931 (6e2a8df)
- Don't reset fights on event brute resets (47d1c36)
- Early war end message on 4-X victories. Fixes #934 (f3f4f23)
- Event date without time. #852 (baeb8f2)
- Event participants logic. #852 (25ce0cf)
- oauth upsert logic (00ae8e9)
- Only start event 2 days after its creation (8366975)
- Prevent events from progressing more than once a day. #852 (4a0905e)
- Refresh current event daily (f804cff)
- Report event if no brutes registered. #852 (3274cfd)
- Restore XP on reset for event brutes. #852 (0724298)
- Some request parameters safe checks (11d662a)
- Wrong loser set when pet + brute die at the same time. Fixes #938 (5baeede)
- Wrong victory/defeat counter in clan wars. Fixes #936 (36b3e9f)
2.71.9 (2024-08-19)
- Improve modifier randomness further (f3fb5fa)
- Increase weapon and skill randomness in modifiers (6e6850e)
2.71.8 (2024-08-18)
- Debounce clan search. FIxes #923 (76c15d4)
- Update own tournament fights color on mobile. Fixes #929 (e52a450)
2.71.7 (2024-08-12)
2.71.6 (2024-08-12)
- Display win/loses in clan war history (65d2353)
- End clan wars with enough wins. FIxes #914 (61a5895)
- New link for clan war fights. FIxes #918 (6c2a353)
- Remove brute from war fighters on leave/eject. Fixes #916 (2178d84)
- Restore brute HP lost from pets in clan wars. Fixes #915 (e349120)
- Wrong clan war winner. Fixes #920 (dc8b763)
2.71.5 (2024-08-10)
- Don't spawn pets in clan wars (140ee84)
2.71.4 (2024-08-09)
- Clan ranking overlap (4867123)
- Disable pets in clan fights (a4ddb05)
- Optimize level up choices queries (b706899)
2.71.3 (2024-08-08)
2.71.2 (2024-08-07)
- Clan creation error (16590b1)
2.71.1 (2024-08-07)
2.71.0 (2024-08-07)
- Clickable clan links on clan war view (d48c349)
2.70.1 (2024-08-07)
- Clan boss not resetting after first death (92f84cc)
- Daily tournament own brute highlight for color blindness (1dd1602)
- Double minus in elo changes (e55d58d)
- Points not added on clan join (1ac8ef2)
- Store and display clan elo change in wars (3662c82)
2.70.0 (2024-08-07)
- Clan war reusing defender brutes (b7e1d86)
- Duplicate translation keys (f63f672)
- Remove follow button on own brutes. Fixes #890 (e28fa62)
2.69.4 (2024-08-06)
2.69.3 (2024-08-05)
- Start pending clan wars (a8722e0)
2.69.2 (2024-08-05)
- Increase brute rank impact on clan points (702c7c3)
- Set % to keep weapon when arriving with a weapon (ca1e0d4)
2.69.1 (2024-08-05)
2.69.0 (2024-08-05)
- Boost Ballet Shoes, +10% evasion (6742b45)
- Buff Bodybuilder, +10% dexterity when using a heavy weapon (3b7e6ea)
- Buff Relentless unlock % (b9fc821)
- Clickable events in user feed. Fixes #878 (6b97801)
- Force draw a weapon with daily modifier. (e8bae1a)
- Lower shield odds (4c332b1)
- Lower Shock unlock %. Buff Iron Head disarm from 30% to 50% (f561129)
- Make the hatchet a sharp weapon (0fad4e3)
- New combat log texts. FIxes #862 (b059d4c)
- Poison fighters on backup arrival only (117a2fc)
- Rename axe and hatchet (3f8727d)
- Rework Flash Flood. More damage, more uses, more use chances, triggers with 3 weapons. (54bd105)
- Speed affects initiative. Fixes #886 (7e4bf86)
- Update Evasion and Counter stat colors (caaa898)
- Vampirism crash on bosses (41c4c7b)
2.68.14 (2024-08-03)
- Wrong starting positions (36ecbc5)
2.68.13 (2024-08-03)
- Typo (5041ddd)
2.68.12 (2024-08-03)
- Clean up multiple clan wars (8fb8ce3)
2.68.11 (2024-08-03)
- Clan wars not triggering (9b0774c)
2.68.10 (2024-08-03)
- Limit fighters selection to owner (dc9cf70)
2.68.9 (2024-08-03)
- Delete clan wars between own clan (7d67a07)
- hide challenge boss button for non owners (e695298)
- Simplify team handling in front (7c93dad)
2.68.8 (2024-08-03)
- Admin panel to give items to brutes (7b21b69)
- Enable vampirism against bosses. Fixes #874 (c7968a1)
- Missing translation for unseen global tournament fights (dcbc65c)
- Pets attacking their owner after hypnosis (1572556)
2.68.7 (2024-08-03)
- Update clan war date to the acceptation date (1bd23bb)
2.68.6 (2024-08-03)
- prevent clan wars from triggering the same day if an update comes through (5982be2)
2.68.5 (2024-08-03)
- Safeguard clan war routes against clan-external access (2b3fa73)
2.68.4 (2024-08-03)
- Backups arriving too early + Pets death ending the fight. (62608e4)
2.68.3 (2024-08-02)
- Fight end with backups (43446e8)
2.68.2 (2024-08-02)
- Limit fights to 2000 turns (32302d6)
2.68.1 (2024-08-02)
- Poisoner not found (9a1460f)
2.68.0 (2024-08-02)
- Clan war fight. #796 (0c5af39)
- Clan war. Fixes #796 (8e1ebda)
- Clan wars backend. #796 (3e94f65)
- XvX fights. Fixes #850 (d716e78)
2.67.2 (2024-07-31)
2.67.1 (2024-07-30)
- Missing tournament translations (2703226)
2.67.0 (2024-07-30)
- Handle DRPG missing server (6523270)
- Random log texts. Fixes #826 (9c90212)
- Rework
. Fixes #827 (1e85713)
2.66.2 (2024-07-30)
- Display brute ranks in the hall. Fixes #848 (cb113c4)
- Eternaltwin command update (b3fcf85)
- Modifiers not triggering (b667d1b)
- Remove stun when taking any kind of damage. Fixes #847 (3d59534)
2.66.1 (2024-07-27)
- Don't use Treat on trapped pet. Fixes #837 (7520d01)
- Log (6e40d78)
- No reversals when stunned. Fixes #838 (6e9cf0b)
2.66.0 (2024-07-27)
- Banned word admin panel. Fixes #842 (924475c)
- New achievements (thor, deflector, one for every weapon type). Fixes #828. Fixes #740 (1daac07)
- Brute names clickable in report list. Fixes #836 (d03fb20)
- Delete logs after 30 days. FIxes #840 (d9cd91c)
- Login button on cell. Fixes #835 (dedd0ad)
- Remove image icon from ckeditor; Fixes #833 (81c03a3)
- Update OTL (075428a)
- Update prisma version (45ed82e)
- Update Sabotage description. Fixes #834 (2a175e8)
2.65.8 (2024-07-17)
- Deflect skill not working (063d3a6)
- Rename swiftness to dexterity. Fixes #831 (887f770)
- Swiftness color doesn't depend on speed (242c764)
2.65.7 (2024-07-15)
- drpg rewards on brutes who never fought (1879304)
- Get +2 fights when unlocking regeneration. Fixes #823 (ddfc857)
- Haste desc (622f82a)
- Test delete routes (07b3961)
2.65.6 (2024-07-14)
- Disable random skills/weapons the next day (d9fbf7a)
2.65.5 (2024-07-13)
- Disable backup from temp skills. Fixes #817 (9611628)
- Regeneration as a temp skill. Fixes #816 (0ce599f)
- Wrong brute stats with temp booster. (03ec45d)
2.65.4 (2024-07-12)
- Wrong calculation for reversal (a8e4f0e)
2.65.3 (2024-07-12)
- User ID copy button for moderators (235fb9e)
2.65.2 (2024-07-12)
- Disable determination retry on counters. Fixes #809 (213a316)
- Temp skill doubled in fights. Fixes #811 (9784fbf)
2.65.1 (2024-07-12)
- Brute socials display density (2f6369d)
2.65.0 (2024-07-12)
2.64.1 (2024-07-11)
- Ban log (b2e7e66)
2.64.0 (2024-07-11)
- 90% chance to trigger sabotage. #794 (4760861)
- Armor as %. Fixes #798 (f835adb)
- counterAttack gives 90% reversal. #794 (81de9d4)
- Defeating a boss grants 1000 clan points. Fixes #795 (be4d7f7)
- Links to users in multiple account view (78bc64f)
- Unify colors to their stats (275248a)
2.63.1 (2024-07-11)
2.63.0 (2024-07-11)
- Display old stats in daily tournament hover (4fe48f1)
- Reset consecutive hits on any non poison damage. Fixes #787 (89fd931)
2.62.1 (2024-07-08)
- Clan order responsive (7886ebf)
- Fierce brute scaling on throws (fc3c8b7)
- No dinorpg reward without brutes (8f87d1d)
2.62.0 (2024-07-06)
- bareHandsFirstHit modifier. #785 (690b9c6)
- Low gravity modifier. #785 (48392a1)
- Random weapon/skill modifiers. #785 (ee74b33)
- startWithWeapon modifier. Fixes #785 (5919dd7)
- 1/28 chance to throw a weapon (not tied to damage anymore) (203939e)
- 4/30 chances to have modifiers every day. (b76a794)
- Check brute death between each throw. Fixes #774 (5822d95)
- Display HP calc on hover. Fixes #773 (ffe6278)
- drawEveryWeapon modifier not working in rare cases. Fixes #780 (6a9b2b1)
- Fierce brute works on throws. Fixes #782 (3d4d943)
- Log name changes (eab7c0f)
- Missing translations for modifiers (a948073)
- Silence brute not found on reset (c1e63f5)
- Vampirism deals 50% own missing HP as damage. Fixes #783 (3c4b33a)
- Wrong brute ranks on 16th & 17th place. Fixes #781 (1f74fbe)
2.61.2 (2024-06-15)
- Add shadows to patch notes attachments (1c0f2fb)
- Beta achievement not being added (0bf0b0f)
- Silence unknown brute error (a8600ee)
2.61.1 (2024-06-13)
- Post releases to correct channel (a98b058)
2.61.0 (2024-06-13)
2.60.2 (2024-06-11)
- Bug when storing tournament gains (3ed637b)
- Error on report accept (945bbab)
- Fight crash on bombs (6a5c80d)
- Logs not being ordered (ae0fc03)
2.60.1 (2024-06-10)
- Adde deflect to the frying pan (e62d2bd)
- Disable vampirism on bosses. Fixes #763 (418f922)
- Hard to read colors in dark mode. Fixes #759 (0107bf5)
- Missing piopio texture. (8fd1991)
- Silence wrong user id error (11067bb)
- Stop marquee on click (bf28cbd)
- Wrong deflect animation. Fixes #762 (bd359be)
2.60.0 (2024-06-04)
- Deflect on throws for some weapons. Fixes #743 (ad734e7)
- Fixed fight backgrounds. Fixes #747 (fca96ba)
- Display brute ranking in fight tooltip. Fixes #746 (5f6eb64)
- Display brute stats on level up. Fixes #744 (436e084)
- Display cell link at the fight's start. Fixes #745 (89664b5)
- Round deflect damage (3e51a26)
- Tournament watched step + increase damage by 50% for each deflect. FIxes #755 (138236c)
2.59.11 (2024-06-04)
- Display modifiers in a banner. Fixes #749 (4f7346b)
- Make brute names cas insensitive across the whole site. Fixes #637 (2c51bcb)
2.59.10 (2024-06-03)
2.59.9 (2024-06-01)
- core eslint rules (595c6ca)
- Display levels in destiny. Fixes #736 (3f282e9)
- HP healed achievement. Fixes #727 (516f77b)
- Keep modifiers in memory. Fixes #734 (f168075)
- Modular action count in skill descriptions (e3878cd)
2.59.8 (2024-05-31)
2.59.7 (2024-05-31)
2.59.6 (2024-05-31)
- Wrong target with focus modifier (9f3f72b)
2.59.5 (2024-05-31)
- Typo (2829782)
2.59.4 (2024-05-30)
- Missing dark assets (36824c7)
2.59.3 (2024-05-30)
- Dark mode cell readability (0b6fa4a)
- Don't clear localStorage on logout (5032dd4)
- New skills odds (ac3e3fb)
2.59.2 (2024-05-30)
- Missing assets + stun only if chaining skill (6d5feed)
2.59.1 (2024-05-30)
- New skill icons (90d6ba0)
2.59.0 (2024-05-30)
- Dark mode assets. #604 (1e7f21d)
- Display brutes rank in arena. Fixes #718 (cebd030)
- Don't decrease fights counter on friendly fights. Fixes #713 (2061f03)
2.58.1 (2024-05-29)
- Separate discord webhooks (32a2daa)
2.58.0 (2024-05-27)
2.57.0 (2024-05-27)
2.56.5 (2024-05-26)
2.56.4 (2024-05-23)
- Missing opponent (1966a65)
2.56.3 (2024-05-23)
2.56.2 (2024-05-23)
- Error when accepting a report (80dcb11)
2.56.1 (2024-05-22)
2.56.0 (2024-05-22)
- Dark mode assets. #604 (56ad1ff)
- Limit inventory to owner. Fixes #695 (1c3fb43)
- New dark mode assets. #604 (4611747)
2.55.0 (2024-05-18)
- Alert for non implemented items (2728635)
- Boss defeat log. Fixes #688 (71395e4)
- Keep track of boss damage even when outside the clan. Fixes #687 (4cc335b)
- Reorder clan brutes after master change (246f4b6)
2.54.6 (2024-05-17)
- Double watch needed for global tournament progression on byes (df65f0b)
- Increase boss difficulty (c1a9a03)
- Option to skip watching global fights (4e008b8)
2.54.5 (2024-05-17)
- Tournament history wrong place on daily (4825dbe)
2.54.4 (2024-05-17)
- pet max HP not scaling (8167019)
2.54.3 (2024-05-16)
- Error when leaving clan (b4c2cb0)
2.54.2 (2024-05-16)
- Skip byes for global tournament watch counter (267aeee)
2.54.1 (2024-05-16)
- Non unique clan on boss damages (c49595c)
2.54.0 (2024-05-16)
- Display damage dealt to boss by brute + display clan master first. Fixes #476 (370dd99)
- Display unowned weapons. Fixes #675 (17b21c8)
- Hide global tournament fights until watched. Fixes #628 (4ed1a61)
- XP and gold gains after boss slain. Fixes #482 (91e486e)
- Improve achievement description visibility. Fixes #599 (0f7d333)
- Limit clan size to 50, bosses give +5 on defeat. Fixes #621 (990cdea)
2.53.2 (2024-05-15)
- Don't add the starting bonuses twice (940174f)
- Limit clan leave request to own brutes (fd7af94)
- stats from skills not applied at level 1 (216d914)
2.53.1 (2024-05-15)
- Broken ranking images (3b95d62)
- Home main bg dark. #604 (2b7df18)
- Rank up button color (ccf63e3)
- Typo (047c708)
2.53.0 (2024-05-14)
- Brute too big (81bef31)
- Missing name in creation request (edd709e)
- Pigtails display issue in fights. Fixes #669 (dc6c70d)
- Tournament history. Fixes #670 (d97f9f5)
- Wrong target for pets hypnotized by backups. Fixes #667 (57dfdfd)
2.52.6 (2024-05-11)
- Tournament wins reset on rank up + display wins on non owned brutes (d15ce07)
2.52.5 (2024-05-11)
- Bonus fights not applied to brutes who didn't fight today (f7394a3)
- Wrong translations server side (a1eed80)
2.52.4 (2024-05-10)
2.52.3 (2024-05-10)
- Bomb damage as a % of pet max HP. Fixes #569 (7683551)
- Bomb damage typo (a11f954)
- Fan not being used in fights (955b985)
- Give tournament wins for brute who could already rank up (4bce5d8)
- Limit global tournament to brute that played on the previous day. Fixes #657 (923d136)
- Renamed weapon tempo to speed for a better understading. Fixes #583 (3a39098)
- Weapon use chance as a %. Fixes #584 (ada3021)
2.52.2 (2024-05-10)
- DinoRPG integration (f403ab0)
2.52.1 (2024-05-09)
- Fight stops when using a fan (8d70c84)
2.52.0 (2024-05-09)
- DinoRPG integration. Fixes #655 (e9ea5e4)
- Multiple tournament wins needed to rank up. Fixes #596 (029cb82)
- Reduce fight data size. Fixes #654 (2f85eaf)
- Store brute body and colors as strings. Fixes #611 (df5f02d)
- Don't disarm if 0% chances (f678350)
2.51.3 (2024-05-03)
- Discord crash (5a12e1d)
- Error on levelup (582ed1b)
- Stop throwing an error when no global tournament is found (f03dad6)
2.51.2 (2024-05-02)
2.51.1 (2024-05-02)
- Config url protocol (da59b1e)
- Optimize data loaded on auth (f2b3a6b)
- remove
import from server scripts (babde81)
2.51.0 (2024-05-01)
- OpenTelemetry (2b68cbe)
2.50.5 (2024-04-27)
2.50.4 (2024-04-26)
- Unused dep (16d5232)
2.50.3 (2024-04-26)
- Update xp after fights (229dbc9)
2.50.2 (2024-04-25)
- Data update without hook refresh (7d7d0b0)
2.50.1 (2024-04-25)
2.50.0 (2024-04-25)
- Update to Eternaltwin 0.14 (f30b71b)
2.49.18 (2024-04-24)
- Code dupe (e6a26bd)
2.49.17 (2024-04-24)
- Listen to both unlock events (b61a05b)
2.49.16 (2024-04-24)
- Lock reset event (0a0e006)
2.49.15 (2024-04-24)
- Timeout locks after 60secs (6abb604)
2.49.14 (2024-04-23)
2.49.13 (2024-04-23)
- Cell swipe sensitivity (f4c9eeb)
- Disarm not working 1/101 of the time (fd02682)
- prevent race condition (#623) (4673b62)
2.49.12 (2024-04-12)
- Achievement for pets killed (9565e52)
- Confirm dialog button colors (3ffe360)
- Default fight speed to x2 (495be99)
- Display locked skills on hover (2ac5c05)
- Don't attack own hypnotised pets (ff47448)
- Hypnotized pets targets (137c1da)
- Log level up error (608b799)
- Max stack on Array#push (5068ad6)
- No achievements for bots (b9caa31)
- Only unlock dog achievements per dog per same path (0765169)
- Rename panther to wolf. Fixes #600 (401b736)
- Wrong brute in glboal tournament tooltip. Fixes #592 (1fcae16)
2.49.11 (2024-03-19)
- New achievement icons. #196 (9f1c33e)
- New panther achievement title (6cee6ec)
- Prevent invalid names in the backend (c881e81)
- Tournament start at 6 (e7ddc51)
2.49.10 (2024-03-08)
- Delete tournament steps by chunk (fd418f8)
2.49.9 (2024-03-08)
- Delete tournament steps by chunk (fbb3822)
2.49.8 (2024-03-08)
- Clarify installation steps (3fd2b7f)
- Create serverstate if non existent (5756f8f)
- Give combo5 for 5+ instead of 5 (25f2d3d)
- Optimize global tournament query (4ec2df2)
2.49.7 (2024-02-03)
- Missing data in achievements ranking by brute (ed52d1f)
2.49.6 (2024-02-02)
- Display brute ranks in user profiles (c6915c6)
- Ignore deleted brute achievements in rankings (984920c)
- Optimize clan rankings (c12b0c5)
- Order brutes by rank and level in profiles (c1741b8)
- Perk odds display (19072a9)
- Slight tournament history query optimization (28bdfcf)
2.49.5 (2024-01-23)
2.49.4 (2024-01-22)
- Wrong achievement count in stats (2e786c0)
2.49.3 (2024-01-22)
- Pet scaling (e697ea7)
2.49.2 (2024-01-21)
- Tempo formula (7fb09bb)
2.49.1 (2024-01-21)
2.49.0 (2024-01-21)
- Add indexes for some queries to run faster (ef2651c)
- Brute size (53cb1f9)
- combo5 achievement condition (71c7c8c)
- Determination hit ported over next turn if triggered in a counter (a7baed5)
- Hostility rate 33 to 30% (5dd751b)
- Pet stat scaling + tooltip. Fixes #564 (319d5f1)
- Prevent sacrificing a clan master (1219276)
- Round brute cost (7cd0f90)
- Throws can combo. Fixes #562 (73f9ffe)
- Update prisma (258b938)
- Use opponent strength for piledriver (cd707b4)
- Weapon names aren't unique anymore, stop filtering on that (7db4abd)
2.48.5 (2024-01-13)
2.48.4 (2024-01-09)
- Color mismatch (e81ea92)
2.48.3 (2024-01-06)
- Logs misordered (5e5d343)
2.48.2 (2024-01-04)
- User admin update payload (8477272)
2.48.1 (2024-01-04)
- Don't show deleted brutes in user profile (17f68c3)
2.48.0 (2024-01-04)
- Blurry hair in fights. Fixes #550 (11bff04)
- Colors mismatch; Fixes #548 (c16560a)
- Flash flood leftover weapon. Fixes #549 (4dee1ab)
- Stop sending prisma errors twice (3d0cb58)
2.47.9 (2024-01-03)
2.47.8 (2023-12-26)
2.47.7 (2023-12-25)
- Admin panel to add a free visual reset (aefa105)
- Brute sizes (6b88bcb)
- Wrong visual reset if no reroll (439f19e)
2.47.6 (2023-12-25)
- Single hit win disabled when other team members attack (6b4fa61)
2.47.5 (2023-12-25)
2.47.4 (2023-12-24)
- Missing arms in fights (75ef0fa)
2.47.3 (2023-12-24)
- Display brute portrait in fights (59d9798)
- Fight positions too high. Fixes #535 (a369008)
- Saboteur visual. Fixes #541 (e72b683)
- Stop logging creation bypass attempts (bc09ca5)
- Wrong visuals on reset (7482f3b)
2.47.2 (2023-12-24)
- Improve fight performance on mobile (6a8cf60)
- Missing and displaced renders. Fixes #539. Fixes #537 (765af5e)
2.47.1 (2023-12-23)
- Brute sizes on Firefox (3f1fc9e)
2.47.0 (2023-12-23)
2.46.4 (2023-12-20)
- New achievement icons. #196 (44b0a67)
- Prevent unlimited boss fights (5a37a03)
- Update prisma version (d45a331)
2.46.3 (2023-12-17)
- Update bosses initiative (011ebf0)
2.46.2 (2023-12-16)
- Remove brute global access (052e38d)
2.46.1 (2023-12-16)
- Boss resets without full HP (7de8c43)
- Delete join requests when a brute is deleted. Fixes #520 (f736d4b)
- Only highlight previous level up choices if on the same path (c3e03d5)
2.46.0 (2023-12-15)
- Previous destiny choices shown on level up (3b355eb)
2.45.2 (2023-12-12)
- Remove i18n from alt attributes (588745b)
2.45.1 (2023-12-12)
- ESLint error (b322f2f)
2.45.0 (2023-12-12)
- Portuguese version (b8ce0f3)
- Cell display on mobile (8c3476e)
- new achievement icon. #196 (6dc2ef9)
- Restore missing global tournament history view (35355a0)
- Skip spy if no weapons are swapped (82e4579)
2.44.3 (2023-12-11)
- Clan orders (ce4ee17)
2.44.2 (2023-12-11)
- Clean logs (82a6756)
- Order clans by points then name (cases with two clans with the same points) (f08210b)
2.44.1 (2023-12-11)
- Don't reverse after evading (5aa2dd4)
2.44.0 (2023-12-11)
- Clarify beta alert (85e93d2)
- Remove timer logs (355348c)
- Store banned words in a separate table. Fixes #505 (ec8124d)
2.43.2 (2023-12-11)
2.43.1 (2023-12-09)
2.43.0 (2023-12-08)
- Delete join requests when creating a clan (30a94ba)
- Display boss in clans. Fixes #475 (a828eae)
- Display brute stat icons. Fixes #467 (fa56df7)
- Store thread creator (6b444ea)
2.42.4 (2023-12-08)
- Clan safeguards (2360857)
2.42.3 (2023-12-08)
- Changed jsons to be stored as strings in DB (8528c9a)
- Global tournament validity check (2dd40fd)
- Remove unused Brutes.list (fd8581f)
2.42.2 (2023-12-07)
- Optimize every findMany call (98da9eb)
2.42.1 (2023-12-07)
- close Discord log handler (b9da6c8)
- do not dispose server context (2053b8e)
- eslint errors (b19d158)
- Optimize daily job to minimize memory usage (33dc63d)
2.42.0 (2023-12-06)
- refactor logs and Discord client (31dc01c)
2.41.17 (2023-12-06)
- Store global tournament state and display it in the admin panel (a7ddaaf)
2.41.16 (2023-12-06)
- Disable boss blocks (f65ce58)
2.41.15 (2023-12-06)
2.41.14 (2023-12-05)
- Don't wait for spritesheet to be generated (3163c35)
2.41.13 (2023-12-05)
- Spy retro compatibility (9e30799)
2.41.12 (2023-12-05)
- Disable spritesheet regen until we figure out the memory leak (84e041c)
- Throw error to exit workers (6ef9968)
2.41.11 (2023-12-05)
- Stop awaiting Discord logs (e51ec11)
2.41.10 (2023-12-04)
- Include job ID when starting new job (b63f32c)
2.41.9 (2023-12-04)
- Start the worker queue on server start (fe6a9d0)
2.41.8 (2023-12-04)
- Queue worker jobs (e7122b0)
2.41.7 (2023-12-04)
- Allow bosses to be targeted by brute only stuff (5c18e49)
- Stop the game engine after the fight is over (068fb13)
- Update brute clan on join (88a3402)
- Update spritesheet on query if outdated (18e9aa2)
2.41.6 (2023-12-04)
- Keep ranking when resetting a brute (4618124)
2.41.5 (2023-12-04)
- Buff bosses and dead icon placement (52e0484)
2.41.4 (2023-12-04)
- Clan rank number (c7f4f4c)
- Update clan points on brute reset (b66172e)
- Update clan points when accepting a report (56f5212)
2.41.3 (2023-12-04)
- Wrong fights left after challenging a boss (59d45cb)
2.41.2 (2023-12-04)
2.41.1 (2023-12-04)
- Can't find main opponent in boss fights (a73321a)
2.41.0 (2023-12-04)
- Boss fights. Fixes #232 (cd8f8cc)
- Clan forum. #464 (abef36a)
- Clan join request. #464 (4d01443)
- Clan join/remove. #464 (a56ebb5)
- Clan list / creation. #464 (022693e)
- Clan points. #464 (63e2cbe)
- Create post and list posts. #464 (3a7607a)
- Leave clan. #464 (5259b44)
- Option to reset your brute to level 1. Fixes #147 (55a1b63)
- Brutes should be able to reverse after blocking. Fixes #453 (15ae5d2)
- Different background in tournament history depending on the type. Fixes #456 (1034685)
- Evade before block. Fixes #452 (9681871)
- Icons and favicons. Fixes #18 (fa1ef45)
- New
achievement. FIxes #258 (9c41326) - New achievement titles. #196 (17a11c5)
- Send default spritesheet if no visual found (efb9954)
- Spy only trades the min of the max weapons + Saboteur works after spy. Fixes #460. Fixes #461 (34e9e3b)
- Update the damaged weapon logic when receiving a weapon through spy (33f4222)
- Update user gold after brute reset (b38cf1b)
- Wrong position suffix in tournament history. Fixes #455 (7873aca)
2.40.2 (2023-11-30)
- Skipped already up to date spritesheets in regeneration (afdbe8d)
2.40.1 (2023-11-29)
- Wrong spritesheet json/image link (858c581)
2.40.0 (2023-11-29)
2.39.1 (2023-11-24)
- Typo (cf3d79d)
2.39.0 (2023-11-23)
- maxLevel / maxDamage achievements. Fixes #447 (164c3f4)
- New achievement for unlocking all achievements on a brute. Fixes #446 (f5fad52)
2.38.14 (2023-11-22)
- Added old achievements + limited some per fight/brute. Fixes #416. Fixes #439 (24acfbd)
- Optimize DB requests by only returning IDs when nothing more is needed (07a78a5)
2.38.13 (2023-11-22)
- Display loader on tournament history page (83c904f)
2.38.12 (2023-11-22)
- Display tournament last round in tournament history. Fixes #438 (ef66e0e)
- Reports page title (2ca1c55)
2.38.11 (2023-11-16)
2.38.10 (2023-11-15)
- Check for reversal after the hit, not before (in case a disarm changes the stats) (617237b)
2.38.9 (2023-11-15)
- Limit the texts displayed in fights to the bounds on the X axis (3b5bb28)
2.38.8 (2023-11-15)
- Revert daily job optimization and generate tournaments first thing instead (3d639b9)
2.38.7 (2023-11-15)
2.38.6 (2023-11-14)
2.38.5 (2023-11-13)
- Order daily tournament brutes by rank then level (2cb8175)
2.38.4 (2023-11-13)
- Add timers to daily job (0f18310)
- Change sacrifice button position on mobile. Fixes #426 (2f9a2d4)
- Improve achievement view. Fixes #426 (4f31978)
- Split daily tournament fights participants into two equal sides (alternative highest to lowest). Fixes #425 (f44ed27)
2.38.3 (2023-11-12)
- Log server state changes to Discord (3d7d00a)
- Refactor getDamage function to include thrown (9d3ab29)
- Wrong damage calculation for melee hits (4dafe66)
2.38.2 (2023-11-11)
- Add spy action to fight steps translation (62c0543)
2.38.1 (2023-11-11)
- Tempo handling (5bf532b)
2.38.0 (2023-11-11)
2.37.7 (2023-11-10)
- Hyperactive pets (32c624a)
2.37.6 (2023-11-10)
- Display user name when looking up a brute in the admin panel (2e68e57)
- Include user ID in admin panel when searching for a brute (4b8d2ea)
2.37.5 (2023-11-10)
- Wrong achievement icon color (14a8d30)
2.37.4 (2023-11-10)
- Display bare hands stats in the cell weapons (827f66b)
2.37.3 (2023-11-10)
2.37.2 (2023-11-10)
- Refactor spritesheets to never generate the same one twice. Fixes #88 (812ff42)
- Round large achievement counts. Fixes #341 (c22443f)
2.37.1 (2023-11-09)
2.37.0 (2023-11-09)
2.36.4 (2023-11-09)
- Add error handling and logging for invalid (ba288b9)
- Add server state management to DB. Fixes #392 (9f30bcd)
- Check for banned (c73c232)
- parameter validation in Fights controller. Fixes #395 (e3cf320)
- Reversal now works inside combos. Fixes #394 (74a2a6e)
- Visual indicator when curing poison with the tragic potion. Fixes #338 (4f96b4a)
- Wrong global tournament data flash on cell change. Fixes #402 (58eff41)
2.36.3 (2023-11-07)
- Inactive pet after cry of the damned (df03b40)
2.36.2 (2023-11-07)
- authorization error and add hypnotised check (9215e7d)
2.36.1 (2023-11-04)
- Added the report button on mobile (bfb1262)
2.36.0 (2023-11-04)
- Update Prisma version (c5a59ef)
2.35.8 (2023-11-04)
- New ES/DE/RU headers. (09b35a2)
- Slightly improved Russian buttons readability (#393) (1777d07)
- Typos (8dcac31)
2.35.7 (2023-11-01)
- Display registration status in the Hall. Fixes #357 (bda0abb)
- Exclude trapped pets from hypnosis and cryOfTheDamned. Fixes #366 (63c1af8)
- Font fixes after new fonts (a43aa68)
- Invisible backup shields. Fixes #377 (48a473d)
- No reversal after breaking out of a net. Fixes #371 (4ddd12c)
- Rename SacriPoints to Gold. Fixes #360 (e442c3f)
- Reversal only at the end of the combo. Fixes #370 (9731f43)
- Wrong target on hypnotised pets. Fixes #365 (7b44c17)
2.35.6 (2023-10-31)
2.35.5 (2023-10-29)
- Add Russian translation to i18n resources. (34bd6e9)
2.35.4 (2023-10-28)
2.35.3 (2023-10-28)
- typo in achievement description (af71352)
2.35.2 (2023-10-28)
- Prevent LevelUp from generating choices without enough XP (a6a93d1)
2.35.1 (2023-10-27)
- Resized russian flag (d7b6a5f)
2.35.0 (2023-10-26)
2.34.6 (2023-10-19)
- Separate global tournament participants into chunks of 1000 to avoid insert error. Fixes #368 (2f1d9a9)
2.34.5 (2023-10-18)
- combo attack bug in fightMethods.ts (31813ac)
2.34.4 (2023-10-18)
working on negative reversal weapons (7ffec13)- Disable
Martial Arts
multiplier withPIledriver
(2dd5468) - Stop determination hit after taking damage. (8f6b952)
2.34.3 (2023-10-08)
- Backups considered as already arrived if initiative = 0. Fixes #348 (b477e50)
- Disallow reversal chains. Fixes #358 (f300372)
- Ignore amror on throws. FIxes #342 (71e6400)
- Negative XP on level up. Fixes #340 (9caa35e)
- Resistant outline on hammer. Fixes #339 (e422b54)
- Update local brute data on level up. Fixes #356 (defdf81)
2.34.2 (2023-10-06)
2.34.1 (2023-10-05)
2.34.0 (2023-10-05)
- Empty generating view. Fixes #333 (9b5b54b)
- Error on tournament generation. Fixes #334 (ba9e7b7)
- Optimize XP gains loop (b53c9b4)
- Renamed the
skill toPiledriver
2.33.2 (2023-09-05)
- Wrong evasion chances (6122a62)
2.33.1 (2023-09-03)
- Wrong flail stats (79c2ca9)
2.33.0 (2023-08-11)
2.32.3 (2023-08-11)
- Referee link bug on Firefox (1349cf8)
2.32.2 (2023-08-01)
2.32.1 (2023-07-27)
- Lower sword odds (a54e6a2)
2.32.0 (2023-07-26)
- 404 page (e47d7a5)
- Audit script (fc3dbee)
- Error page when accessing an unknown brute. Fixes #286 (1788095)
- Move react scripts to dev dependencies (018393d)
- Redirect /xxx to /xxx/cell. Fixes #318 (e2288e5)
2.31.1 (2023-07-25)
2.31.0 (2023-07-25)
2.30.1 (2023-07-24)
- Apply beta achievement in the daily job. Fixes #313 (f99aeed)
- Stop malformed global tournament displaying. Fixes #312 (86ee43d)
2.30.0 (2023-07-24)
- New achievement icons. #196 (cc086db)
- Stop infinite loop in daily job (2e9a91d)
- Wrong lance reversal stat (ecd832a)
2.29.7 (2023-06-27)
- Wrong skill modifier displayed for
description (c9ebbc0)
2.29.6 (2023-06-25)
2.29.5 (2023-06-20)
2.29.4 (2023-06-14)
- Display skill as text next to the bar. Fixes #291 (1760788)
- Handle achievements for first bonuses. Fix #299 (af05136)
- Replace arena opponents on rank up. Fixes #301 (66667c6)
2.29.3 (2023-06-07)
2.29.2 (2023-06-07)
- Display achievements when logged out. Fixes #294 (23739d2)
- Multiple shield breaks. Fixes #297 (9c78266)
- User menu flicker on mobile. Fixes #296 (a556741)
2.29.1 (2023-05-31)
- Block check bug (3b81ef1)
2.29.0 (2023-05-30)
- Disallow viewing fights from next tournament rounds. Fixes #287 (27f5d9c)
- New achievement icons. #196 (1a502cb)
- Prevent double net on the same brute. Fixes #288 (d81ec66)
- Typo (a64dbb1)
- Use weapon reach for brute moves. Fixes #250 (188a399)
2.28.0 (2023-05-15)
- Added 1 achievement icon. #196 (cfe358e)
- Flawless achievement rarity decreased. #196 (fb8a5c8)
- Global tournament start at 08:00 (9cfbdf7)
2.27.4 (2023-05-14)
- 3 new achievement icons. #196 (856658c)
- Check brute getter parameters before querying (b894eef)
- Tournament button effective width (7cb188f)
- Wrong fights left after rank up with regeneration (4124569)
2.27.3 (2023-05-04)
2.27.2 (2023-05-03)
- Bomb animation cut (5e38355)
2.27.1 (2023-05-03)
- Added dust VFX on fighter arrival. #225 (9b749ec)
- Allow tap event to show brute tooltips in fights. Fixes #274 (56fd699)
- Bomb explosion VFX. #225 (78beb56)
- Bomb throw VFX. Fixes #269 (3f8082a)
- Hit + Cry VFX. #225 (4746be4)
- Hypnosis VFX. #225 (1875022)
- Import fight VFX. #225 (cea57dd)
- Improve brute tooltip content in fights. Fixes #275 (83ddf25)
- Net break VFX. Fixes #225 (6d8ec6d)
- Net throw VFX. Fixes #268 (f28ba59)
- Show brutes tooltips on HP bar hover. FIxes #276 (45b48d7)
2.27.0 (2023-05-02)
- Broken achievement icon (6e58ee3)
- Display brute total in rankings. Fixes #216 (e9c955f)
- Fight log typo (cd80689)
- Hypnotise all pets at once. Fixes #261 (4a94d49)
2.26.0 (2023-05-01)
- Points needed for a new brute. Fixes #265. Fixes #267 (89d9910)
- Store user settings in DB. Fixes #266 (04793a6)
2.25.2 (2023-04-25)
- Weapon achievements not working. (c9d282b)
2.25.1 (2023-04-24)
2.25.0 (2023-04-24)
2.24.1 (2023-04-22)
- Female
weapon animation. #5 (339f46d) - Female
weapon animation. #5 (df2f34e) - Tournament history button on mobile (c30b6cb)
- Typo (72ceba5)
2.24.0 (2023-04-21)
2.23.1 (2023-04-19)
- Don't overheal (d82c164)
2.23.0 (2023-04-19)
2.22.12 (2023-04-18)
2.22.11 (2023-04-18)
2.22.10 (2023-04-17)
2.22.9 (2023-04-17)
- Infinite loop while generating a fight with the same brutes. (f4e8039)
- Reduce some weapon sizes. Fixes #234 (a6312fa)
- Restore brute rotation after stealing. Fixes #235 (1eff6d5)
2.22.8 (2023-04-16)
2.22.7 (2023-04-16)
- Allow some weapon animations to go behind the brutes. #5 (9fe89ff)
- Display thrown weapons. #5 (76e5c94)
- Weapon fall animation. #5 (6c82ea3)
2.22.6 (2023-04-15)
- Don't destroy old animations. (33c94f5)
2.22.5 (2023-04-15)
- All male weapon animations first pass done. #5 (1286682)
- Position weapons from predefined anchor. #5 (0eee0f4)
- Weapon counter to reversal. (15e2467)
2.22.4 (2023-04-15)
- Connexion button instead of user menu. Fixes #226 (1708805)
- Mishandling of reversal (c91cd8e)
- Wrong translation for
achievement (3712cea)
2.22.3 (2023-04-14)
- Male block/death/equip/evade/grab/hit-2/prepare-throw/run/slash/steal/throw/trash/estoc weapon animation. #5 (64aa521)
2.22.2 (2023-04-14)
- Achievement received twice (c837bea)
- Cover all unknowns when fetching weapon animation data (0dd9647)
- Heal 25 to 50% max HP with the tragic potion (df19e8a)
- Tragic potion trigger (26613b7)
2.22.1 (2023-04-14)
- Fight animation stop (b7f6e9b)
- Male hit-1 weapons animation. #5 (6fb39fb)
- Male idle weapons animations. #5 (4c8fa06)
2.22.0 (2023-04-13)
- Cleanup server logs (3c3f00e)
- Male hit-0 weapon animation. #5 (5c9ad10)
- Remove active weapon upon saboteur activation. (07e9c0d)
- Rename Discord utils (144339b)
- Saboteur translation (d7bb7b3)
- Wrong name in saboteur log (7d337f3)
2.21.2 (2023-04-13)
2.21.1 (2023-04-12)
- ET user name not unique (d498250)
2.21.0 (2023-04-12)
2.20.1 (2023-04-12)
- Bomb damage (2a66316)
2.20.0 (2023-04-12)
- Improve weapon tooltip readability. Fixes #211 (05fe475)
- Silence expected errors (d99dc64)
- Weapons list after stealing. Fixes #208 (3f9cb01)
- Wrong translation (7cf7970)
2.19.7 (2023-04-11)
- Display SP needed for next brute + Scale SP for new brutes. Fixes #62. Fixes #206 (2f73e3a)
- Hammer skill damage on the next hit. Fixes #209 (8bd4d40)
- New achievement icons. #196 (eb35384)
- Random background in fights. Fixes #193 (f167ba4)
- Translate achievement rarety. Fixes #207 (b227b8c)
2.19.6 (2023-04-10)
- Don't count 1HP survivals for brutes with the survival skill (4b74afe)
- Give XP rewards to specific brute IDs instead of names to not conflict with sacrifices (18b2abc)
- Tragic potion trigger (4fc87a1)
2.19.5 (2023-04-10)
- Achievement english translations. #196 (b8896ae)
- Include rarity in achievement tooltip (0a7f1e0)
- New achievement colors. #196 (9b2a3e7)
2.19.4 (2023-04-10)
- Tournament win achievements not limited to tournament wins. (5ae9f2d)
2.19.3 (2023-04-09)
- Wrong rank up achievement (d89d392)
2.19.2 (2023-04-09)
2.19.1 (2023-04-09)
- Don't throw if achievement nor found (9371249)
2.19.0 (2023-04-08)
- Achievement tooltip. #21 (6f49b6d)
- Suppress useless errors (c425235)
- Wrong fighter in poison step (0cd7073)
2.18.5 (2023-04-07)
- Allow access to the tournament history to everyone (664a531)
2.18.4 (2023-04-07)
2.18.3 (2023-04-07)
- Counter of fights left not counting down (185e4d1)
2.18.2 (2023-04-07)
2.18.1 (2023-04-07)
- Global tournament display bug. (8672970)
2.18.0 (2023-04-06)
- Display fights left in the user menu. FIxes #185 (70ad1f0)
- Tournament history view. Fixes #122 (cf370cc)
- Add icons to global tournament. Fixes #105 (995d8cc)
- Dynamics height on logs. Fixes #171 (1590bbd)
- Hide eaten pets in fights and disable eating twice the same pet. Fixes #179 (f556bc6)
- Hide tournament registration until the daily tournament was watched. Fixes #180 (4eccf11)
- Reset fights left on rank up. Fixes #184 (24f4911)
- Target pets first with the net. Fixes #17 (cfbb1a8)
- Trapped pet are not targetable anymore. Fixes #16 (7e13081)
2.17.3 (2023-04-01)
- Added poison SFX. Fixes #177 (814496c)
- Keep excess XP when leveling up. Fixes #176 (5f3ac1d)
- New background music toggle + fight speed and music stored in local storage. Fixes #175 (1f8bee5)
- Remove padding inside destiny view (ae1de0c)
- Wrong date format in other languages. Fixes #172 (4099714)
- Wrong translation in the mobile versus view (735a8dd)
2.17.2 (2023-03-31)
- Disable the destiny view for bot brutes. (da4159c)
- Stop shuffling the brutes in the global tournament (1b0a2e2)
2.17.1 (2023-03-31)
2.17.0 (2023-03-31)
- Fight background music. #14 (066f81c)
- Fight sound effects. Fixes #14 (f2ce559)
- Hit SFX. #14 (0dbbe63)
- Don't poison if brute is dead. Fixes #168 (0ab9e7e)
- New ressources (8c4f40d)
- Tamer never triggered (c8b994a)
- Thief never triggered (4934bfd)
2.16.2 (2023-03-29)
- Don't throw if winner not found for xp gains (bb7ca2d)
2.16.1 (2023-03-29)
- Change scripts run order (d9712f3)
2.16.0 (2023-03-29)
- Added links to brute cells after a fight. #8 (e5c9a88)
- XPs won in tournaments are delayed one day. Fixes #163 (376b4cf)
- Add log on bruterank up (ee2ee35)
- Display stats as numbers too. Fixes #151 (df4db90)
- Hide rank up button until the tournament was watched. Fixes #164 (02cd33d)
2.15.10 (2023-03-28)
2.15.9 (2023-03-27)
- Highlight current destiny in view. Fixes #152 (cc267f8)
- Iron head disarms the opponent after the hit, not before (544ebb6)
- Saboteur skill never triggered (acebc57)
2.15.8 (2023-03-27)
- Button to regenerate sprites in the admin panel (863f714)
2.15.7 (2023-03-27)
2.15.6 (2023-03-27)
2.15.5 (2023-03-26)
2.15.4 (2023-03-23)
- Store brute basic data to display in tournament tooltips (f61865a)
- Wrong chances of preventing successive boosters (67276b0)
2.15.3 (2023-03-23)
- Shuffle opponents after a rank up (69c9319)
- Some text centering (8791cd8)
- Update rank up message (0de2caf)
2.15.2 (2023-03-22)
- +1 XP on tournament fight win. Fixes #140 (2ff6d32)
- Added brute tooltips in tournaments. Fixes #106 (dd7320b)
- Gain points after winning a tournament. Fixes #146 (17383ac)
- Increase tragic potion and net use chances. #130 (9a56355)
- New button to start an arena fight higher in the page on mobile. FIxes #139 (9fc886d)
- Remove unusable skills from skill pool before tossing. Fixes #130 (2139c5e)
- Sacrificing a brute now takes rank into account (500 per rank). Fixes #131 (ee683ff)
- Simplify typographies. Fixes #19 (52673a7)
- Wrong global tournament data displayed after switching cells. Fixes #116 (d658c50)
2.15.1 (2023-03-21)
- Discord error log format (fae15fe)
2.15.0 (2023-03-21)
2.14.5 (2023-03-19)
2.14.4 (2023-03-19)
- Stop logging missing auth (40c2b3a)
2.14.3 (2023-03-19)
2.14.2 (2023-03-19)
- Tournament rank bug on mobile (d4e35c0)
2.14.1 (2023-03-19)
- Load env variables in scripts (76ce2d6)
- Store first bonuses on new brutes + fix illegal bonuses. (dca8676)
2.14.0 (2023-03-18)
- Destiny view with first bonus. Fixes #123 (c66baf6)
- Prevent daily tournaments for brutes who can rank up. Fixes #125 (8d176e1)
- Rank displayed in tournament view. Fixes #126 (efa1176)
- Script run command (32723d5)
- Script run command (1f906ff)
- Store brute rank in fight details. #126 (69c8e01)
2.13.1 (2023-03-13)
- Allow destiny access to non owners. (26d4a00)
2.13.0 (2023-03-13)
2.12.2 (2023-03-13)
- Duplicate skills on rank up (9ee32cd)
- Only display the rank up button on your own brute. (d4a4af6)
- Progress for the Destiny view. #26 (b3338f2)
- Wrong destiny for brutes after ranking up (6374618)
2.12.1 (2023-03-11)
- Hide rank up button for brutes at the highest rank (cdbd0d1)
- Only owners can rank up brutes (5c5c859)
2.12.0 (2023-03-11)
2.11.2 (2023-03-10)
- Global tournament final rounds display (5479a1a)
2.11.1 (2023-03-10)
- Global tournament displayed by hour. #64 (0da8e7b)
- Global tournament hours typo (18ef1fe)
- Tournament winner displayed too soon on mobile (ddff9c7)
2.11.0 (2023-03-10)
- Case insensitive brute search. Fixes #27 (3239a49)
- False positive for deleted brutes in global tournament. #64 (58ac398)
- Global tournament display consistency. Fixes #107 (bb249b7)
- No block/evade/counter for dead opponents. Fixes #108 (3a4ae8a)
2.10.2 (2023-03-09)
- Cell server time display (1e151eb)
- Display global tournament on mobile. #64 (f6c7fa1)
- Global tournament opponent name in trash talk. #64 (9a5cb6a)
- Global tournament rounds. #64 (9e16a1f)
2.10.1 (2023-03-08)
- Global tournament display bug. #64 (2628217)
- Global tournament malformed. #64 (0b1e886)
- Global tournament opponent name. #64 (c701589)
- Server time placement. (94d1188)
2.10.0 (2023-03-08)
2.9.8 (2023-03-08)
- Check brute XP before leveling (69bffcc)
- Limit fights creation to own brute (7b40513)
- Missing ad link in cell (f58b244)
2.9.7 (2023-03-07)
- The
skill was triggered for every weapon type. (948d112)
2.9.6 (2023-03-05)
2.9.5 (2023-03-04)
2.9.4 (2023-03-01)
- Missing generated brutes (bfa7f67)
2.9.3 (2023-02-26)
- Disable fight spam (61066b2)
2.9.2 (2023-02-25)
2.9.1 (2023-02-25)
- Error when deleting a brute without a spritesheet (ec322ce)
- Send daily tournament logs to Discord too (b4b7a69)
2.9.0 (2023-02-25)
- Send error logs to Discord. (a6f13f6)
- Cell tablet view (418eae6)
- Format error as json (a65c3b1)
- Next day fights amount for brutes with
2.8.3 (2023-02-25)
2.8.2 (2023-02-25)
2.8.1 (2023-02-24)
- Display final loser in tournaments (25ef3d6)
2.8.0 (2023-02-24)
- Adapt fights left counter plural. Fixes #80 (6c7996b)
- Duplicate brutes in opponents. Fixes #81 (c20cc0e)
- New button style. Fixes #69 (a96fb50)
- Redirect to first brute after connexion. Fixes #73 (716869f)
- Reduce database size. Fix #82 (e2ea6e9)
2.7.8 (2023-02-19)
- Remove deleted masters (8531320)
2.7.7 (2023-02-19)
2.7.6 (2023-02-18)
- Simultaneous block and evade bug on thrown attacks (f7d1016)
2.7.5 (2023-02-16)
- Delete misformatted tournaments daily and on server reset (665862f)
2.7.4 (2023-02-16)
- Add an explicit step to install the database in the README (8dae448)
- Check brute body before creating (d75da92)
- Prevent multiple brutes with the same name (928c023)
2.7.3 (2023-02-14)
2.7.2 (2023-02-14)
- Brute rank not displaying the same value as in the cell. #10 (963767b)
- Ranking page display issues. #10 (caa5de6)
2.7.1 (2023-02-14)
2.7.0 (2023-02-14)
2.6.1 (2023-02-11)
2.6.0 (2023-02-10)
- Tournament positions should be random (2252a68)
2.5.1 (2023-02-08)
- Improved blurry brutes (7922985)
2.5.0 (2023-02-08)
- Fierce brute visual glow (36f45e3)
- Added Bevel filter on brutes for background / foreground distinction (959cb5f)
2.4.5 (2023-02-08)
- Auto poison fighters after 100th turn. Fixes #13 (69c0cb1)
- Fixed the regeneration skill to add 2 more fights each day (68d2117)
- Reversal fixed. Auto reversal on block too. (550e07d)
2.4.4 (2023-02-07)
- Shuffle registered brutes and order brutes displayed in Discord notif (b1d6daa)
2.4.3 (2023-02-03)
- Don't stop tournament creation if last one is not filled (c7f1ffe)
2.4.2 (2023-02-02)
- Group env variables + use official spritesmith types (6023100)
2.4.1 (2023-02-02)
- Fights left on arena view (7661763)
2.4.0 (2023-02-01)
- Tournament cancelation log + Discord notification on creation (1cc20f1)
- Account menu now hangs after hovering on it. It closes after a click. (6d0906a)
- Don't send discord message if not configured (0047a98)
2.3.3 (2023-02-01)
- Remove Pixi cache warning (5c9affb)
2.3.2 (2023-01-31)
- x2 button not updating (20dd864)
2.3.1 (2023-01-31)
2.3.0 (2023-01-31)
- Play/pause and x2 controls in fight (803a1b0)
2.2.10 (2023-01-31)
- Disable same user pupil creation (3c9bee1)
- Tournament register button state not shared with all brutes (09df3c3)
2.2.9 (2023-01-30)
- Check colors before creating brute (22a77a9)
- Send new pupil log to master instead of pupil (794c5b5)
- Stop serving the client from the server (handled by nginx) (737a290)
2.2.8 (2023-01-30)
- UTC format for moment. (36c07b5)
2.2.7 (2023-01-30)
- Fights left counter. Fixes #38 (be53f61)
- Node response buffer deprecation (2cd45e0)
- Opponents not always full when possible. Fixes #39 (06fec42)
- Stats not correctly applied on level up. (f616caa)
2.2.6 (2023-01-30)
2.2.5 (2023-01-29)
2.2.4 (2023-01-29)
- Language dupe (8a0b25b)
2.2.3 (2023-01-29)
2.2.2 (2023-01-29)
- Import .env variables in production (a16c9cf)
2.2.1 (2023-01-29)
2.2.0 (2023-01-29)
2.1.1 (2023-01-28)
2.1.0 (2023-01-27)
- Brutes now have their skin color in the fight (66255dc)
- Female block animation with body colors. #70 (eb6ba23)
- Female death animation with body colors. #70 (e51418c)
- Female drink animation with body colors. #70 (cf38a3d)
- Female eat animation with body colors. #70 (64644db)
- Female equip animation with body colors. #70 (504590a)
- Female estoc animation with body colors. #70 (d7a73f3)
- Female evade animation with body colors. #70 (b2b15eb)
- Female fist animation with body colors. #70 (237566f)
- Female grab animation with body colors. #70 (6b76060)
- Female grabbed animation with body colors. #70 (5c44d1a)
- Female hit and arrive animations with body colors. #70 (fc71f45)
- Female launch animation with body colors. #70 (5dc3d82)
- Female prepare-throw animation with body colors. #70 (9b6c172)
- Female run animation with body colors. #70 (3166da9)
- Female slash animation with body colors. #70 (8d699df)
- Female steal animation with body colors. #70 (d71963e)
- Female stolen animation with body colors. #70 (a85e2fa)
- Female strengthen animation with body colors. #70 (49a035c)
- Female throw animation with body colors. #70 (3038155)
- Female train animation with body colors. #70 (34596dd)
- Female trapped animation with body colors. #70 (320020a)
- Female trash animation with body colors. #70 (94384bf)
- Female whip animation with body colors. #70 (422d818)
- Female win animation with body colors. #70 (549cfb5)
- Spritesmith types declarations (32def7a)
2.0.0 (2023-01-23)
- Fighting system done. Fixes #24
- Node 16 backend
skill implemented (f9ad4d5)monk
skill implemented (c8a9706)- Add weapons to the fight header. Fixes #81 (600e34e)
- Adde logs on level up and creation. Fixes #44 (f48bf48)
- Added a daily fight limit. Fixes #94 (51bc8a4)
- Added bomb step (83fbcb6)
- Added brute level and XP in the arena. Fixes #62 (398417c)
- Added damage animation. #70 (418b4e4)
- Added Database population script. Fixes #34 (c2ef82f)
- Added dog animations. #70 (a626425)
- Added fight headers. Fixes #79 (688061f)
- Added first male iddle animation (f594452)
- Added heal amount fading text (caab3d4)
- Added low odds for custom stance (eaa578a)
- Added monk iddle animation (8e9ca51)
- Added mor data on skills tooltip + display them while leveling up. #52 (e6f690b)
- Added new colors to the skills heatmap. Fixes #56 (d75c79e)
- Added outline on resist. (228f249)
- Added poison GFX (7d13116)
- Added stagger to fight header portraits on hit. Fixes #82 (1d3ff33)
- All previous steps implemented. #78 (3ccecff)
- All supers have been coded. #24 (b26d477)
- Allow for both panther and bear at a 1/1000 chance (8a1027f)
- Anchor testing page #70 (b659b72)
- Animation import script (16b8f1b)
- Arena page. #24 (dc63cb5)
- Automated database migration (ed54d20)
- Base React frontend import (d9e3d45)
- Brute creation and DB storage (80f05b7)
- Brute random hair + eyes generation (e53071b)
- Brute sacrificing system. #59 (46e3fba)
- Brute SVG creation (e803f83)
- Brutes can low level up or fight at will (5d1cb4e)
- Cell owner UI. Fixes #15 (457c33f)
- Cell page mostly done (6bb28a7)
- Cell pets display (58fb7c5)
- Client and core packages updated to new structure (245ecd8)
- Connection system done (7 days max) (bc5af0e)
- Display actual brute's logs. Fixes #14 (2cad8fc)
- Display brutes in account menu. Fixes #16. Fixes #17 (e52cc05)
- Display version in footer. Fixes #31 (ba78afd)
- EN Translation. Fix #12 (d517408)
- Equip animation. #78 (26c3b9e)
- Evade animation #78 (b4a4334)
- Fight loop done. #24 (7619436)
- Fight names and HP bars. #78 (dc3a4b3)
- Fight page #24 + destinies overwrite fix. Fixes #46. (d9df652)
- Fight weapon list #78 (9aabe18)
- Fighting system done. Fixes #24 (3269761)
- First animation prototype (ed937b1)
- First working fight. #70 #78 (544bb8a)
- Gain +2 XP for brutes > lvl - 2 (88e28f3)
- Generate spritesheet on brute creation. #85 (18a03aa)
- Header art import + Styled button (050a075)
- Hide master an pupils fields when empty. Fix #20 (eb08627)
- Implement a malus to boosters acquisition (8f74c02)
- Implement bear iddle animation in the fight. #70 (5c5ec38)
- Import ingame weapons (88e3fef)
- Imported all animations. #70 #78 (ba608c3)
- Imported and aligned male brute animations. #70 (36dafea)
- Imported panther animations. #70 (4b38e4f)
- Level up system. Fixes #23 (8183fc0)
- Limit some weapons (374e06c)
- Male brute animations. #70 (c7c4577)
- New app structure (69ef624)
- New script to generate a random brute at the desired level (0c97c0e)
- New skills (9f3f1d1)
- Node 16 backend (42ff777)
- Original card style on Surface and Textfield elements (ab59ade)
- Portrait preview in account menu (a50f9cf)
- Position animated for 4 fight steps:
. #25 (d3ec810) - Random color system (2003721)
- Real pet odds (8051f00)
- Real pet stats (ea8f2bf)
- Real skill odds (3355934)
- Real weapon data import (7f616e9)
- Real weapon odds (13d2aed)
- Reduce rare skills odds (0eefdca)
- Reduce rare weapon odds (765b861)
- Reduce the odds of getting a perk on higher levels (aa091fb)
- Removed sequelize to use the simpler
(96e6b50) - Sabotage step. #78 (e27fbd7)
- Search in the arena. Fixes #38 (a56c927)
- Server + Client infrastructure (b9bb73e)
- Skill activation animation. #78 (28f72bc)
- Skills display (bd72ff5)
- Stat booster skills now have reduced chances of being selected. Fix #53 (8a7025c)
- Stat boosters logic (7b33ef6)
- Static weapons board (3a2fa4d)
- Tooltip on weapons. Fixes #51 (357ffe8)
- Tooltip style + Skills tooltips (7213b92)
- Translation setup + header arts (183b532)
- Trap animation #78 (76233e4)
- Update pupils count on new ref creation. Fix #19 (2070a28)
- Upgrade to React 18 (54fca39)
- User.connexionToken (373724a)
- Versus view. Fixes #40 (c1c40a2)
- Weapon tooltip on level up. Fixes #52 (d7a79bf)
- Weapons board now displays conditionally (2d351c3)
- Weighted pet/skill/weapon chance at level 1 (41ec25f)
skill now works as intended. (f538b3c)- Added bear attack animation. #70 (43f986b)
- added DB reset script (7ef5afb)
- Added fight logs back (3cdcfb0)
- Added first database migration script (4a3cb1d)
- Added initiative to dog. #24 (d7092fe)
- Added jump to bear evade animation. #70 (200470c)
- Added jump to dog evade animation. #70 (f68ff9c)
- Added space around the svg brute to display other potential parts (dfb156f)
- Added stagger animations. #70 (d6b9a7d)
- Adjusted fighters positions depending on their width. (e30cd5d)
- Allow cell access to visitors (bda745a)
- Allow for +2 XP for a 2 level difference instead of 1. (932fe0b)
- Always end DB on error (8e52811)
- Animations structure. #70 (8e6f408)
- Backend vulnerabilities (a75041f)
- Backup brutes not in sync back to front (ebfbcf8)
- Backups were loosing way too few initiative every turn. (8f6bcda)
- Ballet Shoes wasn't triggering. Fixes #83 (190af68)
- Bear and panther pets are exclusive. Fix #41 (4a46a01)
- Bear animations imported + animation testing tool. #70 (a62abe4)
- Bear arrive animation. #70 (df1ec80)
- Bear arrive/iddle/run/attack/hit animations complete. #70 (84d2a5b)
- Bear death animation. #70 (5bf438a)
- boosters logic (019080d)
- Broadsword/sword french locale (b0d88c9)
- Brute creation button not working on mobile. Fixes #50 (181698e)
- Build error (b1a87d0)
- Can't break shield when evaded (248071f)
- Change interval to base 1. #24 (c119067)
- Clarify counter/reversal (f21341d)
- Clean types declarations in preparation for a core package (8ad26cd)
- Cleanup logs (23e879b)
- Cleanup logs (08ab783)
- Cleanup server scripts and deps (2a09bb6)
- Client build path (fb487c3)
- Client vulnerabilities (2c5ea3b)
- Convert to standard UNIX line-endings (44cc35c)
- Counter rate too high (3f9b346)
- Counter rate too high (3fe28b2)
- Create brute stats server side to avoid client tempering. Fixes #73 (7de0fb4)
- Damage furmula typo (ccd6a83)
- Data missing after OAuth (6e2284d)
- Database not syncing properly (3fb5d1d)
- Database sync error on empty DB (69566a7)
- DB migrations not correctly ordered (13f580d)
- Destinies not saving the correct path (26e0bba)
- Disable auth on fight view (164483a)
- Disable combos on counters (5f23c9b)
- Display bug on Logs. Fixes #47 (6fa0c14)
- Display heal text earlier (6a61c8f)
- Display weapon odds as % (f711ef7)
- Display weapon stats as % and hide useless ones (5872df5)
- Don't iddle if dead (5a5b3a7)
- Don't throw away a weapon if its type is thrown (08532b1)
- Eslint errors (b95eb57)
- Etwin OAuth (813f749)
- ETwin url (2a75626)
- Evade rate too high (a1bec99)
- Female idle animation with body colors. #70 (4bd4924)
- Female monkLoop animation with body colors. #70 (b56e014)
- Female monkStart animation with body colors. #70 (53c3c20)
- Fight brute portraits stagger in the correct direction (c111f31)
- Fight mobile display (bbb4b35)
- Fight positions check crash (8cca4ff)
- Fighters stuck after an attack animation (8c46c7a)
- Fighters stuck in the hit animation (1537844)
- fix Eslint type errors in server (6991fca)
- Fix frontend production build flakiness (2fe6f18)
- Fix server support for ESM (33cd6c9)
- French locale (7a3478e)
- Heal texts are now positive (5d311ce)
- Hide sacrifice button when not owner (c171a7e)
- Hide weapon reach info if 0 (722ffa5)
- HP bar going back up when value < 1 (2e923ce)
- Ignore client files when reloading the backend (d775a12)
- Implemented all actions that changed the HP bar (6c8529f)
- Import character creation assets + homepage progress (9b6b4c0)
- Index metadata (e5490d2)
- Infinite hang when calling .end() on DB client multiple times. (2e4b4e4)
- Instant tooltips on touch (f8369ce)
- Interaction errors on mobile. #50 (38856e7)
- Last db migration script applied twice (b902c68)
- Limit displayed XP to max XP (3115d7b)
- Load custom font on mobile + fix broken mobile fight layout. Fixes #86 (8d68fd8)
- Male block animation with body colors. #70 (0748c33)
- Male brute arrive start and end animations with skin color. #70 (80a1605)
- Male brute attack animation with skin color. #70 (3580949)
- Male brute iddle animation with skin color. #70 (46bdd0e)
- Male brute monk start and loop animations with skin color. #70 (dbe6431)
- Male death animation with body colors. #70 (dacba29)
- Male drink animation with body colors. #70 (f8fdded)
- Male eat animation with body colors. #70 (d771a99)
- Male equip animation with body colors. #70 (5e244bf)
- Male estoc animation with body colors. #70 (cd13cbf)
- Male evade animation with body colors. #70 (cec8aec)
- Male fist animation with body colors. #70 (f759a5a)
- Male grab animation with body colors. #70 (ef00c0e)
- Male grabbed animation with body colors. #70 (7e18276)
- Male hit0 animation with body colors. #70 (f427f6f)
- Male hit1 animation with body colors. #70 (c81ca96)
- Male hit2 animation with body colors. #70 (193faae)
- Male launch animation with body colors. #70 (c9a5832)
- Male prepareThrow animation with body colors. #70 (f85be95)
- Male slash animation with body colors. #70 (86c4051)
- Male steal animation with body colors. #70 (5ebc184)
- Male stolen animation with body colors. #70 (8743801)
- Male strengthen animation with body colors. #70 (f846e3d)
- Male throw animation with body colors. #70 (96dfb17)
- Male train animation with body colors. #70 (2dd69fd)
- Male trappedLoop animation with body colors. #70 (4ea9529)
- Male trappedStart animation with body colors. #70 (0f9921b)
- Male trash animation with body colors. #70 (31d4777)
- Male whip animation with body colors. #70 (c337ebc)
- Male win animation with body colors. #70 (e9448d0)
- Missing bear evade sprite (4c5a0f9)
- Missing french locale for Reconnaissance (4c6c665)
- Missing morning star tooltip illustration (0ffcfe9)
- Missing noodle bowl illustration in tooltip (7a8cd46)
- Missing stat changes from new skills (c6874ee)
- Missing weapon tempo format in tooltip (971faa1)
- Monk initiative was higher, not lower (769fa38)
- Move level up logic to the back to avoid client abuse (63abbcb)
- Net logic (e5d8fb0)
- New SVG2PNG converter (a3f9587)
- No XP on loss + Start at level 1 with 0 XP. Fixes #61 (a294a42)
- Nodemon TS setup (8ee1b28)
- Only add a resist step if the damage was reduced (448012c)
- Other hit actions weren't registered on the HP bar (dfd6460)
- Passive skills for damage computing (bf134c8)
- Passive skills were not considered in fights. Fixes #65 (b6dbc5b)
- Pets can't block (2102f5b)
- Pets shouldn't be able to block (c8d65e1)
- Prevent XP gain for brutes less than 10 level below you. Fixes #74 (b0a2a11)
- Production starting script (7f4bf50)
- provide OAuth client id through the environment (dece8ea)
- Redirect to cell if too much xp for a fight (f55bd50)
- Reduce stats gained (4326e51)
- Release + animation import script (b421263)
- Remove client build from server (1fd634c)
- Remove sacrifice points cap (fc00cbe)
- Remove server build (eca6f30)
- Remove unnecessary fourth hit animation (5a77334)
- Remove unnecessary skill booster logic in level up choices (c29350a)
- Remove weapon icon in level up (3b7928f)
- Remove weapon tooltip flicker (b007131)
- Removed unnecessary typings (110e701)
- Rename
typo toidle
(8543a6d) - Restrict versus view to brute owner. (7435835)
- Reversal not triggering on combos (53655c2)
- Run db:populate at the end of db:sync (cdf1a8e)
- Seed script optimization (7acf229)
- Serve client as static when running back only + configurable port. (362da38)
- Server as ESM (b660c38)
- Server crash on animation anchor test (dc98185)
- Simplify XP formula (9694757)
- Spritesheet generation optimization (53f50d7)
- Survival skill triggering too early (070b7fb)
- Throw error instead of double returning (af72f17)
- Tragic potion never triggered (efb80ac)
- Translated weapon types in weapon tooltip (7e8b1c0)
- Typescript types enforced (ce682fc)
- Typo (2bc1a8e)
- Typo (ba59576)
- Typo (7ae71f8)
- Unused rule (abfb5a0)
- Update reconnaissance speed modifier (0c0dd14)
- Updated account menu color. Fixes #48 (38d1c9f)
- Updated bear iddle animation. #70 (43749fc)
- Use anchors defined in constants to format the spritesheet. #70 (99ea7c3)
- Use worker threads to generate spritesheets on brute creation (baacb46)
- Various bugs (2cbf7c7)
- Visual bug in cell view. Fixes #27 (29a2248)
- VSCode eslint config (2385bb7)
- Wait for spritesheet to be generated to be able to fight (c345423)
- Weapons were not being removed from the UI after a trash (164360b)
- Wrong counter check (5156602)
- Wrong fight from Fights.get (4441f4b)
- Wrong poison translations (e5a45a4)
- Wrong ts-node installation (1ff1e98)
- Wrong weapon chance (a5eee4c)
- Wrong weapon odds in weapon tooltip (2b894d6)
- XP won on loss was too much (08b9505)
1.17.1 (2022-12-23)
- Infinite hang when calling .end() on DB client multiple times. (2e4b4e4)
1.17.0 (2022-12-23)
- Shorten male frame names (986d526)
- Always end DB on error (8e52811)
- Male brute arrive start and end animations with skin color. #70 (80a1605)
- Male brute attack animation with skin color. #70 (3580949)
- Male brute monk start and loop animations with skin color. #70 (dbe6431)
- Male equip animation with body colors. #70 (5e244bf)
- Male hit0 animation with body colors. #70 (f427f6f)
- Male hit1 animation with body colors. #70 (c81ca96)
- Male hit2 animation with body colors. #70 (193faae)
- Server crash on animation anchor test (dc98185)
- Use anchors defined in constants to format the spritesheet. #70 (99ea7c3)
1.16.0 (2022-11-30)
- Added a daily fight limit. Fixes #94 (51bc8a4)
- Generate spritesheet on brute creation. #85 (18a03aa)
1.15.3 (2022-08-30)
- Reversal not triggering on combos (53655c2)
1.15.2 (2022-08-25)
- Heal texts are now positive (5d311ce)
1.15.1 (2022-08-25)
1.15.0 (2022-08-25)
- Display heal text earlier (6a61c8f)
- Fighters stuck after an attack animation (8c46c7a)
- Fighters stuck in the hit animation (1537844)
- Missing bear evade sprite (4c5a0f9)
- Missing morning star tooltip illustration (0ffcfe9)
- Only add a resist step if the damage was reduced (448012c)
- Weapons were not being removed from the UI after a trash (164360b)
- Added bomb step (83fbcb6)
- Added heal amount fading text (caab3d4)
- Added monk iddle animation (8e9ca51)
- Added outline on resist. (228f249)
- Added poison GFX (7d13116)
- Import ingame weapons (88e3fef)
1.14.4 (2022-08-23)
1.14.3 (2022-08-23)
- Pets shouldn't be able to block (c8d65e1)
1.14.2 (2022-08-23)
- Added fight logs back (3cdcfb0)
1.14.1 (2022-08-22)
- Fight mobile display (bbb4b35)
1.14.0 (2022-08-22)
- Added damage animation. #70 (418b4e4)
- All previous steps implemented. #78 (3ccecff)
- Equip animation. #78 (26c3b9e)
- Evade animation #78 (b4a4334)
- Fight names and HP bars. #78 (dc3a4b3)
- Fight weapon list #78 (9aabe18)
- First working fight. #70 #78 (544bb8a)
- Imported all animations. #70 #78 (ba608c3)
- Sabotage step. #78 (e27fbd7)
- Skill activation animation. #78 (28f72bc)
- Trap animation #78 (76233e4)
1.13.0 (2022-08-17)
- Fight brute portraits stagger in the correct direction (c111f31)
- Exported the animation keyframes to a global constant. (5a0c3fe)
- Added first male iddle animation (f594452)
- Imported and aligned male brute animations. #70 (36dafea)
- Male brute animations. #70 (c7c4577)
1.12.0 (2022-08-17)
- Adjusted pet positionsin fight to account for asset offsets. #70 (66f1a9f)
- Aligned bear animations together. #70 (3c96ecf)
- Aligned dog animations together. #70 (227c8bd)
- Added stagger to fight header portraits on hit. Fixes #82 (1d3ff33)
- Imported panther animations. #70 (4b38e4f)
- Added jump to bear evade animation. #70 (200470c)
- Added jump to dog evade animation. #70 (f68ff9c)
- Added stagger animations. #70 (d6b9a7d)
- Adjusted fighters positions depending on their width. (e30cd5d)
- Missing noodle bowl illustration in tooltip (7a8cd46)
- Move level up logic to the back to avoid client abuse (63abbcb)
1.11.3 (2022-08-17)
- Ballet Shoes wasn't triggering. Fixes #83 (190af68)
- Monk initiative was higher, not lower (769fa38)
- Remove sacrifice points cap (fc00cbe)
1.11.2 (2022-08-17)
- Other hit actions weren't registered on the HP bar (dfd6460)
1.11.1 (2022-08-16)
- HP bar going back up when value < 1 (2e923ce)
1.11.0 (2022-08-16)
1.10.3 (2022-08-16)
- Wrong weapon odds in weapon tooltip (2b894d6)
1.10.2 (2022-08-16)
- Fight positions check crash (8cca4ff)
1.10.1 (2022-08-16)
- Backup brutes not in sync back to front (ebfbcf8)
- Implemented all actions that changed the HP bar (6c8529f)
- Remove weapon icon in level up (3b7928f)
- Tragic potion never triggered (efb80ac)
1.10.0 (2022-08-16)
1.9.3 (2022-08-16)
- Display weapon odds as % (f711ef7)
1.9.2 (2022-08-16)
- Missing weapon tempo format in tooltip (971faa1)
1.9.1 (2022-08-16)
- Display weapon stats as % and hide useless ones (5872df5)
- Remove weapon tooltip flicker (b007131)
- Translated weapon types in weapon tooltip (7e8b1c0)
1.9.0 (2022-08-16)
- Changed animation from translates to absolutes. (d54b8ad)
- Allow cell access to visitors (bda745a)
- Disable combos on counters (5f23c9b)
- Hide sacrifice button when not owner (c171a7e)
1.8.0 (2022-08-16)
1.7.0 (2022-08-15)
- Added brute level and XP in the arena. Fixes #62 (398417c)
- Added new colors to the skills heatmap. Fixes #56 (d75c79e)
- Brute sacrificing system. #59 (46e3fba)
1.6.3 (2022-08-14)
- Build error (b1a87d0)
1.6.2 (2022-08-14)
1.6.1 (2022-08-14)
- Bear animations imported + animation testing tool. #70 (a62abe4)
- Bear death animation. #70 (5bf438a)
1.6.0 (2022-08-14)
- Animation import script (16b8f1b)
- Bear arrive animation. #70 (df1ec80)
- Bear arrive/iddle/run/attack/hit animations complete. #70 (84d2a5b)
- Pets can't block (2102f5b)
- Updated bear iddle animation. #70 (43749fc)
1.5.4 (2022-08-13)
- Allow for +2 XP for a 2 level difference instead of 1. (932fe0b)
1.5.3 (2022-08-13)
- XP won on loss was too much (08b9505)
1.5.2 (2022-08-13)
- Create brute stats server side to avoid client tempering. Fixes #73 (7de0fb4)
- Prevent XP gain for brutes less than 10 level below you. Fixes #74 (b0a2a11)
1.5.1 (2022-08-13)
1.5.0 (2022-08-13)
1.4.1 (2022-08-12)
- Wrong poison translations (e5a45a4)
1.4.0 (2022-08-12)
- Position animated for 4 fight steps:
. #25 (d3ec810) - Upgrade to React 18 (54fca39)
1.3.0 (2022-08-12)
- Passive skills for damage computing (bf134c8)
- Passive skills were not considered in fights. Fixes #65 (b6dbc5b)
- Brutes can low level up or fight at will (5d1cb4e)
1.2.2 (2022-08-11)
- Survival skill triggering too early (070b7fb)
1.2.1 (2022-08-11)
- Clarify counter/reversal (f21341d)
1.2.0 (2022-08-11)
- Gain +2 XP for brutes > lvl - 2 (88e28f3)
1.1.0 (2022-08-11)
1.0.8 (2022-08-11)
- Limit displayed XP to max XP (3115d7b)
1.0.7 (2022-08-11)
- Net logic (e5d8fb0)
1.0.6 (2022-08-11)
- Backups were loosing way too few initiative every turn. (8f6bcda)
- Counter rate too high (3f9b346)
- Counter rate too high (3fe28b2)
- Evade rate too high (a1bec99)
- Wrong counter check (5156602)
1.0.5 (2022-08-10)
- Can't break shield when evaded (248071f)
1.0.4 (2022-08-10)
skill now works as intended. (f538b3c)
1.0.3 (2022-08-10)
- Wrong fight from Fights.get (4441f4b)
1.0.2 (2022-08-10)
- Redirect to cell if too much xp for a fight (f55bd50)
- Restrict versus view to brute owner. (7435835)
1.0.1 (2022-08-10)
1.0.0 (2022-08-10)
- Fighting system done. Fixes #24
- Draw weapon, counter attack, melee attack. #24 (afc8118)
- Fight initial stats + sabotage. #24 (2771833)
- Fight loop (supers) (05facc0)
- flashFlood super. #24 (f64c92f)
- hammer/cryOfTheDamned supers. #24 (8fc086f)
- hypnosis super. #24 (d91ca64)
- All supers have been coded. #24 (b26d477)
- Fight loop done. #24 (7619436)
- Fighting system done. Fixes #24 (3269761)
0.5.1 (2022-08-09)
- Various bugs (2cbf7c7)
0.5.0 (2022-08-09)
- Remove unnecessary skill booster logic in level up choices (c29350a)
- Update reconnaissance speed modifier (0c0dd14)
- Allow for both panther and bear at a 1/1000 chance (8a1027f)
- Added low odds for custom stance (eaa578a)
- Implement a malus to boosters acquisition (8f74c02)
- Limit some weapons (374e06c)
- Reduce rare skills odds (0eefdca)
- Reduce rare weapon odds (765b861)
- Reduce the odds of getting a perk on higher levels (aa091fb)
0.4.15 (2022-08-09)
- Clarify perk prevention mechanism (95bac30)
0.4.14 (2022-08-09)
- Real pet odds (8051f00)
- Real pet stats (ea8f2bf)
- Real skill odds (3355934)
- Real weapon data import (7f616e9)
- Real weapon odds (13d2aed)
0.4.13 (2022-08-09)
- Cleanup logs (23e879b)
0.4.12 (2022-08-08)
- Added an explanation for the tragic potion poison removal (c728349)
- boosters logic (019080d)
0.4.11 (2022-08-08)
0.4.10 (2022-08-08)
- Added mor data on skills tooltip + display them while leveling up. #52 (e6f690b)
- New skills (9f3f1d1)
- Stat booster skills now have reduced chances of being selected. Fix #53 (8a7025c)
- Don't pass the destiny between back and front unnecesserally. (7339671)
0.4.9 (2022-08-07)
0.4.8 (2022-08-07)
- Display bug on Logs. Fixes #47 (6fa0c14)
- French locale (7a3478e)
- Interaction errors on mobile. #50 (38856e7)
0.4.7 (2022-08-06)
- Broadsword/sword french locale (b0d88c9)
0.4.6 (2022-08-05)
0.4.5 (2022-08-05)
- ETwin url (2a75626)
0.4.4 (2022-08-05)
- Accuracy. #24 (81f9f61)
- Armor. #24 (26b22be)
- BlockRate. #24 (0d32862)
- Damage. #24 (818e67b)
- DisarmRate. #24 (0559210)
- Evasion. #24 (38def62)
- Initiative / Interval / Reach. #24 (d21d11c)
- Precision. #24 (35d22b1)
- ReversalRate. #24 (156cf93)
- Added initiative to dog. #24 (d7092fe)
- Change interval to base 1. #24 (c119067)
- Remove client build from server (1fd634c)
0.4.3 (2022-08-05)
- Index metadata (e5490d2)
0.4.2 (2022-08-05)
- Use a single translation file (c4d0a15)
- provide OAuth client id through the environment (dece8ea)
- Display version in footer. Fixes #31 (ba78afd)
- Fight page #24 + destinies overwrite fix. Fixes #46. (d9df652)
- Search in the arena. Fixes #38 (a56c927)
0.4.1 (2022-08-03)
0.4.0 (2022-08-03)
0.3.17 (2022-08-03)
- New script to generate a random brute at the desired level (0c97c0e)
- Versus view. Fixes #40 (c1c40a2)
0.3.16 (2022-08-02)
- Moved some utils to the core package (97d8f3f)
- Return random brutes as opponents in the arena. #24 (c175ae0)
- Simplify XP formula (9694757)
0.3.15 (2022-08-01)
- Clean types declarations in preparation for a core package (8ad26cd)
- Cleanup server scripts and deps (2a09bb6)
- Data missing after OAuth (6e2284d)
- Database not syncing properly (3fb5d1d)
- Database sync error on empty DB (69566a7)
- Eslint errors (b95eb57)
- Remove server build (eca6f30)
- Removed unnecessary typings (110e701)
0.3.14 (2022-07-31)
0.3.13 (2022-07-30)
- Added issue templates (5f92d9f)
- Portrait preview in account menu (a50f9cf)
0.3.12 (2022-07-28)
- DB migrations not correctly ordered (13f580d)
0.3.11 (2022-07-27)
0.3.10 (2022-07-25)
0.3.9 (2022-07-25)
- Hide master an pupils fields when empty. Fix #20 (eb08627)
- Update pupils count on new ref creation. Fix #19 (2070a28)
0.3.8 (2022-07-24)
- Wrong weapon chance (a5eee4c)
- Stat boosters logic (7b33ef6)
0.3.7 (2022-07-24)
- Weighted pet/skill/weapon chance at level 1 (41ec25f)
0.3.6 (2022-07-23)
- Last db migration script applied twice (b902c68)
0.3.5 (2022-07-23)
- Automated database migration (ed54d20)
0.3.4 (2022-07-22)
0.3.3 (2022-07-21)
- Throw error instead of double returning (af72f17)
0.3.2 (2022-07-20)
- Unused rule (abfb5a0)
- OAuth + Account speed dial (827eb95)
0.3.1 (2022-07-18)
- Tablet/Mobile versions (c0ddc7a)
0.3.0 (2022-07-17)
- Node 16 backend
- Authentication (64e40cf)
- Node 16 backend (42ff777)
- Backend vulnerabilities (a75041f)
- Client vulnerabilities (2c5ea3b)
- Fix server support for ESM (33cd6c9)
- Nodemon TS setup (8ee1b28)
- Wrong ts-node installation (1ff1e98)
0.2.0 (2022-07-16)
- Cell page mostly done (6bb28a7)
0.1.17 (2022-07-16)
- Cell pets display (58fb7c5)
0.1.16 (2022-07-16)
- Weapons board now displays conditionally (2d351c3)
0.1.15 (2022-07-16)
- Tooltip style + Skills tooltips (7213b92)
0.1.14 (2022-07-16)
- Skills display (bd72ff5)
0.1.13 (2022-07-13)
- Added first database migration script (4a3cb1d)
0.1.12 (2022-07-03)
- Random color system (2003721)
0.1.11 (2022-07-02)
- Added space around the svg brute to display other potential parts (dfb156f)
- Added 1 longHair style (9dde7b8)
- Added TLDR in the asset extraction guide (1694e0c)
0.1.10 (2022-07-02)
- Character assets import (d07ca24)
- Added a guide to extract an asset (f6f8bcd)
0.1.9 (2022-04-03)
- Added visual imperfections (ff9020e)
0.1.8 (2022-04-03)
- Import character creation assets + homepage progress (9b6b4c0)
- Homepage done (7d58238)
0.1.7 (2022-04-01)
- Assets sorting (d5c85da)
0.1.6 (2022-03-31)
- Header art import + Styled button (050a075)
0.1.5 (2022-03-31)
- Added migration instructions to README (fb8bdf1)
- Ignore client files when reloading the backend (d775a12)
- Original card style on Surface and Textfield elements (ab59ade)
- Translation setup + header arts (183b532)
0.1.4 (2022-03-31)
- Import database config from .env (5a57abe)
- User.connexionToken (373724a)
- Typescript types enforced (ce682fc)
0.1.3 (2022-03-31)
- Production starting script (7f4bf50)
- Serve client as static when running back only + configurable port. (362da38)
0.1.2 (2022-03-31)
- Server + Client infrastructure (b9bb73e)
- Header + background (ca459bb)
- Client build path (fb487c3)
- Base React frontend import (d9e3d45)