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101 lines (62 loc) · 3.42 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (62 loc) · 3.42 KB



Made with Node.js, Express, Prisma, written in Typescript.


Made with MUI's components, React and create-react-app.


  • Fork this project

  • Make sure your NodeJS and yarn versions are up to date

  • If you are using Windows, make sure to use Git Bash as your terminal

  • Setup your local Postgres databases (labrute + etwin)

  • Copy .env.sample to .env and adapt the variables

  • Optional: Create an eternaltwin.local.toml config file for Eternaltwin. You don't need it to start LaBrute, but it may be useful for more advanced usage. (An example is provided in the eternaltwin.local.toml.sample file)

  • Install dependencies: yarn install (This should also setup your database from the schema.prisma file and the migrations)

  • Make sure to initialize your etwin database by running yarn eternaltwin db sync

  • Start the server, client and etwin local server with yarn dev

  • Commit and push your changes

  • Create a pull request to merge your fork into main

How to sync your database with your new Prisma schema

  • Run yarn db:sync:dev

How to seed your database

  • Edit server/src/seed.ts

  • Run yarn db:seed


  • Set the environment variables

  • Install dependencies: npm ci (This should also compile and built everything needed)

  • Sync your database with yarn db:sync:prod

  • Start the server with yarn start

  • Deploy the frontend using a static server of your choice like Nginx

  • Environment variables can be overriden without restarting the server by setting them in the database Config table

Editing core

  • Make sure to run yarn core:export after creating/deleting files in the core package, as it will update the indexes accordingly

Generate the sound spritesheet after editing a sound using audiosprite

  • Requirements: install ffmpeg on your Pc, node v18 minimum

  • Run the script : yarn sfx:generate if you use git bash and yarn sfx:wsl:generate if you use WSL


  • After editing any of the main Google accessible pages, run yarn sitemap:generate to update the sitemap

File Structure

├── client
│	├── build    			# Compiled frontend
│	├── public
│	│	├── i18n			# Folder containing all the translations
│	│	└── ...      		# Any other static file
│	└── src
│		├── components 		# Reusable components
│		├── hooks     		# React hooks
│		├── layouts    		# Layouts
│		├── theme     		# Theme variables
│		├── utils       	# Utility functions
│		└── views       	# Views
├── core 					# Shared ressourcs for both front and back end
│   ├── src
├── prisma 					# Prisma types definitions for both front and back end
│   ├── src
└── server 					# Back end
    ├── prisma              # DB
	└── src
	    ├── controllers     # Controllers
 	  	├── utils       	# Utility functions
	    └── ...