Create a custom modal quickly.
- Installation
Simply import QuickModal into your HTML.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
- How to use
Initialize your modal:
// Without jQuery
const modal = new QuickModal(options);
// Shorthand for a simple title + body
const modal = new QuickModal('Your title', 'Your message');
// With jQuery
- Options
document: window.document, // Document in which the QuickModal should be opened into, window.document is used by default
darkenBackground: true, // Darken your page background when the modal is active
isForm: true, // Your modal contains a form
keepHidden: false, // Hide the modal instead of destroying it on close
closeText: 'OK', // Close button text
classes: [], // Your modal classes (String[])
attributes: { // Your modal additional attributes (attribute name : attribute value)
'data-modal': 'true'
form: { // If isForm is set to true, this object will define your form properties
action: 'path/to/your/form', // Form ACTION attribute
method: 'POST', // Form METHOD attribute
id: 'formId', // Form ID
classes: [], // Form classes (String[])
submit: 'OK' // Form Submit text
header: '<div>Custom HTML</div>', // Modal header content
body: [ // Array containing all your modal lines
type: 'text', // Possible values ["text","form"] If set to 'text', creates a simple HTML node
text: 'I am Text !', // Your line text
tag: 'h3', // Your line tag
id: 'myId', // Your line id
classes: [ // Your line classes
attributes: { // Your line additionnal attributes
'data-modal': 'true'
children: [ // List of children elements
type: 'text',
text: 'I am Text !',
tag: 'h3',
id: 'myId',
classes: [
attributes: {
'data-modal': 'true'
children: [ ... ]
type: 'form', // Possible values ["text","form"] If set to 'form', create a new HTML Node with a label and your tag.
label: 'I am Input !', // Your input label
inputType: 'text', // If tag == 'input', set this to set your input TYPE attribute
placeholder: 'Placeholder', // If tag == 'input' or 'textarea', set this to set your input PLACEHOLDER attribute
name: 'formText', // Your input NAME attribute
value: 'currentValue', // Your input VALUE attribute
tag: 'input', // Your input tag
id: 'myInput', // Your input ID
classes: [ // Your input classes
type: 'form',
label: 'I am Select !',
name: 'formSelect',
tag: 'select',
id: 'mySelect',
classes: [
options: [ // If tag == 'select', contains your select options
value: 'val',
text: 'Option 1',
selected: false,
attributes: { //Add attributes to your options
'data-modal': 'true'
value: 'val2',
text: 'Option 2',
selected: true
footer: [ // Contains an array of links displayed at the bottom of your modal
text: 'I am Link !', // Your link text
href: 'path/to/link', // Your link Href
id: 'myLink', // Your link ID
classes: [ // Your link classes
afterOpen: function(modal) {}, // Callback triggered after the modal opens. Parameter is the modal NODE.
beforeClose: function(modal) {}, // Callback triggered right before the modal closes. Parameter is the modal NODE.
onSubmit: function(event, form) {} // Callback triggered when the form is submitted. Parameter are the event and the form NODE.
- Methods; // Opens the modal (If previously closed)
modal.close(); // Closes the modal
modal.destroy(); // Destroys the modal
- Example
See this JSFiddle for a working example
- Zenoo - Initial work -