Why be afraid of the infinity of the truth, joy resides in every step of growth.
📓 Check out what I'm currently learning
- Project#0: C++ Primer
- Homework#1: SQL
- Project#1: Buffer Pool Manager
- Homework#2: Storage & Indexes
- Project#2: Extendible Hash Index
- Project#3: Query Execution
📜 Check out my recent blog posts
- Project #3: Query Execution (9 months ago)
- rustlings (1 year ago)
- 基于Actix-Web(Rust)和Vue的Web开发记录 (1 year ago)
- Project#2: Extendible Hash Index (1 year ago)
👷 Check out what I'm currently contributing to
- ZiHao256/InfoPlan - (1 month ago)
- ZiHao256/Gallery - 图床,存储博客上的图片 (2 months ago)
- RubbiP/calcite-with-quickpick - (2 months ago)
- ZiHao256/ZiHao256.github.io - (6 months ago)
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 🧡 Everything is RSSible (6 months ago)
🌱 Check out my recent projects
- ZiHao256/InfoPlan -
- ZiHao256/adaptive-balsa -
- ZiHao256/P2P-Based_Document_Sharing_System -
- ZiHao256/BookManagementSystem - XDU 3rd_term 程序设计实训
- ZiHao256/Gallery - 图床,存储博客上的图片
⭐ Check out my recent stars
- JunyaoHu/academic-project-page-template-vue - A vue-based project page template for academic papers. (in development) https://junyaohu.github.io/academic-project-page-template-vue (2 months ago)
- pgcentralfoundation/pgrx - Build Postgres Extensions with Rust! (2 months ago)
- PKU-DAIR/Starter-Guide - A comprehensive guide for beginners in the field of data management and artificial intelligence. (3 months ago)
- LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt - 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated. (4 months ago)
- RSSNext/Follow - 🧡 Follow everything in one place (4 months ago)
🔨 Check out my recent pull requests
- fix: update urls for xidian on DIYgod/RSSHub (6 months ago)
- feat(route): add route for cs.xidian.edu.cn && fix url of namespace on DIYgod/RSSHub (6 months ago)
- fix: update example of Engineering Blogs in RSSHub docs on DIYgod/RSSHub (6 months ago)
- feat(route): add route for gr.xidian.edu.cn on DIYgod/RSSHub (6 months ago)
- fix(route): example of Engineering Blogs in RSSHub docs on DIYgod/RSSHub (6 months ago)