a protoc plugin for generating temporal clients and workers in Go from protobuf schemas
inspired by github.com/cretz/temporal-sdk-go-advanced
- define default
including:- default workflow ids that can leverage inputs via Bloblang ID expressions
- default timeouts, retry policies, id reuse policies
- generates typed client and workflow helpers
- generates client with methods for executing workflows, queries, singals
- generates methods for calling activities and local activities from workflows
- generates methods for executing child workflows and signalling external workflows
Install buf
Install protoc plugins
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/cmd/protoc-gen-go_temporal@latest
- Initialize buf repository
mkdir proto && cd proto && buf init
- Add dependency to
version: v1
- buf.build/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal
- Add plugin to
and exclude it from managed mode go prefix
version: v1
enabled: true
default: github.com/foo/bar/gen
- buf.build/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal
- plugin: go
out: gen
opt: paths=source_relative
- plugin: go_temporal
out: gen
opt: paths=source_relative
strategy: all
- Define your service
note: see advanced, example, and test for more details on generated code and usage
package example.v1;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
option (temporal.v1.service) = {
task_queue: "example-v1"
// HelloWorld defines a workflow with a single activity of the same name
rpc HelloWorld(HelloWorldRequest) returns (HelloWorldResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options {
id: 'hello-world/${! uuid_v4() }'
execution_timeout: { seconds: 30 }
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {};
// HelloWorldRequest describes the input to a HelloWorld workflow/activity
message HelloWorldRequest {
// Customize greeting
// @gotags: validate:"omitempty,oneof=hello hi hey hola"
string greeting = 1;
// HelloWorldResponse descibes the output from a HelloWorld workflow/activity
message HelloWorldResponse {
string result = 1;
- Generate temporal worker and client types, methods, interfaces, and functions
buf generate
- Implement your activities, workflows
package main
import (
examplev1 "<yourproject>/gen/v1" // import generated code
logger "go.temporal.io/sdk/log"
// Define a struct to manage workflow constructors, this simplifies registration
// with lots of workflows
type Workflows struct{}
// ============================================================================
// Define a struct per workflow for managing workflow state
type HelloWorldWorkflow struct {
log logger.Logger
// Define a workflow constructor
func (w *Workflows) HelloWorld(ctx workflow.Context, input *examplev1.HelloWorldInput) (examplev1.HelloWorldWorkflow, error) {
return &HelloWorldWorkflow(input, workflow.GetLogger(ctx))
// Define workflow function
func (wf *HelloWorldWorkflow) Execute(ctx workflow.Context) (*examplev1.HelloWorldResponse, error) {
// call activity of the same name from our definition above
return examplev1.HelloWorld(ctx, nil, wf.Req)
// ============================================================================
// Define a struct to manage activities
type Activities struct {}
func (a *Activities) HelloWorld(ctx context.Context, req *examplev1.HelloWorldRequest) (*examplev1.HelloWorldResponse{}, error) {
return &examplev1.HelloWorldResponse{Result: req.GetGreeting()}, nil
// ============================================================================
func main() {
// initialize temporal client
c, _ := client.Dial(client.Options{})
defer c.Close()
// register workflows & activities using generated registration helpers, start worker
w := worker.New(c, mutexv1.MutexTaskQueue, worker.Options{})
mutexv1.RegisterActivities(w, &mutex.Activites{Client: mutexv1.NewClient(c)})
mutexv1.RegisterWorkflows(w, &mutex.Workflows{})
_ := w.Start()
defer w.Stop()
// initialize generated client and execute workflow
example := examplev1.NewClient(c)
resp, err := example.HelloWorld(context.Background(), nil, &examplev1.HelloWorldRequest{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error executing %s workflow: %v", examplev1.HelloWorldWorkflowName, err)
log.Printf("hello world successful: %sv", resp)
Below is an excerpt from the more advanced example that showcases an implementation of the mutex workflow from github.com/temporalio/samples-go
// buf:lint:ignore PACKAGE_DIRECTORY_MATCH
package mycompany.mutex.v1;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Mutex {
option (temporal.v1.service) = {
task_queue: "mutex-v1"
// ##########################################################################
// Workflows
// ##########################################################################
// Mutex provides a mutex over a shared resource
rpc Mutex(MutexRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options {
id: 'mutex/${!resource}'
execution_timeout: { seconds: 3600 }
signal: { ref: 'AcquireLease', start: true }
signal: { ref: 'RenewLease' }
signal: { ref: 'RevokeLease' }
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {};
// SampleWorkflowWithMutex provides an example of a running workflow that uses
// a Mutex workflow to prevent concurrent access to a shared resource
rpc SampleWorkflowWithMutex(SampleWorkflowWithMutexRequest) returns (SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options {
id: 'sample-workflow-with-mutex/${!resource}/${!uuid_v4()}'
execution_timeout: { seconds: 3600 }
signal: { ref: 'LeaseAcquired' }
// ##########################################################################
// Signals
// ##########################################################################
// AcquireLease enqueues a lease on the given resource
rpc AcquireLease(AcquireLeaseRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
// LeaseAcquired notifies the calling workflow that a lease has been required
rpc LeaseAcquired(LeaseAcquiredRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
// RenewLease extends the validity of an existing lease
rpc RenewLease(RenewLeaseRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
// RevokeLease revokes an existing lease
rpc RevokeLease(RevokeLeaseRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
// ############################################################################
// Workflow Messages
// ############################################################################
// MutexRequest describes the input to a Mutex workflow/activity
message MutexRequest {
string resource = 1;
// SampleWorkflowWithMutexRequest describes the input to a SampleWorkflowWithMutex workflow
message SampleWorkflowWithMutexRequest {
string resource = 1;
string dest = 2;
double amount = 3;
// SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse describes the output from a SampleWorkflowWithMutex workflow
message SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse {
string result = 1;
// ############################################################################
// Signal Messages
// ############################################################################
// AcquireLeaseRequest describes the input to a AcquireLease signal
message AcquireLeaseRequest {
string workflow_id = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 2;
// LeaseAcquiredRequest describes the input to a LeaseAcquired signal
message LeaseAcquiredRequest {
string workflow_id = 1;
string run_id = 2;
string lease_id = 3;
// RenewLeaseRequest describes the input to a RenewLease signal
message RenewLeaseRequest {
string lease_id = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 2;
// RevokeLeaseRequest describes the input to a RevokeLease signal
message RevokeLeaseRequest {
string lease_id = 1;
package main
import (
func main() {
c, _ := client.Dial(client.Options{})
defer c.Close()
w := worker.New(c, mutexv1.MutexTaskQueue, worker.Options{})
mutexv1.RegisterActivities(w, &mutex.Activites{Client: mutexv1.NewClient(c)})
mutexv1.RegisterWorkflows(w, &mutex.Workflows{})
// Workflows manages shared state for workflow constructors, local activities, side effects
type Workflows struct{}
// ============================================================================
// MutexWorkflow provides a mutex over a shared resource
type MutexWorkflow struct {
log log.Logger
// LockAccount initializes a new MutexWorkflow value
func (w *Workflows) Mutex(ctx workflow.Context, input *mutexv1.MutexInput) (mutexv1.MutexWorkflow, error) {
return &MutexWorkflow{input, log.With(workflow.GetLogger(ctx), "resource", input.Req.GetResource())}, nil
// Execute defines the entrypoint to a MutexWorkflow
func (wf *MutexWorkflow) Execute(ctx workflow.Context) error {
for {
wf.log.Info("dequeuing lease request")
lease := wf.AcquireLease.ReceiveAsync()
if lease == nil {
return nil
wf.log.Info("generating lease id")
var leaseID string
if err := workflow.SideEffect(ctx, func(_ workflow.Context) any {
return uuid.New().String()
}).Get(&leaseID); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error generating lease id: %w", err)
log := log.With(wf.log, "lease", leaseID)
log.Info("notifying lease holder")
info := workflow.GetInfo(ctx)
if err := mutexv1.LeaseAcquiredExternal(ctx, lease.GetWorkflowId(), "", &mutexv1.LeaseAcquiredSignal{
WorkflowId: info.WorkflowExecution.ID,
RunId: info.WorkflowExecution.RunID,
LeaseId: leaseID,
}).Get(ctx, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error signalling lock acquired: %w", err)
log.Info("initializing lease timer")
timerCtx, timerCancel := workflow.WithCancel(ctx)
timer := workflow.NewTimer(timerCtx, lease.GetTimeout().AsDuration())
for done := false; !done; {
AddFuture(timer, func(f workflow.Future) {
log.Info("lease expired")
done = true
AddReceive(wf.RenewLease.Channel, func(workflow.ReceiveChannel, bool) {
s := wf.RenewLease.ReceiveAsync()
if s.GetLeaseId() != leaseID {
log.Info("extending lease")
timerCtx, timerCancel = workflow.WithCancel(ctx)
timer = workflow.NewTimer(timerCtx, s.GetTimeout().AsDuration())
AddReceive(wf.RevokeLease.Channel, func(workflow.ReceiveChannel, bool) {
s := wf.RevokeLease.ReceiveAsync()
if s.GetLeaseId() != leaseID {
log.Info("revoking lease")
done = true
// ============================================================================
// SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow simulates a long running workflow requiring exclusive access to a shared resource
type SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow struct {
log log.Logger
// SampleWorkflowWithMutex initializes a new SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow value
func (w *Workflows) SampleWorkflowWithMutex(ctx workflow.Context, input *mutexv1.SampleWorkflowWithMutexInput) (mutexv1.SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow, error) {
return &SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow{input, log.With(
workflow.GetLogger(ctx), "resource", input.Req.GetResource(), "workflow", workflow.GetInfo(ctx).WorkflowExecution.ID,
)}, nil
// Execute defines the entrypoint to a TransferWorkflow
func (wf *SampleWorkflowWithMutexWorkflow) Execute(ctx workflow.Context) (resp *mutexv1.SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse, err error) {
wf.log.Info("requesting lease")
if err := mutexv1.Mutex(ctx, nil, &mutexv1.MutexRequest{Resource: wf.Req.GetResource()}).Get(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error requesting lease: %w", err)
wf.log.Info("waiting until lease acquired")
lease, _ := wf.LeaseAcquired.Receive(ctx)
wf.log.Info("lease acquired", "lease", lease.GetLeaseId())
defer func() {
wf.log.Info("revoking lease", "lease", lease.GetLeaseId())
cancelCtx, _ := workflow.NewDisconnectedContext(ctx)
if mutexv1.RevokeLeaseExternal(cancelCtx, lease.GetWorkflowId(), lease.GetRunId(), &mutexv1.RevokeLeaseSignal{
LeaseId: lease.GetLeaseId(),
}).Get(ctx, nil); err != nil {
wf.log.Error("error revoking lease", "error", err, "lease", lease.GetLeaseId())
// emulate long running process
wf.log.Info("critical operation started")
_ = workflow.Sleep(ctx, 10*time.Second)
wf.log.Info("critical operation finished")
return &mutexv1.SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse{Result: lease.GetLeaseId()}, nil
// ============================================================================
// Activities manages shared state for activities
type Activites struct {
Client mutexv1.Client
// Mutex locks a shared resource and can be called from a parent workflow
func (a *Activites) Mutex(ctx context.Context, req *mutexv1.MutexRequest) error {
_, err := a.Client.StartMutexWithAcquireLease(ctx, nil, req, &mutexv1.AcquireLeaseSignal{
WorkflowId: activity.GetInfo(ctx).WorkflowExecution.ID,
Timeout: durationpb.New(time.Minute * 2),
return err
See temporal.proto for Service and Method options supported by this plugin.
Workflows can specify a default workflow ID that support Bloblang ID expressions. The expression is evaluated against a JSON-like input structure, allowing it to leverage fields from the Workflow's input parameter as well as Bloblang's native functions and methods.
The following schema definition:
package example.v1;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
rpc SayGreeting(SayGreetingRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options {
id: 'say-greeting/${! greeting.or("hello").capitalize() }/${! subject.or("world").capitalize() }/${! uuid_v4() }'
message SayGreetingRequest {
string greeting = 1;
string subject = 2;
Can be used like so:
c, _ := client.Dial(client.Options{})
example := examplev1.NewClient(c)
run, _ := example.ExecuteSayGreeting(context.Background(), nil, &examplev1.SayGreetingRequest{})
require.Regexp(`^say-greeting/Hello/World/[a-f0-9-]{32}$`, run.ID())
run, _ := example.ExecuteSayGreeting(context.Background(), nil, &examplev1.SayGreetingRequest{
Greeting: "howdy",
Subject: "stranger",
require.Regexp(`^say-greeting/Howdy/Stranger/[a-f0-9-]{32}$`, run.ID())
Licensed under the MIT License
Copyright for portions of project cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal are held by Chad Retz, 2021 as part of project cretz/temporal-sdk-go-advanced. All other copyright for project cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal are held by Chris Ludden, 2023.