react-spectrum Public
Forked from adobe/react-spectrumA collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 7, 2024 -
prompt-engineering Public
Forked from brexhq/prompt-engineeringTips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.
MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
the-art-of-command-line Public
Forked from jlevy/the-art-of-command-lineMaster the command line, in one page
1 UpdatedJul 12, 2023 -
mean Public
Forked from linnovate/meanMEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for full stack javascript web development - utilizing many of the best practices we've found on the way
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
material-web Public
Forked from material-components/material-webMaterial Design Web Components
beam Public
Forked from planetscale/beamA simple message board for your organization or project
javascript-algorithms Public
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
rxjs Public
Forked from ReactiveX/rxjsA reactive programming library for JavaScript
reactjs.org Public
Forked from reactjs/react.devThe React documentation website
awesome-compose Public
Forked from docker/awesome-composeAwesome Docker Compose samples
javascript-interview-questions Public
Forked from sudheerj/javascript-interview-questionsList of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions
material-theme-builder Public
Forked from twerske/material-theme-builderAngular Material Theme Builder demo
swagger-ui Public
Forked from swagger-api/swagger-uiSwagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
ng-git-deploy Public
testing out angular with github actions to deploy into gh-pages
barista Public
Forked from dynatrace-oss/baristaBarista - the Dynatrace design system. Tailored to scale.
angular Public
Forked from angular/angularOne framework. Mobile & desktop.
Stock-Prediction-Models Public
Forked from huseinzol05/Stock-Prediction-ModelsGathers machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting including trading bots and simulations
chit-chats-snipcart-integration Public
Forked from wesbos/chit-chats-snipcart-integrationBegin app
finastra-design-system Public
Forked from xmonvoisin/finastra-design-systemThe Finastra Design System provided as a theme and Angular components
carbon-tutorial-angular Public
Forked from carbon-design-system/carbon-tutorial-angularAn Angular app for the Carbon Design System tutorial
1 UpdatedSep 18, 2020 -
clarity Public
Forked from vmware-archive/clarityUX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
jira_clone Public
Forked from oldboyxx/jira_cloneA simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress.