- 👋 Hi, I’m @aRandomGadjee, but you can call me James (or Gadj).
- 👀 I’m a full-stack dotnet developer of 8 years specialising in T-SQL, C# and JavaScript; working mainly on large-scale production CRM applications (day job) and cool but useless tools in Blazor or Vue.js (at night, when I should be asleep).
- 🥳 Outside of work: I have two project cars (K8 | Kate) my 96' Mazda MX3 v6 and Wendy, my 93' Volvo 940T (with the LSD 🤩); A cat-dad of two and a keen woodworker (with all my fingers!)
- 📫 You can contact me (If for some unusual reason you wanted to) via my Email: J.R.McDonald@Gadjee.net (Please note, I'm riddled with ✨ADHD✨ and will forget to reply for months, I beg for your patience).
- 🌐 I do have a website, Gadjee.net, it's under construction and is currently pretty unstable but it's also just a placeholder - I am currently (slowly) working on building my own site by my own two hands as a special project.