stargazer Public
Forked from pomber/stargazerYour repo reached a stars milestone? Celebrate with a video of your stargazers!
simple-screenshot-bot Public archive
Telegram bot that takes screenshot of webpages.
notion-sdk-py Public
Forked from ramnes/notion-sdk-pyPython rewrite (sync + async) of the official Notion API client
run-py-bot Public archive
A telegram bot that runs python code. Evaluate pythonic expressions on the go, right from your chat.
mendi Public
A python library for building menu-driven CLI applications.
minsert Public
Insert dynamic content in markdown without using a separate template file.
verlat Public
Get info about the latest release of a package on PyPI.
dirganize Public
Declutter your folders and get peace of mind. A command-line tool to organize files into category directories.
howdoi-telegram Public archive
Get instant coding answers from Stack Overflow in your Telegram chat. Save time and have fun.
ado-py Public
Do stuff with python. Quickly access functions defined in do.py from the command-line.
markdown-callouts Public
Forked from oprypin/markdown-calloutsMarkdown extension: a classier syntax for admonitions
django-student-fees-record-portal Public archive
Simple student fee management portal for an institution. Made with Python using the Django framework. Deprecated and to be used no more. Use it for educational purposes. Sample Django application.
map-teachers-to-centers Public archive
Mapping Teachers to nearest Exam Centers and simultaneosly making sure that all the Vacancies(Requirements) of each Center is fulfilled
cbse-xii-cs-proj Public archive
CBSE XII Boards Computer Science Practicals solutions and final Project. Python and SQL.
wappdriver Public archive
Wondering how to send WhatsApp messages using Python using only 3 lines of code? You have come to the right place!
django-polling-site Public archive
My implementation after following the official tutorial from https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/intro/tutorial01/
webhook-aiogram-heroku Public archive
A sample telegram bot made with aiogram, that fetches updates using the web-hook connection. Can be easily deployed to Heroku.