This is a simple, extremely lightweight, zero-dependency event/pubsub system for node or the browser.
It's pronounced like "stroganoff", but "emit" instead of "stroge".
It gives your objects these really basic functions:
- publish an eventon
- subscribe to an eventoff
- unsubscribe an event
Also available:
- queue incomingemit()
while you are waiting for something (sometimes needed for testing)_resume
- run all the paused queue and processemit()
normally, again
npm install --save emitonoff
then, in your code:
var emitonoff = require('emitonoff');
You can use a CDN:
<script src=""></script>
or alternately use one of the files in dist/
, locally.
var kitty = {
purr: function(){
eat: function(food){
this.emit('ate', food);
function showAte(food){
console.log('The kitty was hungry, so it ate', food);
function showPurred(){
console.log('the kitty purred.')
kitty.on('ate', showAte);
kitty.on('purr', showPurred);'kibble');'mouse');'ate', showAte);'tail');
You can also use it without an object, like this:
var kitty = emitonoff();
function showAte(food){
console.log('The kitty was hungry, so it ate', food);
function showPurred(){
console.log('the kitty purred.')
kitty.on('ate', showAte);
kitty.on('purr', showPurred);
kitty.emit('ate', 'kibbles');
kitty.emit('ate', 'bits');
You can also use it with react (as a simpler alternative to flux, redux, thunk, etc.)
Here is an example:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import emitonoff from 'emitonoff'
import EmitOnOff from 'emitonoff/EmitOnOff'
// this could also be exported from a seperate file for sharing with other code
const state = emitonoff({counter:0})
const App = (props) => (
<div className='App'>APP {state.counter}</div>
ReactDOM.render(<EmitOnOff state={state}><App /></EmitOnOff>, document.getElementById('root'))
// async re-renders
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)
You can also make lots of little bound components, with different triggers and differnt stores!
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import emitonoff from 'emitonoff'
import EmitOnOff from 'emitonoff/EmitOnOff'
// this could also be exported from a seperate file for sharing with other code
const state = {
counter: emitonoff({counter: 0}),
random: emitonoff({value: 0})
const App = (props) => (
<div className='App'>
<EmitOnOff state={state.counter} trigger='update'>
counter: {state.counter.counter}
<EmitOnOff state={state.random} trigger='new'>
random: {state.random.value}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
// async re-renders
setInterval(() => {
state.random.value = Math.random()
}, 1000)
Note: using the standard render
event trigger everywhere, and a single store, in general, will probably simplify things but do what you like!
I haven't done too much browser-testing, but it should work on any browser that can Array.slice
(all of them in the last 15 years.) If you need it to work on a particular old browser, file a bug and I will add support (or tell you t find a Array.slice
It works in IE5.5.