Lob.com PHP Client is a simple but flexible wrapper for the Lob.com API. See full Lob.com documentation here. For best results, be sure that you're using the latest version of the Lob API and the latest version of the PHP wrapper.
Here's a general overview of the Lob services available, click through to read more.
Please read through the official API Documentation to get a complete sense of what to expect from each endpoint.
First, you will need to first create an account at Lob.com and obtain your Test and Live API Keys.
Once you have created an account, you can access your API Keys from the Settings Panel.
The recommended way to install Lob.com PHP Client is through Composer.
// Install Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
// Add Lob.com PHP client as a dependency
composer require lob/lob-php
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Provide an API Key in the class constructor
// in order to instantiate the Lob object
$apiKey = 'API Key here';
$lob = new \Lob\Lob($apiKey);
We've provided various examples for you to try out here.
There are simple scripts to demonstrate how to create all the core Lob objects (checks, letters, postcards. etc.) as well as more complex examples that utilize other libraries and external files.
- Introduction
- Versioning
- Errors
- Rate Limiting
- Webhooks
- Cancellation Windows
- Scheduled Mailings
- Metadata
- HTML Templates
- Asset URLs
- Addresses
- US Verification API
- Int'l Verification API
- Postcards API
- Letters API
- Checks API
- Area Mail API
- Appendix
Lob.com PHP Client uses PHPUnit for unit testing.
In order to run the unit tests, you'll first need to install the dependencies using Composer.
composer install --dev # For PHP 5.6
composer install # For PHP >= 7.0
Once the dependencies have been installed, the tests can be run with
php vendor/bin/phpunit
To get a code coverage report after running the test suite, run
php vendor/bin/coveralls -v
Copyright © 2016 Lob.com
Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in LICENSE.txt