The following liquid tags are supplied by the plugin.
Generates the title for a page.
{% pageTitle %}
Generates the description for a page.
{% pageDescription %}
Generates the canonical URL for the current page or for another page if passing in an argument.
{% canonicalURL %}
{% canonicalURL /feed.xml %}
{% canonicalURL post.url %}
Use without arg to canonical url for current page:
<link rel="canonical" href="{% canonicalURL %}">
Use with arg to link to a specific page, like feed.xml:
<link type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" href="{% canonicalURL /feed.xml %}" title="{{ site.title }}" >
Use with Eleventy provided variables, like page.url
that resolves to an url in places like...
{% for post in collections.posts limit: 10 %}
<link>{% canonicalURL post.url %}</link>
{% endfor %}
{% for item in collections.all %}
<loc>{% canonicalURL item.url %}</loc>
{% endfor %}
Outputs the full name of the author for the current page.
{% metaAuthor %}
Adds robots meta directive with index,follow
except on paginated pages which gets noindex,follow
{% metaRobots %}
Generates block of Open Graph markup for current page.
{% openGraph %}
Generates block of twitter card markup for current page.
{% twitterCard %}