Install NodeJS on your local system. You can get a copy from the NodeJS website linked below.
Install project dependencies.
From your terminal, cd
into the directory where this project lives and type the following command:
$ npm install
Source: contains all project source files
Build: contains all compiled code and is rewritten
HTML: source/htdocs -> build/
CSS: source/scss -> build/css/style.min.css
JavaScript: source/js -> build/js/bundle.js
Images (png,jpg,gif,svg): source/img -> build/img
$ npm run watch
When it finishes, a new browser window will open pointing to a local BrowserSync server.
$ npm run build
Minifies and builds site for production.
Search for available dependencies on or by using $ npm search
CSS dependencies are managed using NPM and imported via source/scss/style.scss.
Add dependency using:
$ npm install --save DEPENDENCY_NAME
For example:
$ npm install --save foundation-sites
Within /source/scss/style.scss link to dependency:
@import 'node_modules/DEPENDENCY_NAME';
For example:
@import 'node_modules/foundation-sites/scss/foundation';
JavaScript dependencies are managed using NPM and imported using Browserfy via /source/js/app.js.
Add dependency using:
$ npm install --save DEPENDENCY_NAME
For example:
$ npm install --save fastclick
Within /source/js/app.js add:
var dependencyName = require('DEPENDENCYNAME');
For example:
var fastclick = require('fastclick');
Fuzzcode utilizes EditorConfig to maintain consistent coding styles accross different editors.
Download the EditorConfig Plugin for your editor.
We're using Twig includes for static site includes. Check out Twig Includes Documentation.
Within an html file add the following
{% include 'source/htdocs/_includes/header.html' with {'page': 'home'} %}
Update the include path to point to the intented include template. This case we're using source/htdocs/_includes/header.html. We're passing the variable page that's set to home.
Note: all includes must be within an _includes directory