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This directory is for evaluation of ForecastPFN. We have evaluated ForecastPFN on seven real-world datasets which have been used in the literature. The datasets are in the ../academic_data folder. The datasets include Illness, Exchange, ECL, ETTh1 and ETTh2, Weather and Traffic.

The evaluation has been done against multiple baselines which include Arima, Prophet, Informer, Fedformer-w, Autoformer, Transformer and Metalearn, as well as more simple baselines Mean, Last, and NaiveSeasonal.

This is an example where illness is evaluated on ForecastPFN:

# illness
python \
 --is_training 0 \
 --data ili \
 --root_path ../academic_data/illness/ \
 --data_path national_illness.csv \
 --model ForecastPFN \
 --seq_len 36 \
 --label_len 18 \
 --pred_len 14 \
 --train_budget 50 \
 --itr 5

The arguments that are passed are:

  • is_training : This is set to 0 for ForecastPFN and Metalearn since these models don't require training while it is set to 1 for all other models.
  • data : This denotes which data should be used. Look at benchmark/data_provider/ for more details.
  • root_path : This denotes the parent directory which contains the required dataset.
  • data_path : This denotes the name of the file which contains the data. Look into the academic_data folder for information regarding other dataset files.
  • model : This is one of (ForecastPFN, Metalearn, Arima, Autoformer, Informer, Transformer, FEDformer-w, Prophet)
  • seq_len : The length of input sequence to be used. In our default setting, we have this set to 96 for exchange and 36 for all other datasets.
  • label_len : In our default setting, we have this set to 48 for exchange and 18 for all other datasets.
  • pred_len : This is the length of prediction to be made. We have evaluated our model with various prediction lengths.
  • train_budget : This denotes the number of training examples that are available to the models which they can use for training. ForecastPFN and Metalearn use 0 examples since they are zero-shot.
  • itr : Number of times evaluation should be repeated. This affects the transformer-based models since they are non-deterministic.

All experiments that have been run for this paper can be found in

Repliaction of the paper tables and plots can be found in the jupyter notebook ./analyze_results.ipynb.