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Abacus.AI Feature Store API

The Abacus.AI platform allows you to process, join and transform raw tabular data present in various data sources (like AWS S3, Snowflake, Redshift, GCS, Salesforce, Marketo) into features for the purposes of building machine learning models and running predictions on them. Features are organized into Feature Groups and can be easily specified using ANSI-SQL or Python code. Specifying feature groups in Abacus.AI also allows for a clear path to productionizing data pipelines for regular model training, offline predictions and online serving of predictions using a custom or Abacus.AI built model.

Core concepts

Concept Definition
Datasets A dataset is a named table definition consisting of a data source (an external system connection, a blob storage URI, or a file upload) and a schema (list of column names along with their data types). A dataset version represents actual materialized data created from this definition. Dataset versions are immutable. Datasets can be setup to refresh periodically - which will result in new versions being created automatically from the data source (not applicable for uploads). Every dataset has a table name that is unique to the organization.
Feature Groups A feature group is a named table definition which is based on a transformation of the features from datasets or other feature groups. Feature group definitions can be specified using ANSI SQL transformations which reference other dataset and feature group table names directly in the SQL statement. Feature group definitions can also be specified using a user-provided Python function which returns a Pandas Dataframe. Similar to datasets, Feature Groups are just a definition of the transformations and aren't actually applied until you create a Feature Group Version to materialize the data. This can be done via the API or on a refresh schedule.
Feature A column in a feature group.
Nested Feature Group A type of Feature Group that supports time-based windowing of data
Feature Group Version A materialized snapshot of a Feature Group's data
Project Entity in Abacus.AI which can contain machine learning models, deployments for online serving of feature groups, and pipelines for training models on feature group data
Organization Entity in Abacus.AI which corresponds to a collection of users who belong to an organization. Datasets, Feature Groups, and Projects are scoped to an organization. Table names across datasets and feature groups are unique to an organization.

Setting up a new Feature Store Project Open In Colab

To create a new Feature Store project, call the createProject API with a name and the FEATURE_STORE use case.

project = client.create_project(name='My first Feature Store Project', use_case='FEATURE_STORE')

Create Dataset Definitions and associated Feature Groups Open In Colab

Datasets can be created via uploads [example], file connectors [example] (blob storage providers such as S3 or GCP Storage), or database connectors [example] (Salesforce, Snowflake, BigQuery, etc.).

We'll be using the file connector for the demo purposes as we support reading from publicly accessible buckets, however you can verify your own private buckets on the Connected Services Page

When creating a dataset, you must assign a Feature Group Table Name which is unique to your organization and used when building derivative Feature Groups. We'll create two datasets, one containing an event log and the other containing item metadata

events_dataset = client.create_dataset_from_file_connector(
           name='Events Log', 
items_dataset = client.create_dataset_from_file_connector(
           name='Items Data', 

Finally, we can create a feature group from these datasets, specifying what columns we want as features, and how to join the two tables together. We can do this via ANSI SQL statements or python functions:


feature_group = client.create_feature_group(
     sql='SELECT * FROM event_log JOIN item_metadata USING (item_id) WHERE timestamp > NOW() - INTERVAL 180 DAY'

Python Functions

To create a feature group backed by a Python function, we have first provide the source code for the function in a valid python file. In this example, we are using pandas functions in our function. We will run the code in a container which has a Python 3.8 environment with a of standard list of python libraries.

import pandas as pd

def item_filtering(items_df, events_df):
    final_df = pd.merge(items_df, events_df['item_id'], how='inner', on='item_id')
    final_df = final_df[final_df['timestamp'] < - datetime.timedelta(days=180)]
    return final_df

Assuming we have saved this file as, we can use the following snippet to create a python function feature group.

fg_code = open('').read()
feature_group = client.create_feature_group_from_function(table_name='joined_events_data', 
                                                          input_feature_groups=['item_metadata', 'event_log'])

Add New Features [SQL-Based Feature Groups Only] Open In Colab

Once you create a feature group, you can add, edit, and remove features by editing the entire sql, or by using utility methods provided:

feature_group.add_feature(name='feature_name', select_expression='CONCAT(col1, col2)')
feature_group.update_feature(name='feature_name', select_expression='CONCAT(col1, col3)')

       sql='SELECT *, CONCAT(col1, col2) AS feature_name FROM datasets_abc JOIN datasets_second USING (id)'

Looking at Materialized Data

df = feature_group.latest_feature_group_version.load_as_pandas()

Inputless Python function feature groups

If we want to use a Python function to dynamically read other tables and construct data without having to pre-specify the list of inputs, we can use the Abacus.AI client within the python function. The client available during function execution is a secure version, which exposes a read only restricted set of APIs.

import pandas as pd
import abacusai

def construct_fg_from_api():
    client = abacusai.get_client()
    items_fg = client.get_feature_group('item_metadata')
    events_fg = client.get_feature_group('events_log')
    items_df = items_fg.load_as_pandas()
    events_df = events_fg.load_as_pandas()

    final_df = pd.merge(items_df, events_df['item_id'], how='inner', on='item_id')
    final_df = final_df[final_df['timestamp'] < - datetime.timedelta(days=180)]
    return final_df

For this type of no arguments function, can use the following snippet to create a python function feature group.

feature_group = client.create_feature_group_from_function(

Point In Time Features

Abacus.AI also supports defining and querying point in time features. Say we want to calculate the number of times a certain event has occurred within a historical window when another event occurred (for e.g, number of views 30 minutes before a purchase), we can associate a historical activity table with another table which records purchases.

                                                  aggregation_keys=['user_id', 'site_id'], 

The add_point_in_time_feature API method uses the aggregation_key_features to match up the purchases and activity tables, and for each point in the purchases table, retrieves all rows from the activity table which have a timestamp within 5 minutes in the past of the purchase timestamp, and evaluates a aggregation expression on those rows.

A slightly different example shows how to calculate the click through rate from the last 100 events in the activity log.

                     aggregation_keys=['user_id', 'site_id'], 
                     expression='SUM(IF(event_type = "click", 1, 0))'
                     aggregation_keys=['user_id', 'site_id'], 
                     expression='SUM(IF(event_type = "view", 1, 0))'

Tags on Feature Groups

To better organize feature groups, we can add descriptive tags to our feature group and add it to our project.

feature_group.add_tag('Joined events log')  # Optional


Export Materialized Feature Group Data Open In Colab

Feature Groups only contain the transformations to apply to the underlying data. In order to apply the transformations, you need to create a Feature Group Version.

feature_group_version = feature_group.create_version()
feature_group_version.wait_for_results() # blocks waiting for materialization

Now that your data is materialized, we can now export it to a file connector which you have authorized Abacus.AI to be able to write to.

Abacus.AI supports "CSV", "JSON" and "AVRO" as the Export File Format of the feature group data.

feature_group_version.export_to_file_connector(location='s3://your-bucket/export-location.csv', export_file_format='CSV')

Deploy Feature Groups for Online Featurization of Data Open In Colab

Feature Groups can be deployed for online data transformations and lookups. Feature Groups with simple join conditions will also support single column id based lookups. The describeFeatureGroup method will expose these keys when set. In addition, streaming

Once set, you can deploy the feature group:

deployment = client.create_deployment(feature_group_id=feature_group.feature_group_id)
deployment_token = client.create_deployment_token(project_id=project.project_id).deployment_token

Now that the deployment is online, you can featurize data by passing in raw dataset rows, a list of lookup keys, or a single lookup key:

                       query_data={'user_id': ['id1', 'id2']})
                       query_data={'item_id': 'item1'})

The response will be a list of feature group rows.

Streaming Data Open In Colab

A feature group project can be setup to support online updates. To accomplish this, we need to configure a streaming dataset.

Streaming feature groups All streaming datasets (like other datasets) have an associated feature group. You can use this feature group to include streaming data in another project. This feature group can map the primaryKey, updateTimestampKey, and lookupKeys features. We can also explicitly set a schema on this feature group if we want to start configuring it before we actually stream data and infer schema from the streaming dataset. Streaming feature groups need to have a timestamp type column that can be used as the updateTimestampKey column. Additionally, a primaryKey column can be specified as the primary key of the streaming dataset, and when this property is set, there is an implicit assertion that there is only one row for each value of the primaryKey column. When a primaryKey column is specified, the upsertData API method is supported, which can be used to partially update data for a specific primary key value. In addition, streaming data can be indexed by lookup columns Otherwise, data can be added to a streaming dataset using the appendData method. The updateTimestampKey column is updated to be the time when data is added or updated (and it is not passed in as part of those method calls). To facilitate online look ups, we can mark columns in the streaming feature group as lookup keys.

Streaming datasets can have a retention period which will let the system manage retain only a certain amount of data. This retention policy can be expressed as a period of time or a number of rows.

streaming_dataset_users = client.create_streaming_dataset(table_name='streaming_user_data')
streaming_feature_group_users = client.describe_feature_group_by_table_name(table_name='streaming_user_data')
streaming_feature_group_user.set_indexing_config(update_timestamp_key='update_timestamp', primary_key='user_id')
streaming_dataset_users.set_streaming_retention_policy(retention_hours=48, retention_row_count=2_000_000_000)

To add data to a streaming dataset, we can use the following APIs:

streaming_token = client.create_streaming_token().streaming_token
                                    data={'user_id': 'user_id_1', 
                                          'data_column': 1, 
                                          'update_timestamp': - timedelta(minutes=2)})
                   data={'user_id': 'user_id_1', 
                         'data_column': 1, 
                         'update_timestamp': - timedelta(minutes=2)})

We can also create a streaming feature group which behaves like a log of events with an index.

streaming_dataset_user_activity = client.create_streaming_dataset(table_name='streaming_user_activity')
streaming_feature_group_user_activity = client.describe_feature_group_by_table_name(table_name='streaming_user_activity')
streaming_feature_group_user_activity.set_indexing_config(update_timestamp_key='event_timestamp', lookup_keys=['user_id'])

Data can be added to this dataset using the append_data api call. If the updateTimestampKey attribute is not set, we use the server receive timestamp as the value for the updateTimestampKey

                                                  data={'user_id': '1ae2ee', 
                                                        'item_id': '12ef11', 
                                                        'action': 'click', 
                                                        'num_items': 3})
                   data={'user_id': '1ae2ee', 'item_id': '12ef11', 'action': 'click', 'num_items': 3})

Another way to manage data in a streaming dataset is to invalidate data before a certain specific timestamp.

streaming_feature_group_user_activity.invalidate_streaming_data( - datetime.timedelta(hours=6))

Concatenating streaming feature group with offline data Streaming feature groups can be merged with a regular feature group using a concatenate operation. Feature groups can be merged if their schema's are compatible and they have the special updateTimestampKey column and if set, the primaryKey column. The second operand in the concatenate operation will be appended to the first operand (merge target).

We can specify a mergeType option, which can be a UNION or an INTERSECTION. Depending on this value (defaults to UNION), the columns in the final feature group will be a union or an intersection of the two feature groups.

Concatenation is useful in production settings when we either want to evolve streaming feature groups, or add online updates to a specific table of a feature group that has been developed an initially deployed with offline datasets.

  • If a feature group was developed starting with a streaming feature group and we want to replace past data, we can concatenate data up to a certain point with a new batch data feature group.
streaming_feature_group_user_activity.concatenate_data(feature_group_id, merge_type='UNION', 
                                                       replace_until_timestamp=datetime(2021, 09, 01))
  • If we started with a batch feature group, built and deployed a final feature group that used this feature group, we can supplement it with realtime data for lookups with a streaming feature group.

If the original feature group was refreshed using a refresh policy, each time the feature group refreshes, we will only add streaming data after the maximum record timestamp of the merge target feature group.