ClearCode is a simple tool to fetch and sync ClearlyDefined data for a local copy.
ClearlyDefined data are organized as deeply nested trees of JSON files.
The data that are synchronized include with this tool include:
- the "definitions" that contain the aggregated data from running multiple scan tools and if available a manual expert curation
- the "harvests" that contain the actual detailed output of scans (e.g. scancode runs)
The items are not fetched for now:
- the "attachments" that are whole original files such as a README file
- the "deadletters" that are scan failure traces when things fail: these are not available through the API
Here are some stats on the ClearlyDefined data files set as of 2020-02-26, excluding "deadletters" and most attachments:
JSON Files | Directories | Files & Dirs | Gzipped Size | On disk | |
ScanCode scans | 9,087,479 | 29,052,667 | 38,140,146 | 139,754,303,291 | ~400 GB |
Defs. & misc. | 38,796,760 | 44,825,854 | 83,622,614 | 304,861,913,800 | ~1 TB |
Total | 47,884,239 | 73,878,521 | 121,762,760 | 444,616,217,091 | ~2 TB |
Such a large number of files breaks about any filesystem: a mere directory listing can take days to complete. To avoid these file size and number issues, the JSON data fetched from the ClearlyDefined API are stored as gzipped-compressed JSON as blobs in a PosgresSQL database keyed by the file path. That path is the same as the path used in the ClearlyDefined "blob" storage on Azure. You can also save these as real files gzipped-compressed JSON files (with the caveat that this will make the filesystem crumble and this may require a special mkfs invocation to create a filesystems with enough inodes.)
To run this tool, you need:
- a POSIX OS (Linux)
- Python 3.6+
- PosgresSQL 9.5+ if you want to handle a large dataset
- plenty of space, bandwidth and CPU.
Run these commands to get started:
$ source configure $ clearsync --help
For instance, try this command:
$ clearsync --output-dir clearly-local --verbose -n3
This will fetch continuously everything (definitions, harvests, etc). from ClearlyDefined using three processes in parallel and save the output as JSON files in the clearly-local directory.
You can abort this at anytime with Ctrl+C.
WARNING: this may ceate too many files and directory for your file system sanity. Consider using the PostgreSQL storage instead.
First create a PostgreSQL database. This requires sudo access. This is tested on Debian and Ubuntu.
$ ./
Then run these commands to get started:
$ source configure $ clearsync --help
For instance, try this command:
$ clearsync --save-to-db --verbose -n3
This will fetch all the latest data items and save them in the "clearcode" PostgresDB using three processes in parallel for fetching. You can abort this at anytime with Ctrl+C.
Basic tests can be run with the following command:
$ ./ test clearcode --verbosity=2
This assumes you have already populated your database even partially. In a first shell, start the webserver:
$ source configure $ ./ runserver
You can then visit the API at
In a second shell, you can run the command line API client tool to export data fetched from ClearlyDefined:
$ source configure $ python etc/scripts/ \ --api-root-url \ --last-modified-date 2020-06-20 Starting backup from Collecting cditems... 821 total [...........................................................................] 821 cditems collected. Backup location: /etc/scripts/clearcode_backup_2020-06-23_00-30-22 Backup completed.
The exported backup is saved as a single JSON file in a directory created for this run named with a timestamp such as clearcode_backup_2020-06-22_21-04-48.
In that second shell, you can then run the command line API client tool to import data saved from the export/backup run above:
$ python etc/scripts/ \ --clearcode-target-api-url \ --backup-directory etc/scripts/clearcode_backup_2020-06-23_00-30-22/ Importing objects from ../etc/scripts/clearcode_backup_2020-06-23_00-30-22 to Copying 821 cditems...........................................Copy completed. Results saved in /etc/scripts/copy_results_2020-06-23_00-32-37.json
This would likely something you would run on an isolated ClearCode DB that you want to keep current with items exported from a live replicating DB.
Note that these tools have minimal external requirements: only the requests library and have been designed to be used as single files that can be copied around.
See also for help on these two utilities:
$ python etc/scripts/ -h $ python etc/scripts/ -h
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