- Pasirandu, Curug Tangerang
- 7h ahead - https://www.abrahamyusuf.my.id
- @bram0511
- AbrahamYusuf.crypto
- abrahamyusuf.crypto
- https://AbrahamYusuf.t.me
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Forked from anders94/blockchain-demoA web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts.
Pug MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2024 -
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Forked from MetaMask/metamask-extension🌐 🔌 The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
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Forked from unicodeveloper/awesome-nextjs📔 📚 A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications)
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Alchemy Starter to build Web3
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Forked from Timikcool/learn-web3-dappThis Next.js app is designed to be used with the Figment Learn Pathways, to help developers learn about various blockchain protocols such as Solana, NEAR, Secret, Polygon and Polkadot!
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Forked from matter-labs/awesome-zero-knowledge-proofsA curated list of awesome things related to learning Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP).
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Forked from yjjnls/awesome-blockchain⚡️Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.
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Laravel 8 Generator With AdminLTE Admin Dashboard