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- Madison, WI
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An active fork of curl-impersonate with more versions and build targets. A series of patches that make curl requests look like Chrome and Firefox.
dlenski / python-vipaccess
Forked from cyrozap/python-vipaccessA free software implementation of Symantec's VIP Access application and protocol
fresnizky / jekyll-polymer
Forked from jtebert/jekyll-polymerA material theme for Jekyll built with Polymer 2.x
FirebaseExtended / functions-cron
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/reliable-task-scheduling-compute-engine-sampleRoelN / Font-Awesome
Forked from FortAwesome/Font-AwesomeThe iconic font and CSS toolkit
preston / railroady
Forked from tobias/RailRoadRuby on Rails 3/4/5 model and controller UML class diagram generator. (`brew/port/apt-get install graphviz` before use!)
mzsanford / twitter-text-php
Forked from mikenz/twitter-text-phpTwitter text processing library (auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags). Based on the Ruby and Java implementations by Matt Sanford
wesm / pandas
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
joscha / gmailr
Forked from jamesyu/gmailrA Gmail Javascript API
jaysalvat / jquery.facedetection
Forked from liuliu/ccvA jQuery plugin to detect faces on images, videos and canvases.
rubyminer / tweetstream
Forked from tweetstream/tweetstreamA RubyGem to access the Twitter Streaming API. (modified for site_streams & locations)
jcf / git-tmbundle
Forked from timcharper/git-tmbundleThe no longer maintained Git TextMate Bundle
recess / recess
Forked from KrisJordan/recessRecess is a REST oriented, full-stack PHP framework.