- Canberra
- http://a.carapetis.com/
- @amdpox
A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
Advancing QGrid, an interactive grid for exploring DataFrames in JupyterLab/Notebook
A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML
Feasible cost konfigurable NAT: An AWS NAT Instance AMI
The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
The best way to tail AWS CloudWatch Logs from your terminal
</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
Render Jinja2 template block as HTML page fragments on Python web frameworks.
An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks
An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.