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All additional docs are kept in the docs/ folder, this README is solely for documenting the values.yaml keys and values


The values are documented as of HEAD, to review the configuration options for your chart version ensure you view this file at the relevant tag

Default values are the defaults set in the charts values.yaml, some properties have default configurations in the code for when the property is omitted or invalid

Key Description Default
labels Set labels to apply to all resources in the chart
replicaCount Set the number of controller pods 1
webhookPort Set the containerPort for the webhook Pod 9443
syncPeriod Set the period in which the controller reconciles the desired runners count 1m
enableLeaderElection Enable election configuration true
leaderElectionId Set the election ID for the controller group
githubEnterpriseServerURL Set the URL for a self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server
githubURL Override GitHub URL to be used for GitHub API calls
githubUploadURL Override GitHub Upload URL to be used for GitHub API calls
runnerGithubURL Override GitHub URL to be used by runners during registration
logLevel Set the log level of the controller container
logFormat Set the log format of the controller. Valid options are "text" and "json" text
additionalVolumes Set additional volumes to add to the manager container
additionalVolumeMounts Set additional volume mounts to add to the manager container
authSecret.create Deploy the controller auth secret false Set the name of the auth secret controller-manager
authSecret.annotations Set annotations for the auth Secret
authSecret.github_app_id The ID of your GitHub App. This can't be set at the same time as authSecret.github_token
authSecret.github_app_installation_id The ID of your GitHub App installation. This can't be set at the same time as authSecret.github_token
authSecret.github_app_private_key The multiline string of your GitHub App's private key. This can't be set at the same time as authSecret.github_token
authSecret.github_token Your chosen GitHub PAT token. This can't be set at the same time as the authSecret.github_app_*
authSecret.github_basicauth_username Username for GitHub basic auth to use instead of PAT or GitHub APP in case it's running behind a proxy API
authSecret.github_basicauth_password Password for GitHub basic auth to use instead of PAT or GitHub APP in case it's running behind a proxy API
dockerRegistryMirror The default Docker Registry Mirror used by runners.
hostNetwork The "hostNetwork" of the controller container false
dnsPolicy The "dnsPolicy" of the controller container ClusterFirst
image.repository The "repository/image" of the controller container summerwind/actions-runner-controller
image.tag The tag of the controller container
image.actionsRunnerRepositoryAndTag The "repository/image" of the actions runner container summerwind/actions-runner:latest
image.actionsRunnerImagePullSecrets Optional image pull secrets to be included in the runner pod's ImagePullSecrets
image.dindSidecarRepositoryAndTag The "repository/image" of the dind sidecar container docker:dind
image.pullPolicy The pull policy of the controller image IfNotPresent
metrics.serviceMonitor.enable Deploy serviceMonitor kind for for use with prometheus-operator CRDs false
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Configure the interval that Prometheus should scrap the controller's metrics 1m
`metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace which Prometheus is running in Release.Namespace (the default namespace of the helm chart).
metrics.serviceMonitor.timeout Configure the timeout the timeout of Prometheus scrapping. 30s
metrics.serviceAnnotations Set annotations for the provisioned metrics service resource
metrics.port Set port of metrics service 8443
metrics.proxy.enabled Deploy kube-rbac-proxy container in controller pod true
metrics.proxy.image.repository The "repository/image" of the kube-proxy container
metrics.proxy.image.tag The tag of the kube-proxy image to use when pulling the container v0.13.1
metrics.serviceMonitorLabels Set labels to apply to ServiceMonitor resources
imagePullSecrets Specifies the secret to be used when pulling the controller pod containers
fullnameOverride Override the full resource names
nameOverride Override the resource name prefix
serviceAccount.annotations Set annotations to the service account
serviceAccount.create Deploy the controller pod under a service account true
podAnnotations Set annotations for the controller pod
podLabels Set labels for the controller pod Set the name of the service account
securityContext Set the security context for each container in the controller pod
podSecurityContext Set the security context to controller pod
service.annotations Set annotations for the provisioned webhook service resource
service.port Set controller service ports
service.type Set controller service type
topologySpreadConstraints Set the controller pod topologySpreadConstraints
nodeSelector Set the controller pod nodeSelector
resources Set the controller pod resources
affinity Set the controller pod affinity rules
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enables a PDB to ensure HA of controller pods false
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number of pods that must be available after eviction
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable after eviction. Kubernetes 1.7+ required.
tolerations Set the controller pod tolerations
env Set environment variables for the controller container
priorityClassName Set the controller pod priorityClassName
scope.watchNamespace Tells the controller and the github webhook server which namespace to watch if scope.singleNamespace is true Release.Namespace (the default namespace of the helm chart).
scope.singleNamespace Limit the controller to watch a single namespace false
certManagerEnabled Enable cert-manager. If disabled you must set admissionWebHooks.caBundle and create TLS secrets manually true
runner.statusUpdateHook.enabled Use custom RBAC for runners (role, role binding and service account), this will enable reporting runner statuses false
admissionWebHooks.caBundle Base64-encoded PEM bundle containing the CA that signed the webhook's serving certificate
githubWebhookServer.logLevel Set the log level of the githubWebhookServer container
githubWebhookServer.logFormat Set the log format of the githubWebhookServer controller. Valid options are "text" and "json" text
githubWebhookServer.replicaCount Set the number of webhook server pods 1
githubWebhookServer.useRunnerGroupsVisibility Enable supporting runner groups with custom visibility, you also need to set githubWebhookServer.secret.enabled to enable this feature. false
githubWebhookServer.enabled Deploy the webhook server pod false
githubWebhookServer.queueLimit Set the queue size limit in the githubWebhookServer
githubWebhookServer.secret.enabled Passes the webhook hook secret to the github-webhook-server false
githubWebhookServer.secret.create Deploy the webhook hook secret false Set the name of the webhook hook secret github-webhook-server
githubWebhookServer.secret.github_webhook_secret_token Set the webhook secret token value
githubWebhookServer.imagePullSecrets Specifies the secret to be used when pulling the githubWebhookServer pod containers
githubWebhookServer.nameOverride Override the resource name prefix
githubWebhookServer.fullnameOverride Override the full resource names
githubWebhookServer.serviceAccount.create Deploy the githubWebhookServer under a service account true
githubWebhookServer.serviceAccount.annotations Set annotations for the service account Set the service account name
githubWebhookServer.podAnnotations Set annotations for the githubWebhookServer pod
githubWebhookServer.podLabels Set labels for the githubWebhookServer pod
githubWebhookServer.podSecurityContext Set the security context to githubWebhookServer pod
githubWebhookServer.securityContext Set the security context for each container in the githubWebhookServer pod
githubWebhookServer.resources Set the githubWebhookServer pod resources
githubWebhookServer.topologySpreadConstraints Set the githubWebhookServer pod topologySpreadConstraints
githubWebhookServer.nodeSelector Set the githubWebhookServer pod nodeSelector
githubWebhookServer.tolerations Set the githubWebhookServer pod tolerations
githubWebhookServer.affinity Set the githubWebhookServer pod affinity rules
githubWebhookServer.priorityClassName Set the githubWebhookServer pod priorityClassName
githubWebhookServer.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Set the githubWebhookServer pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. Useful when using preStop hooks to drain/sleep. 10
githubWebhookServer.lifecycle Set the githubWebhookServer pod lifecycle hooks {}
githubWebhookServer.service.type Set githubWebhookServer service type
githubWebhookServer.service.ports Set githubWebhookServer service ports [{"port":80, "targetPort:"http", "protocol":"TCP", "name":"http"}]
githubWebhookServer.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Set githubWebhookServer loadBalancerSourceRanges for restricting loadBalancer type services []
githubWebhookServer.ingress.enabled Deploy an ingress kind for the githubWebhookServer false
githubWebhookServer.ingress.annotations Set annotations for the ingress kind
githubWebhookServer.ingress.hosts Set hosts configuration for ingress [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": []}]
githubWebhookServer.ingress.tls Set tls configuration for ingress
githubWebhookServer.ingress.ingressClassName Set ingress class name
githubWebhookServer.podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enables a PDB to ensure HA of githubwebhook pods false
githubWebhookServer.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number of pods that must be available after eviction
githubWebhookServer.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable after eviction. Kubernetes 1.7+ required.
actionsMetricsServer.logLevel Set the log level of the actionsMetricsServer container
actionsMetricsServer.logFormat Set the log format of the actionsMetricsServer controller. Valid options are "text" and "json" text
actionsMetricsServer.enabled Deploy the actions metrics server pod false
actionsMetricsServer.secret.enabled Passes the webhook hook secret to the actions-metrics-server false
actionsMetricsServer.secret.create Deploy the webhook hook secret false Set the name of the webhook hook secret actions-metrics-server
actionsMetricsServer.secret.github_webhook_secret_token Set the webhook secret token value
actionsMetricsServer.imagePullSecrets Specifies the secret to be used when pulling the actionsMetricsServer pod containers
actionsMetricsServer.nameOverride Override the resource name prefix
actionsMetricsServer.fullnameOverride Override the full resource names
actionsMetricsServer.serviceAccount.create Deploy the actionsMetricsServer under a service account true
actionsMetricsServer.serviceAccount.annotations Set annotations for the service account Set the service account name
actionsMetricsServer.podAnnotations Set annotations for the actionsMetricsServer pod
actionsMetricsServer.podLabels Set labels for the actionsMetricsServer pod
actionsMetricsServer.podSecurityContext Set the security context to actionsMetricsServer pod
actionsMetricsServer.securityContext Set the security context for each container in the actionsMetricsServer pod
actionsMetricsServer.resources Set the actionsMetricsServer pod resources
actionsMetricsServer.topologySpreadConstraints Set the actionsMetricsServer pod topologySpreadConstraints
actionsMetricsServer.nodeSelector Set the actionsMetricsServer pod nodeSelector
actionsMetricsServer.tolerations Set the actionsMetricsServer pod tolerations
actionsMetricsServer.affinity Set the actionsMetricsServer pod affinity rules
actionsMetricsServer.priorityClassName Set the actionsMetricsServer pod priorityClassName
actionsMetricsServer.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Set the actionsMetricsServer pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. Useful when using preStop hooks to drain/sleep. 10
actionsMetricsServer.lifecycle Set the actionsMetricsServer pod lifecycle hooks {}
actionsMetricsServer.service.type Set actionsMetricsServer service type
actionsMetricsServer.service.ports Set actionsMetricsServer service ports [{"port":80, "targetPort:"http", "protocol":"TCP", "name":"http"}]
actionsMetricsServer.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Set actionsMetricsServer loadBalancerSourceRanges for restricting loadBalancer type services []
actionsMetricsServer.ingress.enabled Deploy an ingress kind for the actionsMetricsServer false
actionsMetricsServer.ingress.annotations Set annotations for the ingress kind
actionsMetricsServer.ingress.hosts Set hosts configuration for ingress [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": []}]
actionsMetricsServer.ingress.tls Set tls configuration for ingress
actionsMetricsServer.ingress.ingressClassName Set ingress class name
actionsMetrics.serviceMonitor.enable Deploy serviceMonitor kind for for use with prometheus-operator CRDs false
actionsMetrics.serviceMonitor.interval Configure the interval that Prometheus should scrap the controller's metrics 1m
actionsMetrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace which Prometheus is running in. Release.Namespace (the default namespace of the helm chart).
actionsMetrics.serviceMonitor.timeout Configure the timeout the timeout of Prometheus scrapping. 30s
actionsMetrics.serviceAnnotations Set annotations for the provisioned actions metrics service resource
actionsMetrics.port Set port of actions metrics service 8443
actionsMetrics.proxy.enabled Deploy kube-rbac-proxy container in controller pod true
actionsMetrics.proxy.image.repository The "repository/image" of the kube-proxy container
actionsMetrics.proxy.image.tag The tag of the kube-proxy image to use when pulling the container v0.13.1
actionsMetrics.serviceMonitorLabels Set labels to apply to ServiceMonitor resources