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Releases: actions/runner-images

Ubuntu 22.04 (20250202) Image Update

03 Feb 17:37
Choose a tag to compare

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.5 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.5.0-1025-azure
  • Image Version: 20250202.1.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250126.1.0) Current (20250202.1.1)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 2.1.0-release-394 2.1.10-release-473
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.17 4.4.19
Vcpkg (build from commit 57c08a322) (build from commit 0ca64b4e1)
Tools Ansible 2.17.7 2.17.8
AzCopy 10.27.1 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases 10.28.0 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases
Bicep 0.33.13 0.33.93
Pulumi 3.147.0 3.148.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.23.6 2.23.11
GitHub CLI 2.65.0 2.66.1
Google Cloud CLI 507.0.0 508.0.0
Netlify CLI 18.0.2 18.0.3
OpenShift CLI 4.17.12 4.17.14
Vercel CLI 39.3.0 40.1.0
Rust Tools Cargo 1.84.0 1.84.1
Rust 1.84.0 1.84.1
Rustdoc 1.84.0 1.84.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.110 132.0.6834.159
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.110 132.0.6834.159
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.127 132.0.2957.140
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.127 132.0.2957.140
Databases >
MySQL 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

Installed apt packages

Name Version
dnsutils 1:9.18.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
tzdata 2024a-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
dnsutils 1:9.18.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.2
tzdata 2024b-0ubuntu0.22.04

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 20.04 (20250202) Image Update

03 Feb 21:01
Choose a tag to compare

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1078-azure
  • Image Version: 20250202.1.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.24

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250126.1.0) Current (20250202.1.1)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 2.1.0-release-394 2.1.10-release-473
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.17 4.4.19
Vcpkg (build from commit 57c08a322) (build from commit 0ca64b4e1)
Tools AzCopy 10.27.1 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases 10.28.0 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases
Bicep 0.33.13 0.33.93
Pulumi 3.147.0 3.148.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.23.6 2.23.11
GitHub CLI 2.65.0 2.66.1
Google Cloud CLI 507.0.0 508.0.0
Netlify CLI 18.0.2 18.0.3
Vercel CLI 39.3.0 40.1.0
Rust Tools Cargo 1.84.0 1.84.1
Rust 1.84.0 1.84.1
Rustdoc 1.84.0 1.84.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.110 132.0.6834.159
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.110 132.0.6834.159
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.127 132.0.2957.140
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.127 132.0.2957.140
Databases MongoDB 5.0.30 5.0.31
Databases >
MySQL 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

Installed apt packages

Name Version
dnsutils 1:9.18.30-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
tzdata 2024a-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
dnsutils 1:9.18.30-0ubuntu0.20.04.2
tzdata 2024b-0ubuntu0.20.04

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2025 (20250127) Image Update

29 Jan 22:34
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Removal of Azure and Azure Powershell module from windows images from Febraury 14
[Windows ] Breaking change : PHP 8.3.* version will be updated to PHP 8.4.* from January 31,2025
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from February 07,2025

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2025

  • OS Version: 10.0.26100 Build 2894
  • Image Version: 20250127.1.1

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.2.0) Current (20250127.1.1)
Language and Runtime Go 1.23.4 1.23.5
Kotlin 2.1.0 2.1.10
Node 22.13.0 22.13.1
PHP 8.3.16 8.4.3
Package Management Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
pip 24.3.1 (python 3.9) 25.0 (python 3.9)
Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit f3a67b0c4)
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.84 132.0.6834.111
Chrome Driver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge Driver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
Database tools MySQL
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.739 4.1.743


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 13 (20250129) Image Update

29 Jan 19:59
Choose a tag to compare
[ macOS ] .NET 7.x will be removed from macOS-13 and macOS-14 images on February 24,2025.
macOS 15 (Sequoia) will be generally available in GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps from February, 17
[macOS] Ruby version 3.0 will be removed from the images on Feb 10, 2025 and 3.3 will be set as default.

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 13

  • OS Version: macOS 13.7.2 (22H313)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 22.6.0
  • Image Version: 20250129.634

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.597) Current (20250129.634)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 2.1.0-release-394 2.1.10-release-473
Node.js 20.18.1 20.18.2
Package Management Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
Homebrew 4.4.16 4.4.19
Pip3 24.3.1 (python 3.13) 25.0 (python 3.13)
Vcpkg 2025 (build from commit cf035d991) 2025 (build from commit ab42fb303)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.12.1
Utilities azcopy 10.27.1 10.28.0
Packer 1.11.2 1.12.0
Tools AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.8
Bicep CLI 0.32.4 0.33.13
Cmake 3.31.4 3.31.5
SwiftFormat 0.55.4 0.55.5
Xcbeautify 2.17.0 2.23.0
Browsers Safari 18.2 (18620. 18.3 (18620.
SafariDriver 18.2 (18620. 18.3 (18620.
Google Chrome 132.0.6834.84 132.0.6834.160
Google Chrome for Testing 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.159
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.159
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Selenium server 4.27.0 4.28.0
Cached Tools Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2019 (20250127) Image Update

28 Jan 14:51
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Removal of Azure and Azure Powershell module from windows images from Febraury 14
[Windows ] Breaking change : PHP 8.3.* version will be updated to PHP 8.4.* from January 31,2025
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from February 07,2025

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2019

  • OS Version: 10.0.17763 Build 6775
  • Image Version: 20250127.1.1

πŸ“£ What's changed?

Added βž•

Category Tool name Current (20250127.1.1)
Cached Tools Python 3.13.1
Ruby 3.3.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.1.0) Current (20250127.1.1)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 2.1.0 2.1.10
Node 18.20.5 18.20.6
PHP 8.3.16 8.4.3
Package Management Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
pip 24.3.1 (python 3.9) 25.0 (python 3.9)
Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit f3a67b0c4)
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
Google Cloud CLI 506.0.0 507.0.0
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.248 3.0.250
AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.84 132.0.6834.111
Chrome Driver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge Driver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.739 4.1.743


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Databases > PostgreSQL

Property Value
Version 14.12
Version 14.15

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2022 (20250127) Image Update

28 Jan 08:07
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Removal of Azure and Azure Powershell module from windows images from Febraury 14
[Windows ] Breaking change : PHP 8.3.* version will be updated to PHP 8.4.* from January 31,2025
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from February 07,2025

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2022

  • OS Version: 10.0.20348 Build 3091
  • Image Version: 20250127.1.1

πŸ“£ What's changed?

Added βž•

Category Tool name Current (20250127.1.1)
Cached Tools Python 3.13.1
Ruby 3.3.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.2.0) Current (20250127.1.1)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 2.1.0 2.1.10
Node 18.20.5 18.20.6
PHP 8.3.16 8.4.3
Package Management Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
pip 24.3.1 (python 3.9) 25.0 (python 3.9)
Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit f3a67b0c4)
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.248 3.0.250
AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.84 132.0.6834.111
Chrome Driver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge Driver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
Database tools MySQL
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.739 4.1.743


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Databases > PostgreSQL

Property Value
Version 14.12
Version 14.15

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 24.04 (20250126) Image Update

27 Jan 09:41
Choose a tag to compare

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 24.04

  • OS Version: 24.04.1 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.8.0-1020-azure
  • Image Version: 20250126.1.1
  • Systemd version: 255.4-1ubuntu8.4

πŸ“£ What's changed?

Added βž•

Category Tool name Current (20250126.1.1)
Cached Tools Python 3.13.1
Ruby 3.2.6, 3.3.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.5.0) Current (20250126.1.1)
Language and Runtime Julia 1.11.2 1.11.3
Node.js 20.18.1 20.18.2
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit 57c08a322)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.12.1
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
CMake 3.31.4 3.31.5
Docker-Buildx 0.20.0 0.20.1
Packer 1.11.2 1.12.0
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Google Cloud CLI 506.0.0 507.0.0
PHP Tools Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Selenium server 4.28.0 4.28.1
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 22.04 (20250126) Image Update

27 Jan 09:39
Choose a tag to compare

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.5 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.5.0-1025-azure
  • Image Version: 20250126.1.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12

πŸ“£ What's changed?

Added βž•

Category Tool name Current (20250126.1.1)
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 9.0.102
Cached Tools Python 3.13.1
Ruby 3.3.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.2.0) Current (20250126.1.1)
Language and Runtime Julia 1.11.2 1.11.3
Node.js 18.20.5 18.20.6
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit 57c08a322)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.12.1
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
CMake 3.31.4 3.31.5
Docker-Buildx 0.20.0 0.20.1
Packer 1.11.2 1.12.0
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
Terraform 1.10.4 1.10.5
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.248 3.0.250
AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Google Cloud CLI 506.0.0 507.0.0
Netlify CLI 18.0.1 18.0.2
PHP Tools Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Selenium server 4.28.0 4.28.1
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
node:18 ~~sha256:8b7f2b36c945174b27fe833689fcc47b78dd47de0eda2d6e868e6e4ec2c63ae0 ~~ 2024-11-15
node:18-alpine ~~sha256:a24108da7089c2d293ceaa61fb8969ec10821e8efe25572e5abb10b1841eb70b ~~ 2024-12-05
node:20 ~~sha256:968ca0550acc7589a8b1324401ec6e39ace53b2c82d2aed3a278e9ff491c2b1c ~~ 2024-11-20
node:20-alpine ~~sha256:24fb6aa7020d9a20b00d6da6d1714187c45ed00d1eb4adb01395843c338b9372 ~~ 2024-12-05
node:22 ~~sha256:fa54405993eaa6bab6b6e460f5f3e945a2e2f07942ba31c0e297a7d9c2041f62 ~~ 2025-01-07
node:22-alpine ~~sha256:f2dc6eea95f787e25f173ba9904c9d0647ab2506178c7b5b7c5a3d02bc4af145 ~~ 2025-01-07
node:18 sha256:720eeea325b3da50e108ba34dde0fd69feeb3c59485199c5e22b0ea49a792aa5 2025-01-22
node:18-alpine sha256:974afb6cbc0314dc6502b14243b8a39fbb2d04d975e9059dd066be3e274fbb25 2025-01-22
node:20 sha256:bc3d86568d9a9e062cdf7036367f6e2ce201925e2912758bcd3b0e2657875a63 2025-01-22
node:20-alpine sha256:2cd2a6f4cb37cf8a007d5f1e9aef090ade6b62974c7a274098c390599e8c72b4 2025-01-22
node:22 sha256:ae2f3d4cc65d251352eca01ba668824f651a2ee4d2a37e2efb22649521a483fd 2025-01-22
node:22-alpine sha256:e2b39f7b64281324929257d0f8004fb6cb4bf0fdfb9aa8cedb235a766aec31da 2025-01-22

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 20.04 (20250126) Image Update

27 Jan 09:40
Choose a tag to compare

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1078-azure
  • Image Version: 20250126.1.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.24

πŸ“£ What's changed?

Added βž•

Category Tool name Current (20250126.1.1)
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 9.0.102
Cached Tools Python 3.13.1
Ruby 3.3.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.2.0) Current (20250126.1.1)
Language and Runtime Julia 1.11.2 1.11.3
Node.js 18.20.5 18.20.6
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit cf035d991) (build from commit 57c08a322)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.12.1
Tools Bicep 0.32.4 0.33.13
CMake 3.31.4 3.31.5
Docker-Buildx 0.20.0 0.20.1
Packer 1.11.2 1.12.0
Pulumi 3.146.0 3.147.0
Terraform 1.10.4 1.10.5
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Google Cloud CLI 506.0.0 507.0.0
Netlify CLI 18.0.1 18.0.2
PHP Tools Composer 2.8.4 2.8.5
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.115 132.0.2957.127
Selenium server 4.28.0 4.28.1
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.1 134.0.2
Cached Tools Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7


Version Environment Variable
8.0.432+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.25+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.13+11 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.5+11 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.442+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.26+4 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.14+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.6+7 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
node:18 ~~sha256:8b7f2b36c945174b27fe833689fcc47b78dd47de0eda2d6e868e6e4ec2c63ae0 ~~ 2024-11-15
node:18-alpine ~~sha256:a24108da7089c2d293ceaa61fb8969ec10821e8efe25572e5abb10b1841eb70b ~~ 2024-12-05
node:20 ~~sha256:968ca0550acc7589a8b1324401ec6e39ace53b2c82d2aed3a278e9ff491c2b1c ~~ 2024-11-20
node:20-alpine ~~sha256:24fb6aa7020d9a20b00d6da6d1714187c45ed00d1eb4adb01395843c338b9372 ~~ 2024-12-05
node:22 ~~sha256:fa54405993eaa6bab6b6e460f5f3e945a2e2f07942ba31c0e297a7d9c2041f62 ~~ 2025-01-07
node:22-alpine ~~sha256:f2dc6eea95f787e25f173ba9904c9d0647ab2506178c7b5b7c5a3d02bc4af145 ~~ 2025-01-07
node:18 sha256:720eeea325b3da50e108ba34dde0fd69feeb3c59485199c5e22b0ea49a792aa5 2025-01-22
node:18-alpine sha256:974afb6cbc0314dc6502b14243b8a39fbb2d04d975e9059dd066be3e274fbb25 2025-01-22
node:20 sha256:bc3d86568d9a9e062cdf7036367f6e2ce201925e2912758bcd3b0e2657875a63 2025-01-22
node:20-alpine sha256:2cd2a6f4cb37cf8a007d5f1e9aef090ade6b62974c7a274098c390599e8c72b4 2025-01-22
node:22 sha256:ae2f3d4cc65d251352eca01ba668824f651a2ee4d2a37e2efb22649521a483fd 2025-01-22
node:22-alpine sha256:e2b39f7b64281324929257d0f8004fb6cb4bf0fdfb9aa8cedb235a766aec31da 2025-01-22

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 15 arm64 (20250127) Image Update

27 Jan 14:28
Choose a tag to compare
[macOS] Ruby version 3.0 will be removed from the images on Feb 10, 2025 and 3.3 will be set as default.
[macOS] The macOS 12 Actions runner image will begin deprecation on 10/7/24 and will be fully unsupported by 12/3/24 for GitHub and by 01/13/25 for ADO
macOS 15 (Sequoia) is now available as a public beta in GitHub Actions

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 15

  • OS Version: macOS 15.2 (24C101)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 24.2.0
  • Image Version: 20250127.616

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250120.596) Current (20250127.616)
Language and Runtime Node.js 22.13.0 22.13.1
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.16 4.4.17
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.12.1
Utilities Packer 1.11.2 1.12.0
Tools AWS CLI 2.23.2 2.23.6
Bicep CLI 0.32.4 0.33.13
Cmake 3.31.4 3.31.5
SwiftFormat 0.55.4 0.55.5
Xcbeautify 2.17.0 2.23.0
Browsers Google Chrome 132.0.6834.84 132.0.6834.111
Google Chrome for Testing 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.83 132.0.6834.110
Selenium server 4.27.0 4.28.0
Cached Tools Node.js 18.20.5, 20.18.1, 22.13.0 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1
Go 1.22.10, 1.23.4 1.22.11, 1.23.5
PowerShell Tools PowerShell 7.4.6 7.4.7


Version Environment Variable
11.0.25+9 JAVA_HOME_11_arm64
17.0.13+11 JAVA_HOME_17_arm64
21.0.5+11.0 (default) JAVA_HOME_21_arm64
11.0.26+4 JAVA_HOME_11_arm64
17.0.14+7 JAVA_HOME_17_arm64
21.0.6+7.0 (default) JAVA_HOME_21_arm64

Xcode > Installed Simulators

OS Simulators
watchOS 10.5 Apple Watch SE (40mm) (2nd generation)
Apple Watch SE (44mm) (2nd generation)
Apple Watch Series 5 (40mm)
Apple Watch Series 5 (44mm)
Apple Watch Series 6 (40mm)
Apple Watch Series 6 (44mm)
Apple Watch Series 7 (41mm)
Apple Watch Series 7 (45mm)
Apple Watch Series 9 (41mm)
Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm)
Apple Watch Ultra 2 (49mm)
watchOS 10.5 Apple Watch SE (40mm) (2nd generation)
Apple Watch SE (44mm) (2nd generation)
Apple Watch Series 9 (41mm)
Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm)
Apple Watch Ultra 2 (49mm)

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.