Tags: adafruit/arduino-pico
Look for UF2 drives in additional spots on Linux (earlephilhower#37) Fixes earlephilhower#28
Set default pins for peripherals per datasheet (earlephilhower#103) Using the official Raspberry Pi Pico datasheet and the Adafruit Feather RP2040 schematic, set the default pins for peripherals to match. Fixes earlephilhower#92
Remove api from include path, add redirects Can't have cores/rp2040/api in the include path because the Arduino API dir has a "String.h" file. On Windows, because it is case-insensitive normally, this overrides the POSIX "string.h" header leading to bad stuff. Add manual redirect includes for commonly accessed headers in the cores/rp2040 path instead.
Fix Picoprobe USB PID Thanks to @me-no-dev for pointing out that the Picoprobe does UART passthrough!
Fix Picoprobe USB PID Thanks to @me-no-dev for pointing out that the Picoprobe does UART passthrough!