Open View Health is a free app anyone can use to visualize and securely share their medical data. A modern DICOM visualizer powered by Sethealth.
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Open View Health is open source app licensed under the MIT license. Medical data donated to the platform also becomes part of trully public dataset, available to anyone interested.
All data remains offline without ever leaving your computer and we never track users.
If you decide to share, your data will be end-to-end encrypted with AES256-GCM before it's uploaded. Since the encryption key is generated on your device, nobody but you can access it, not even us.{" "} Learn more about our end-to-end encryption
On top of the highest e2e encryption standard, your medical data is always anonymized before being uploaded, so even if the data gets compromised, it's impossible to trace it back to an specific person, time or location.
Names, locations, dates, annotations, all metadata is removed following the strictest guidelines of the{" "} HIPAA Privacy Rule's De-Identification Standard
Open View Health is not intend to use as medical device, and the site cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. Any medical/health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.