const adel_🤓 = {
title: "Front-end Software Engineer",
education: "Microverse remote full stack web development",
description: "Coffee addict and a team player who thrives on collaboration and connecting with diverse individuals.",
talkAbout: ['Web development', 'Tech', 'Computer Science'],
onFreeTime: {
drinking: "Coffee",
reading: "Startups, Businesses, and Technologies",
connecting: "Sharing knowledge with others."
dailyTechUsed: {
frontEnd: {
core: "React",
framework: "Next",
uiState: "Redux",
remoteState: "Tanstack",
Styling: ["TailwindCSS", "styled-components"],
uiFrameWorks: ["Shadcn", "antD"],
others: ["React Design system", "Microfrontend", "Reusable component libraries"]
backEnd: ["Node", "Express"],
DataBase: ["MongoDB", "PostgresSql"]
currentFocus: ["Microservices", "DevOps"],
futureFocus: ["Blockchain", "Artificial Intelligence"]
- Great thanks to Marcosuel Vieira ✨ for the design assets, get a copy from his GITHUB PROFILE ICONS AND BANNERS.
- Thanks to Alzea Arafat ✨, check his SALY - 3D Illustration Pack and get your avatar.