Tags: admdev8/setup-node
Swap to env files (actions#200) * Swap to env files * revert to old method for tests * disable executing of commands during tests * bump package.json @actions/core version
Swap to Environment files on V1 release (actions#201) * Swap to env files * bump actions/core version
Switch from "master" to "main" branch (actions#171) * Switch from "master" to "main" branch * Update README.md
Implement "check-latest" flag to check if pre-cached version is lates… …t one (actions#165)
download from node-versions and fallback to node dist (actions#147) * download LTS versions from releases * support upcoiming ghes Co-authored-by: eric sciple <ericsciple@users.noreply.github.com>
Merge pull request actions#142 from actions/joshmgross/run-tests-on-w… …indows Run test job on windows-latest