AdonisJS is a fully-featured backend framework for Node.js. The framework is created from ground-up with strong emphasis on developer ergonomics and ease of use.
It is one of the rarest framework in the Node.js community that ships with a suite of first party packages that helps you create and ship products without wasting hundreds of hours in assembling different npm packages.
Following are some hand-picked features from the framework core and first party packages.
- HTTP layer with support for routing, middleware, session, secure cookies, and a lot more.
- Support for file uploads.
- Filesystem drive to move user uploaded files to cloud services like S3, GCS and Digital ocean.
- Schema validator to validate forms.
- Template engine to create traditional server render applications in no time.
- SQL ORM built on top of Active record.
- A fully featured authentication layer with support for sessions, api tokens, and social auth.
- Baked-in support for testing
- We have just scratched the surface. AdonisJS has a lot more that you usually need when building robust applications.
- Official documentation
- Adocasts
- Awesome AdonisJS
- Official newsletter
- Official VSCode extension
- Demo polls application
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