a protoc plugin for generating typed temporal clients and workers in Go from protobuf schemas
Table of Contents
inspired by github.com/cretz/temporal-sdk-go-advanced
- typed client with:
- methods for executing workflows, queries, signals, and updates
- methods for cancelling or terminating workflows
- default
- dynamic workflow and update ids via Bloblang expressions
- default timeouts, id reuse policies, retry policies, search attributes, wait policies
- typed worker helpers with:
- functions for calling activities and local activities from workflows
- functions for executing child workflows and signalling external workflows
- default
- default timeouts, parent cose policies, retry policies
- configurable CLI with:
- commands for executing workflows, synchronously or asynchronously
- commands for starting workflows with signals, synchronously or asynchronously
- commands for querying existing workflwos
- commands for sending signals to existing workflows
- typed flags for conventiently specifying workflow, query, and signal inputs
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
Install this plugin
3a. Grab a binary for your OS from the releases page and place in your $PATH
go install github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/cmd/protoc-gen-go_temporal@<version>
Initialize buf repository
mkdir proto && cd proto && buf init
- Add dependency to
version: v1
- buf.build/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal@<version>
- Add plugin to
and exclude it from managed mode go prefix
version: v1
enabled: true
default: github.com/foo/bar/gen
- buf.build/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal
- plugin: go
out: gen
opt: paths=source_relative
- plugin: go_temporal
out: gen
opt: paths=source_relative
strategy: all
package example.v1;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
option (temporal.v1.service) = {
task_queue: "example-v1"
features: {
cli: { enabled: true, categories: true }
workflow_update: { enabled: true }
// CreateFoo creates a new foo operation
rpc CreateFoo(CreateFooRequest) returns (CreateFooResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
execution_timeout: { seconds: 3600 }
id: 'create-foo/${!name.slug()}'
query: { ref: 'GetFooProgress' }
signal: { ref: 'SetFooProgress', start: true }
update: { ref: 'UpdateFooProgress' }
// GetFooProgress returns the status of a CreateFoo operation
rpc GetFooProgress(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetFooProgressResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.query) = {};
// Notify sends a notification
rpc Notify(NotifyRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {
start_to_close_timeout: { seconds: 30 }
retry_policy: {
max_attempts: 3
// SetFooProgress sets the current status of a CreateFoo operation
rpc SetFooProgress(SetFooProgressRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
// UpdateFooProgress sets the current status of a CreateFoo operation
rpc UpdateFooProgress(SetFooProgressRequest) returns (GetFooProgressResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.update) = {
id: 'update-progress/${! progress.string() }',
// CreateFooRequest describes the input to a CreateFoo workflow
message CreateFooRequest {
// unique foo name
string name = 1;
// SampleWorkflowWithMutexResponse describes the output from a CreateFoo workflow
message CreateFooResponse {
Foo foo = 1;
// Foo describes an illustrative foo resource
message Foo {
string name = 1;
Status status = 2;
enum Status {
// GetFooProgressResponse describes the output from a GetFooProgress query
message GetFooProgressResponse {
float progress = 1;
Foo.Status status = 2;
// NotifyRequest describes the input to a Notify activity
message NotifyRequest {
string message = 1;
// SetFooProgressRequest describes the input to a SetFooProgress signal
message SetFooProgressRequest {
// value of current workflow progress
float progress = 1;
- Generate temporal worker, client, and cli types, methods, interfaces, and functions
buf generate
- Implement your activities, workflows
package main
import (
examplev1 "github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/gen/example/v1"
logger "go.temporal.io/server/common/log"
// Workflows manages shared state for workflow constructors
type Workflows struct{}
// ============================================================================
// CreateFooWorkflow creates a new Foo resource
type CreateFooWorkflow struct {
progress float32
status examplev1.Foo_Status
update workflow.Settable
updated workflow.Future
// CreateFoo initializes a new CreateFooWorkflow
func (w *Workflows) CreateFoo(ctx workflow.Context, input *examplev1.CreateFooInput) (examplev1.CreateFooWorkflow, error) {
return &CreateFooWorkflow{input, 0, examplev1.Foo_FOO_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED, nil, nil}, nil
// Execute defines the entrypoint to a CreateFooWorkflow
func (wf *CreateFooWorkflow) Execute(ctx workflow.Context) (*examplev1.CreateFooResponse, error) {
// execute Notify activity using generated helper
if err := examplev1.Notify(ctx, &examplev1.NotifyRequest{Message: fmt.Sprintf("creating foo resource (%s)", wf.Req.GetName())}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error sending notification: %w", err)
// wait until signalled progress reaches 100
for wf.progress = float32(0); wf.progress < 100; {
wf.updated, wf.update = workflow.NewFuture(ctx)
AddReceive(wf.SetFooProgress.Channel, func(workflow.ReceiveChannel, bool) {
wf.UpdateFooProgress(ctx, &examplev1.SetFooProgressRequest{Progress: wf.SetFooProgress.ReceiveAsync().GetProgress()})
AddFuture(wf.updated, func(workflow.Future) {}).
return &examplev1.CreateFooResponse{
Foo: &examplev1.Foo{
Name: wf.Req.GetName(),
Status: wf.status,
}, nil
// GetFooProgress defines the handler for a GetFooProgress query
func (wf *CreateFooWorkflow) GetFooProgress() (*examplev1.GetFooProgressResponse, error) {
return &examplev1.GetFooProgressResponse{Progress: wf.progress, Status: wf.status}, nil
// UpdateFooProgress defines the handler for a UpdateFooProgress update
func (wf *CreateFooWorkflow) UpdateFooProgress(ctx workflow.Context, req *examplev1.SetFooProgressRequest) (*examplev1.GetFooProgressResponse, error) {
progress := req.GetProgress()
switch {
case progress < 0:
progress, wf.status = 0, examplev1.Foo_FOO_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED
case progress < 100:
wf.status = examplev1.Foo_FOO_STATUS_CREATING
case progress >= 100:
progress, wf.status = 100, examplev1.Foo_FOO_STATUS_READY
wf.progress = progress
return &examplev1.GetFooProgressResponse{Progress: wf.progress, Status: wf.status}, nil
// ============================================================================
// Activities manages shared state for activities
type Activities struct{}
// Notify sends a notification
func (a *Activities) Notify(ctx context.Context, req *examplev1.NotifyRequest) error {
activity.GetLogger(ctx).Info("notification", "message", req.GetMessage())
return nil
// ============================================================================
func main() {
// initialize client commands using generated constructor
app, err := examplev1.NewExampleCli(
WithClient(func(cmd *cli.Context) (client.Client, error) {
return client.Dial(client.Options{
Logger: logger.NewSdkLogger(logger.NewCLILogger()),
WithWorker(func(cmd *cli.Context, c client.Client) (worker.Worker, error) {
w := worker.New(c, examplev1.ExampleTaskQueue, worker.Options{})
examplev1.RegisterExampleActivities(w, &Activities{})
examplev1.RegisterExampleWorkflows(w, &Workflows{})
return w, nil
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error initializing commands: %v", err)
app.Name = "example"
app.Usage = "an example temporal cli"
// run cli
if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
- Run your worker
start temporal
temporal server start-dev --dynamic-config-value "frontend.enableUpdateWorkflowExecution=true"
start worker
go run example/main.go worker
- Execute workflows, signals, queries
with generated client
package main
import (
examplev1 "github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/gen/example/v1"
func main() {
c, _ := client.Dial(client.Options{})
client, ctx := examplev1.NewClient(c), context.Background()
run, _ := client.CreateFooAsync(ctx, &examplev1.CreateFooRequest{Name: "test"})
log.Printf("started workflow: workflow_id=%s, run_id=%s\n", run.ID(), run.RunID())
log.Println("signalling progress")
_ = run.SetFooProgress(ctx, &examplev1.SetFooProgressRequest{Progress: 5.7})
progress, _ := run.GetFooProgress(ctx)
log.Printf("queried progress: %s\n", progress.String())
update, _ := run.UpdateFooProgress(ctx, &examplev1.SetFooProgressRequest{Progress: 100})
log.Printf("updated progress: %s\n", update.String())
resp, _ := run.Get(ctx)
log.Printf("workflow completed: %s\n", resp.String())
with generated cli
$ go run example/main.go -h
Example - an example temporal cli
Example [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
worker run service worker
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
get-foo-progress GetFooProgress returns the status of a CreateFoo operation
set-foo-progress SetFooProgress sets the current status of a CreateFoo operation
update-foo-progress UpdateFooProgress sets the current status of a CreateFoo operation
create-foo CreateFoo creates a new foo operation
create-foo-with-set-foo-progress sends a SetFooProgress signal to a CreateFoo worklow, starting it if necessary
--help, -h show help (default: false)
$ go run example/main.go create-foo -d --name test
workflow id: create-foo/test
run id: 44cacae1-6a13-4b4a-8db7-d29eaafd1499
$ go run example/main.go set-foo-progress -w create-foo/test --progress 5.7
$ go run example/main.go get-foo-progress -w create-foo/test
"progress": 5.7,
$ go run example/main.go update-foo-progress -w create-foo/test --progress 100
"progress": 100,
"status": "FOO_STATUS_READY"
$ go run example/main.go get-foo-progress -w create-foo/test
"progress": 100,
"status": "FOO_STATUS_READY"
See reference documentation for all Service and Method options supported by this plugin.
field | type | description |
features | Features | specifies settings for optional features |
namespace | string |
default namespace for child workflows, activities |
task_queue | string |
default task queue for all workflows, activities |
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
option(temporal.v1.service) = {
features: { cli: CLI_FEATURE_ENABLED }
task_queue: 'example-v1'
field | type | description |
activity | ActivityOptions | default settings for Temporal activities |
query | QueryOptions | default settings for Temporal queries |
signal | SignalOptions | default settings for Temporal signals |
update | UpdateOptions | default settings for Temporal updates. workflow updates are considered experimental and must be enabled via service-level features |
workflow | WorkflowOptions | default settings for Temporal workflows |
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
rpc MyWorkflow(MyWorkflowRequest) returns (MyWorkflowResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options: {
id: 'my-workflow/${! uuid_v4() }'
execution_timeout: { seconds: 3600 }
query: { ref: 'MyQuery' }
signal: { ref: 'MySignal', start: true }
rpc MyActivity(MyActivityRequest) returns (MyActivityResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {
default_options: {
start_to_close_timeout: { seconds: 30 }
retry_policy: {
max_attempts: 3
rpc MyQuery(MyQueryRequest) returns (MyQueryResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.query) = {};
rpc MySignal(MySignalRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
Workflows and Updates can specify a default workflow/update ID as a Bloblang ID expression. The expression is evaluated against a JSON-like input structure, allowing it to leverage fields from the input parameter, as well as Bloblang's native functions and methods.
The following schema definition:
package example.v1;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
service Example {
rpc SayGreeting(SayGreetingRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
default_options {
id: 'say-greeting/${! greeting.or("hello").capitalize() }/${! subject.or("world").capitalize() }/${! uuid_v4() }'
message SayGreetingRequest {
string greeting = 1;
string subject = 2;
Can be used like so:
c, _ := client.Dial(client.Options{})
example := examplev1.NewClient(c)
run, _ := example.ExecuteSayGreeting(context.Background(), &examplev1.SayGreetingRequest{})
require.Regexp(`^say-greeting/Hello/World/[a-f0-9-]{32}$`, run.ID())
run, _ := example.ExecuteSayGreeting(context.Background(), &examplev1.SayGreetingRequest{
Greeting: "howdy",
Subject: "stranger",
require.Regexp(`^say-greeting/Howdy/Stranger/[a-f0-9-]{32}$`, run.ID())
This plugin can optionally generate a configurable CLI using github.com/urfave/cli/v2. To enable this functionality, use the corresponding service option. When enabled, this plugin will generate a CLI command for each workflow, start-workflow-with-signal, query, and signal. Each command provides typed flags for configuring the corresponding inputs and options.
package main
import (
example "github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/example"
examplev1 "github.com/cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal/gen/example/v1"
func main() {
app, err := examplev1.NewExampleCli(
WithClient(func(cmd *cli.Context) (client.Client, error) {
return client.Dial(client.Options{})
WithWorker(func(cmd *cli.Context, c client.Client) (worker.Worker, error) {
w := worker.New(c, examplev1.ExampleTaskQueue, worker.Options{})
examplev1.RegisterExampleWorkflows(w, &example.Workflows{})
examplev1.RegisterExampleActivities(w, &example.Activities{})
return w, nil
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error initializing cli: %v", err)
if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
The generated code includes a resources that are compatible with the Temporal Go SDK's testsuite module. See tests for example usage.
Note: that all queries, signals, and udpates must be called via the test environment's RegisterDelayedCallback
method prior to invoking the test client's synchronous <Workflow>
method or an asynchronous workflow run's Get
Licensed under the MIT License
Copyright for portions of project cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal are held by Chad Retz, 2021 as part of project cretz/temporal-sdk-go-advanced. All other copyright for project cludden/protoc-gen-go-temporal are held by Chris Ludden, 2023.