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Advent Of Craft

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Christmas is here! πŸŽ…

Your journey as a developer has probably taken many turns.

You probably had to troubleshoot and refactor a piece of code that you still have nightmares about.

You might have been stuck in a team when you never have time to improve your code base because "We have to deliver more features".

Heck, you probably still are.

We feel you, and in the spirit of Christmas, you deserve a gift.

We have the privilege this year to bring to you the Advent of Craft. This is a journey into software craftsmanship.

Each day, you will be taken in a small aspect of software craftsmanship. Each day, you will have an exercise with a topic to look at in a small bite approach and hopefully you will learn something.

From refactoring to testing to reviewing, all aspects are going to be explored.

The objective of this journey is to learn new crafts and share with your peers, not to get lost in impossible algorithm exercises or to finish as fast as you can using chatGPT.

A repository is available and each day a topic will appear with a proposed solution for the day before.

We hope you enjoy the ride. Happy Crafting!

Advent Of Craft 2023

Join us on Discord

To facilitate the communication around challenges you can join us on Discord by simply clicking here.

Discord Advent Of Craft


Here are the instructions for the journey

Challenges - 2023

Here are the different challenges :


A solution proposal will be published here every day during the Advent Of Craft containing the code and a step by step guide.

Learning paths πŸš€

We have designed several learning paths based on the challenges that you can follow if you want to deep dive into a given concept:

Available languages

Here are the libraries we use in the different days per supported language:

Topic java C# kotlin typescript
Test framework junit xUnit Kotest jest
Fluent assertions assertJ FluentAssertions Native kotest assertions Native jest assertions
Mocking mockito NSubstitute mockk Native jest mocking features
Approval testing approvalTests Verify.xUnit approvalTests approvals
Property-Based testing vavr-test FSCheck kotest-property fast-check
Fake data generator instancio Bogus Not used fakerjs
Architecture tests archunit TngTech.ArchUnitNET.xUnit archunit N/A
Functional library vavr LanguageExt.Core arrow-kt fp-ts
Functional assertions assertj-vavr FluentAssertions.LanguageExt kotest-extensions-arrow Native jest assertions


Yoan Thirion
Yann Courtel