Watch the demo video on YouTube
- Signup and that adds the user to the central users table. July 28th 2024
- Login and that logs in the user and creates the personal DB for the user. July 28th 2024
- Set the OAI model and key and that gets saved to the central users DB. July 28th 2024
- Able to add/edit the asset from the UI. This updates the DB and updates the ROW_START and ROW_END values. July 28th 2024
- Able to chat with the AI from the investnment guru tab. July 28th 2024.
- Editing basic memory works. July 29th 2024.
cd platform/webapp/ui
brew install yarn
brew install nodejs
yarn install
set -x NODE_ENV development
- Since I am using fish shell. If you are using a different shell use your shell specific command to set the environment variable.
- This will redirect API calls to local python
yarn dev
cd platform/api
python3 -m venv python3-venv <- This creates the virutal environment for the python
source python3-venv/bin/ <- I use the fish shell
which python3 /Users/vk/code/platform/api/python3-venv/bin/python3
which pip3 /Users/vk/code/platform/api/python3-venv/bin/pip3
set -x SERVER_ENV development
- This will enable CORS on localhost
- Sets the database path to 'data/dev/'
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(python3-venv) vk@vks-macbook-pro ~/c/p/api (main)> python3
- Serving Flask app 'ai-request'
- Debug mode: on INFO:werkzeug:WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
- Running on all addresses (
- Running on
- Running on INFO:werkzeug:Press CTRL+C to quit INFO:werkzeug: * Restarting with stat WARNING:werkzeug: * Debugger is active! INFO:werkzeug: * Debugger PIN: 966-690-146
brew install --cask db-browser-for-sqlite