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Demo video

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Watch the demo video on YouTube

Features working:

  1. Signup and that adds the user to the central users table. July 28th 2024
  2. Login and that logs in the user and creates the personal DB for the user. July 28th 2024
  3. Set the OAI model and key and that gets saved to the central users DB. July 28th 2024
  4. Able to add/edit the asset from the UI. This updates the DB and updates the ROW_START and ROW_END values. July 28th 2024
  5. Able to chat with the AI from the investnment guru tab. July 28th 2024.
  6. Editing basic memory works. July 29th 2024.

How to run locally?

For the webapp

On a windows 11

On a mac with a fish shell

cd platform/webapp/ui

brew install yarn

brew install nodejs

yarn install

set -x NODE_ENV development

  1. Since I am using fish shell. If you are using a different shell use your shell specific command to set the environment variable.
  2. This will redirect API calls to local python

yarn dev

For the api

On a mac with a fish shell

cd platform/api

python3 -m venv python3-venv <- This creates the virutal environment for the python

source python3-venv/bin/ <- I use the fish shell

which python3 /Users/vk/code/platform/api/python3-venv/bin/python3

which pip3 /Users/vk/code/platform/api/python3-venv/bin/pip3

set -x SERVER_ENV development

  1. This will enable CORS on localhost
  2. Sets the database path to 'data/dev/'

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

(python3-venv) vk@vks-macbook-pro ~/c/p/api (main)> python3

  • Serving Flask app 'ai-request'
  • Debug mode: on INFO:werkzeug:WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Running on all addresses (
  • Running on
  • Running on INFO:werkzeug:Press CTRL+C to quit INFO:werkzeug: * Restarting with stat WARNING:werkzeug: * Debugger is active! INFO:werkzeug: * Debugger PIN: 966-690-146

to check the DB

On a mac with a fish shell

brew install --cask db-browser-for-sqlite