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Interactive demo available here (with credits to artists).


Library for animating image backgrounds in websites using WebGL.

It support the following:

  • Configurable dynamic camera
  • Animated transitions between backgrounds
  • Post-processing effects & particles

Usage / API

Getting Started

First install midori-bg and three. Three.js is required as a dependency - any version greater than or equal to three@0.132.2 should work. (if not, please file an issue)

npm install --save midori-bg three

Below is an example of how to get started with midori in an ES6 app. For an example in React, see the source for the interactive demo.

You'll want to first initialize a renderer before loading and setting images as backgrounds.

import { BackgroundRenderer, loadImage } from 'midori-bg';

// pass in a canvas DOM element
const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

// the loadImage function returns a promise which you can use to load your images.
// the path can be a url or local path to a file. Make sure to check CORS if using a url.
  // set background
  .then((image) => renderer.setBackground(image))
  // handle errors
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

The rendering can also be controlled directly if needed:

// the renderer can be paused if needed.
// the renderer can be resumed after pausing.


When setting backgrounds, you can use an optional transition to animate the switching between backgrounds.

import { BackgroundRenderer, TransitionType, Easings, SlideDirection } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

  .then((image) => {
    // set a new background with a slide transition.
    renderer.setBackground(image, {
      type: TransitionType.Slide,
      config: {
        slides: 2,
        intensity: 5,
        duration: 1.5,
        easing: Easings.Quintic.InOut,
        direction: SlideDirection.Right,
  // handle errors
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

The state of the transition can be queried:

const isTransitioning = renderer.isTransitioning();

The configuration options for transitions:

interface BlendTransitionConfig {}

interface WipeTransitionConfig {
  // the size of the fade when wiping.
  gradient?: number;
  // the angle of the wipe in degrees.
  angle?: number;
  // the direction of the wipe.
  direction?: WipeDirection;

interface SlideTransitionConfig {
  // the number of slides to perform.
  slides?: number;
  // the intensity of the blur during slides.
  intensity?: number;
  // the number of samples for the blur - more samples result in better quality at the cost of performance.
  samples?: number;
  // the direction of the slide.
  direction?: SlideDirection;

interface BlurTransitionConfig {
  // the intensity of the blur.
  intensity?: number;
  // the number of samples for the blur - more samples result in better quality at the cost of performance.
  samples?: number;

interface GlitchTransitionConfig {
  // a random seed from 0 to 1 used to generate glitches.
  seed?: number;


Each background comes with its own camera. The camera can be moved, swayed, and rotated independently.

⚠️NOTE: Be careful when storing camera references! When switching to a new background, a new camera will be created. Settings configured on the previous camera are not transferred.

import { BackgroundRenderer, Easings } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));
const { camera } = renderer.background;

// move the camera to the top-left corner, fully zoomed-out.
camera.move({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 });

// move the camera to the bottom-right corner, fully zoomed-out.
camera.move({ x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});

// move the camera to the center, half zoomed-in.
camera.move({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5 });

// move the camera with a transition.
camera.move({ x: Math.random(), y: Math.random(), z: 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5 }, {
  duration: 2.5,
  easing: Easings.Cubic.InOut,

// offset the camera from its current position.
// x - offset to the left by 10% of the background width
// y - offset to the bottom by 20% of the background height
// z - offset the zoom by zooming in 20% of the maximum zoom
// zr - offset the rotation by rotating 15 degrees
camera.offset({ x: -0.1, y: 0.2, z: -0.2, zr: 15 });

// rotate the camera by 30 degrees with a transition.
camera.rotate(30, {
  duration: 2.5,
  easing: Easings.Cubic.InOut,

// sway the camera around its center with a transition.
// x - up to 10% of the background width away from the center
// y - up to 5% of the background height away from the center
// z - up to 2% of the maximum zoom from the center
// zr - up to 1 degree of rotation from the center
camera.sway({ x: 0.1, y: 0.05, z: 0.02, zr: 1 }, {
  duration: 1.5,
  easing: Easings.Quadratic.InOut,
  loop: true,

The state of the camera can be queried:

// the current position of the camera, excluding offsets from the position offset and swaying.
const position = camera.position;
// the current offset of the camera.
const positionOffset = camera.positionOffset;

// cancel any in-progress movement
if (camera.isMoving()) {

// cancel any in-progress rotation
if (camera.isRotating()) {

// cancel any in-progress swaying
if (camera.isSwaying()) {


Each background comes with its own effects. The BackgroundRenderer also exposes a global effects object that is applied on top of all backgrounds.

⚠️NOTE: The global BackgroundRenderer effects object does not support the following effect: EffectType.MotionBlur

⚠️NOTE: Be careful when storing effect references! When switching to a new background, a new set of effects will be created for it. Previously configured effects are not transferred.

If you don't need different effects on multiple backgrounds or do expect to switch backgrounds often, consider using the BackgroundRenderer's effects instead.

import { BackgroundRenderer, EffectType } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

// the global effects object - effects set here apply to all backgrounds
const { effects: globalEffects } = renderer;
globalEffects.set(EffectType.Vignette, { darkness: 1, offset: 1 });

// the background effects object - effects set here apply only to the specific background
const { effects } = renderer.background;
effects.set(EffectType.MotionBlur, { intensity: 1, samples: 32 });
effects.set(EffectType.RgbShift, { amount: 0.005, angle: 135 });
effects.set(EffectType.VignetteBlur, { size: 3, radius: 1.5, passes: 2 });

The state of the effects can be queried:

// get a copy of the current effects configurations
const configs = effects.getConfigs();

// remove an effect
if (globalEffects.hasEffect(EffectType.Vignette)) {

// remove all effects
if (effects.hasEffects()) {

The configuration options for effects:

⚠️NOTE: Effects that involve blurring such as EffectType.Blur, EffectType.VignetteBlur, and EffectType.MotionBlur can potentially be expensive. It is important to balance visual quality and performance when using such effects.

interface BlurEffectConfig {
  // the size of the blur.
  radius?: number;
  // the number of blur passes - more passes result in stronger blurs and less artifacts at the cost of performance.
  passes?: number;

interface MotionBlurEffectConfig {
  // the intensity of the blur.
  intensity?: number;
  // the number of samples for the blur - more samples result in better quality at the cost of performance.
  samples?: number;

interface BloomEffectConfig {
  // the overall brightness of the bloom.
  opacity?: number;
  // the size of the bloom.
  radius?: number;
  // the number of bloom passes - more passes result in stronger blooms and less artifacts at the cost of performance.
  passes?: number;

interface RgbShiftEffectConfig {
  // the distance of the shift.
  amount?: number;
  // the angle of the shift in degrees.
  angle?: number;

interface VignetteEffectConfig {
  // the size of the vignette.
  offset?: number;
  // the intensity of the vignette.
  darkness?: number;

interface VignetteBlurEffectConfig {
  // the size of the vignette.
  size?: number;
  // the size of the blur.
  radius?: number;
  // the number of blur passes - more passes result in stronger blurs and less artifacts at the cost of performance.
  passes?: number;


Each background comes with its own particles. The particles can be grouped, moved, and swayed independently.

⚠️NOTE: Be careful when storing particle references! When switching to a new background, a new particles object will be created. Settings configured on the previous particles are not transferred.

import { BackgroundRenderer, Easings } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

const { particles } = renderer.background;

// generate two named groups of particles in the background.
    name: 'small',
    amount: 200,
    maxSize: 5,
    maxOpacity: 0.8,
    minGradient: 0.75,
    maxGradient: 1.0,
    color: 0xffffff,
    smoothing: 0.6,
    name: 'large',
    amount: 30,
    minSize: 100,
    maxSize: 125,
    maxOpacity: 0.05,
    minGradient: 1.0,
    maxGradient: 1.0,
    color: 0xffffff,

// move the particles by a distance and angle in degrees with a transition.
particles.move('small', { distance: 0.5, angle: 25 }, { duration: 5, loop: true });
particles.move('large', { distance: 0.4, angle: 35 }, { duration: 5, loop: true });

// sway the particles up to a given distance with a transition.
particles.sway('small', { x: 0.025, y: 0.025 }, { duration: 1.5, easing: Easings.Sinusoidal.InOut, loop: true });
particles.sway('large', { x: 0.025, y: 0.025 }, { duration: 1.5, easing: Easings.Sinusoidal.InOut, loop: true });

// removes all particles.

The state of the particles can also be queried:

// get a copy of the current particles configuration.
const configs = particles.getConfigs();

// cancel any in-progress movement
if (particles.isMoving('small')) {
  particles.move('small', false);

// cancel any in-progress swaying
if (particles.isSwaying('large')) {
  camera.sway('large', false);

The configuration options for particles:

interface ParticleGroupConfig {
  // the name of the particle group.
  name: string;
  // the number of particles to generate.
  amount: number;
  // the minimum size of the particles in world units. Defaults to 0.
  minSize?: number;
  // the maximum size of the particles in world units. Defaults to 0.
  maxSize?: number;
  // the minimum fade gradient of the particles in relative units (0 to 1). Defaults to 0.
  minGradient?: number;
  // the maximum fade gradient of the particles in relative units (0 to 1). Defaults to 1.
  maxGradient?: number;
  // the minimum opacity of the particles. Defaults to 0.
  minOpacity?: number;
  // the maximum opacity of the particles. Defaults to 1.
  maxOpacity?: number;
  // optional color of the particles. Defaults to 0xffffff.
  color?: number;
  // the amount of smoothing for animated values (i.e size, gradient, opacity), specified as a value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5.
  smoothing?: number;

Animation Callbacks & Easings

Callbacks can be passed in for transitions in backgrounds, cameras, and particles. Certain transitions are loopable.

interface TransitionConfig {
  // the duration of the transition in seconds.
  duration?: number;
  // an optional delay before the transition starts in seconds.
  delay?: number;
  // an optional easing function for the transition.
  easing?: (k: number) => number;
  // an optional callback - invoked when the transition is registered, regardless of delay.
  onInit?: (...args: any[]) => void;
  // an optional callback - invoked when the transition starts after the delay has elapsed.
  onStart?: (...args: any[]) => void;
  // an optional callback - invoked for each frame that the transition runs.
  onUpdate?: (...args: any[]) => void;
  // an optional callback - invoked when the transition has finished.
  onComplete?: (...args: any[]) => void;
  // an optional callback - invoked when the transition is interrupted or stopped.
  onStop?: (...args: any[]) => void;

interface LoopableTransitionConfig extends TransitionConfig {
  // whether to loop the transition repeatedly or not.
  loop?: boolean;

interface BackgroundTransitionConfig extends TransitionConfig {
  onInit?: (prevBackground?: Background, nextBackground?: Background) => void;
  onStart?: (prevBackground?: Background, nextBackground?: Background) => void;
  onUpdate?: (prevBackground?: Background, nextBackground?: Background) => void;
  onComplete?: (prevBackground?: Background, nextBackground?: Background) => void;
  onStop?: (prevBackground?: Background, nextBackground?: Background) => void;

A set of easing functions are available via the Easings import. A custom easing function can also be provided if desired.

import { BackgroundRenderer, Easings } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));
const { camera } = renderer.background;

// move the camera with a transition using a pre-defined easing.
camera.move({ x: Math.random(), y: Math.random(), z: 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5 }, {
  duration: 2.5,
  easing: Easings.Cubic.InOut,

// move the camera with a transition using a custom easing.
camera.move({ x: Math.random(), y: Math.random(), z: 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5 }, {
  duration: 2.5,
  easing: k => k * 2,

Optional callbacks can be utilized for more advanced transitions (e.g sequencing camera movements).

import { BackgroundRenderer, TransitionType, Easings, SlideDirection } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

  .then((image) => {
    // set a new background with a slide transition.
    renderer.setBackground(image, {
      type: TransitionType.Slide,
      config: {
        slides: 2,
        intensity: 5,
        duration: 1.5,
        easing: Easings.Quintic.InOut,
        direction: SlideDirection.Right,
      // the previous and next background are available in the optional transition callbacks
      // you can use transition callbacks to do more advanced transitions (e.g sequencing camera movements)
      onStart: (prevBackground, nextBackground) => {{ x: Math.random(), y: Math.random(), z: 0.3 + Math.random() * 0.7 }, {
          duration: 2.5,
          easing: Easings.Quartic.In,
        }); + Math.random() * 10, {
          duration: 2.5,
          easing: Easings.Quartic.In,
        });{ x: Math.random(), y: Math.random(), z: 0.7 + Math.random() * 0.3 }, {
          duration: 2,
          easing: Easings.Quartic.Out,
        });{ x: 0.1, y: 0.05, z: 0.02, zr: 1 }, {
          duration: 1.5,
          easing: Easings.Quadratic.InOut,
          loop: true,
        }); + Math.random() * 10, {
          duration: 2,
          easing: Easings.Quartic.Out,
  // handle errors
  .catch(err => console.error(err));


Midori allocates resources that are not automatically disposed. Make sure to always clean-up properly when finished:

import { BackgroundRenderer } from 'midori-bg';

const renderer = new BackgroundRenderer(document.getElementById('canvas'));

Full API

For the full API, see the typings file.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or PRs for any bugs or feature requests.

To get started, run npm run dev and navigate to localhost:8080 to launch the interactive demo. Any changes made to the source will be hot reloaded in the demo.


See the license file.