This contains Web App for Application service. Application Service which allows you to provide services based on the online resource and to book orders available on the menu. This app also has other feature that allow you to view the items on different categories using the search bar, choose the items and buy it based on the availability.
With themes related to open-source project using Linode and the environment in general, deploying an app to Linode Kubernets cluster and leveraging ArgoCD and Harness CD came to my mind. Although they are typically exciting road trips, sometimes there are moments when you aren't sure what to do and need some inspiration. Inspired by the Kubernetes and DevOps tool i.e. Linode Kubernetes Engine(LKE), Nginx Ingress Controller and CD pipeline provided by ArgoCD and Harness tool, and became excited to create a web application on top of this tool deploying to LKE cluster.
Frontend built using React and Bootstrap CSS, deployed to LKE Cluster, Overpass for querying food item API (currently) Two stages docker images built under the hood of yarn install and nginx server CD pipeline using ArgoCD and Harness platform.
Let's run our app using yarn start
before that make sure you have installed the dependencies using yarn install
. The host machine would land you on the home page of Application Service as simple as that.
The menu page shows you the available items as shown below that you can choose and book your order through contact details.
If you want to search for deserts or beverages, you will able to use search bar and view the items, later you can contact the Application Service to order.
I will try to make my project more user-friendly and include more resources in an organised way. Leverage the application to support the chat feature from the API. If you have any idea to enhance the page, feel free to send your PR in the repo.
The experience with the Linode platform is amazing when you first deploy your app and configure the kubernetes engine. Even you can make use of the marketplace features and their own CLI tool to configure clusters, nodes, etc.