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- packagemain Public Forked from plutov/packagemain
Collection of materials for my Youtube Channel about Go
- asdf Public Forked from asdf-vm/asdf
Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
- httptap Public Forked from monasticacademy/httptap
View HTTP/HTTPS requests made by any Linux program
- 00-go-transform Public Forked from cekrem/go-transform
An example of using Clean Architecture principles with Go’s plugin package to create an app that’s adaptable and extendable without modifying the core source code.
- ModalFileManager Public Forked from raguay/ModalFileManager
A file manager built using Svelte and Wails. It has hotkeys that are modal just like Vim and NeoVim.
- tiny-rdm Public Forked from tiny-craft/tiny-rdm
Tiny RDM (Tiny Redis Desktop Manager) - A modern, colorful, super lightweight Redis GUI client built in Wails for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- superfile Public Forked from yorukot/superfile
Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager built with Bubble Tea
- recur Public Forked from dbohdan/recur
Retry a command with exponential backoff and jitter (+ Starlark expressions)
- slouch Public Forked from lukechampine/slouch
A competitive programming language (WIP -- MAY CONTAIN HIDEOUS CODE)
- pogo Public Forked from pabloerhard/pogo
A compiler in Go! It supports arithmetic operations, if-else conditions, while loops, and void functions. Everything was built from scratch, except for the lexer, which is implemented using GOCC
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