- Guilford, CT, USA
- aga3.xyz
- @aganders3@fosstodon.org
- @aganders3
OME-Zarr viewer for napari with iohub as the I/O backend
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Interactive visualization and sharing of cell tracking data in the browser
Server-Sent Events using FastAPI, Starlette, and ReactJS.
Access large language models from the command-line
Web App that lets you view raw pixel data
A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable storage (indexeddb, sqlite, durable objects), syncs over websockets, and works with your favorite framework (React, Sol…
A Python framework for high performance GPU simulation and graphics
a tool for using surfaces to explore volumetric data in napari
⚡️ TypeScript Execute | The easiest way to run TypeScript in Node.js
Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!
Generating images of protein subcellular localization from sequences
some interactive content for a blog post
Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM in PyTorch from scratch, step by step
Python tool for visualising and interacting with cryo-ET and subtomogram averaging data.
Discovering and describing Rust's design axioms
Run cross-platform commands for headless GUI testing
Official project repository for the Setuptools build system
Next-gen fast plotting library running on WGPU using the pygfx rendering engine
🦀 λ Overly-documented Rust-powered Lambda Calculus Interpreter.
The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs and CPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.
This recipe is dedicated to helping you make the best possible pizza dough for Neapolitan pizza.