the easiest and efficient way to express "the offers that cannot be refused".
- Python 3.5+
- Virtualenv
git clone
into cloned directory and runvirtualenv --python=python3 .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
- To run a S-expression script file:
./ tests/data/thompson/closure_compose.sexpr
- Or just run
to start a REPL.
- To run a S-expression script file:
- Examples are in
- Examples are in
- Editing in GUI forms.
- No textual-syntax.
- and can be nicely integrated with GUIs. (Helps, Hints, Discoverbility, Completions...)
- Extensible language.
- Add new building blocks easily, to provide simplest and straightforward to express rules.
- Never intended to expose this tiny language directly to business-minded users,
- ..Should provide extensions in functions and GUIs that more nicely fits to their use-cases.
- Self-contained tiny language that can be compiled into optimized code.
- Can generate optimized JVM bytecodes,
- Intended to be compiled more efficiently at runtime.
- Also, unlike many other general-purpose languages,
- Another design decisions about performance kept in mind,
- For example, Parallelization, Caching, Object-Pooling...
- Another design decisions about performance kept in mind,
- Can generate optimized JVM bytecodes,
### This is completely imaginary syntax. (looks like Ruby.)
### But I'm NOT going to implement textual syntax,
### It is just a demonstration of semantics of language constructs.
### Value literals and Variables.
x = 42 # number.
pi = 3.14 # also a number. (no distinguish between floats and integers)
are_you_ok = True # Boolean.
name = "spameggs" # String.
### Functions/Macros.
adder = {|x, y| x + y} # Function literal.
three_i_guess = adder(1, 2) # Invocation.
## Discount 30% on every item that costs more than 100.
## `simplest_discount_rule` is another function
## that takes two function-values as param.
{|item| item.price > 100},
{|item| item.price *= 0.7})
### Mapped variables and functions.
## No lists nor maps are natively supported,
## But can be provided as _mapped-functions_.
l = make_me_a_list_pls() ## returns a `java.util.List`.
append(l, 42) ## appends a item to list.
## `l` in this context, is a _foreign-value_. (also `append` as well.)
## These _foreign-values/functions_ are act like just a black-box.
## Only can be created, accessed and manipulated with another foreign-functions.
### Conditionals.
if {x > pi}
then {'gt'}
else {'nah~'} # Else-clause is optional.
# There's no `else`-clauses for `when` and `unless`.
when {x > pi}
then {'gt'}
unless {x > pi}
then {'nah~'}
case {x}
{1} then {'one'} # series of (condition, then-clause)-pairs.
{2} then {'two'}
else {'too big'} # Else-clause is optional.
{x > pi} then {'gt'}
{x < pi} then {'lt'}
else {'nah~'} # also, optional.
### Arithmetic and Logical operators.
3 + 1
4 - 2
2 * 3 # Simple multiplcation.
2 ** 3 # == 8. Power.
7 / 2 # == 3.5. Float division.
7 rem 2 # == 1. Remainder.
7 // 2 # == 3. Integer division.
true and false # false, of course.
true or false # true.
not true # false.
## also `xor` too.
### Equalities and Comparisons.
x != y
x == y ## deep equality check. with strs, nums and bools.
## shallow, ref-id check only when these are function and foreign.
## comparisions are only for numbers.
x < y
x >= y
## nullity checks
### Scoping rules and Closures.
const the_ultimate_answer = 42
f = {|r|
2 * pi * r # Yes, can access _uplevel_ bindings.
## In this case, _uplevel_ is the _root_-binding.
magic = 1.000031314
g = {
two_pi = 2 * pi
magic + (two_pi * r) # Yes, access to uplevel binding.
## Also, the `magic`, another toplevel binding too.
h = {
two_pi = 2 + pi
my_fun = g()
my_fun() # closure refers `two_pi` as `2 * pi` above,
## ..not `2 + pi` in here.
..this is almost everything. (Another constructs or details would be explained later.)
- Write a good Java implementation,
- Which could be easily embeddable/intergrate-able and optimizable.
- Eg. Object-poolings to reduce-GCs, Parallelization, and JIT compilation, etc.
- Design and Write mapped-functions to express business-centric rules.
- Design and Implement a GUI editor for "rule-writers".