- if it matches as a built-in ===> transform-to-st.
- else,
- if it is 1st item in the list,
(funcall (ref ..) (cdr ..))
- else,
(ref ..)
- if it is 1st item in the list,
ST-name | s-expr-atom | ST-params | s-expr-syn example |
BoolVal | true -or- false | ||
NullVal | nil | ||
NumberVal | (nums) | ||
StringVal | (strs) | ||
FunctionVal | fn | params, body | (fn [x y] (+ x y)) |
Prog1 | prog1 | body | (prog1 ,@body) |
ProgN | progn | body | (progn ,@body) |
ParProg | parprog | body | (parprog ,@body) |
LogAnd | log-and | params | (log-and a b c) |
LogOr | log-or | params | (log-or a b c) |
LogNot | log-not | param | (log-not a) |
ArithAdd | + | params | (+ a b c) |
ArithSub | - | params | (- a b c) |
ArithMult | * | params | (* a b c) |
ArithMultMult | ** | params | (** a b c) |
ArithDiv | / | params | (/ a b c) |
ArithDivDiv | // | params | (// a b c) |
ArithRem | rem | params | (rem a b c) |
ComparLt | < | params | (< a b c) |
ComparLe | <= | params | (<= a b c) |
ComparGt | > | params | (> a b c) |
ComparGe | >= | params | (>= a b c) |
Equal | eq? | params | (== a b c) |
NotEqual | ne? | params | (!= a b c) |
IsNull | null? | param | (null? a) |
IsNotNull | not-null? | param | (not-null? a) |
Assign | set | dst, src | (set dst src) |
AssignUpvar | set^ | dst, src | (set^ dst src) |
AssignGlobal | set/ | dst, src | (set/ dst src) |
Const | const | dst, src | (const dst src) |
Let | let | exprs, body | (let [(set x 42)] ,@body) |
Ref | (n/a) | ||
Pass | pass | (pass) | |
Funcall | fncall or (n/a) | fun, params | (fncall my-fun [1 2 3]) |
(my-fun 1 2 3) | |||
IfThenElse | if | cond, then, else | (if ,cond ,then ,else) |
When | when | cond, then | (when ,cond ,then) |
Unless | unless | cond, then | (unless ,cond ,then) |
CaseElse | case | v, case-items, else | (case v [,@case-items] ,else) |
CaseItem | (n/a) | v, then | (v ,then) |
CondElse | cond | cond-items, else | (cond [,@cond-items] ,else) |
CondItem | (n/a) | cond, then | (,cond ,then) |