Agile board for github issues with metrics
The first version of Agile Season reach End-Of-Life October 15th (2018).
If you are interested in this project you can try Agile Season II based on GitHub Apps without access to code.
v3 in development
- Agile board with custom columns
- Drag and drop issues between columns
- Search and sort issues
- Attach images by drag & drop
- Auto-assign and auto-close issue
- Issues due dates
- Board markdown export
- Public read-only access
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Roadmap with milestones
- WIP limit on columns
- Cumulative Flow Diagram
- Control Chart
- Cycle Time Diagram
- Age of Issues
Clone this repository
git clone ~/PROJECTS_DIR/agileseason
Install pow and set up app
cd ~/.pow && ln -s ~/PROJECTS_DIR/agileseason
Create databases:
$ psql -d postgres postgres=# create user agileseason_development with password 'agileseason'; postgres=# alter user agileseason_development createdb; postgres=# create user agileseason_test with password 'agileseason'; postgres=# alter user agileseason_test createdb; $ rails db:create $ rails db:migrate
$ npm install --save react react-dom babelify babel-preset-react
$ browserify -t [ babelify --presets [ react ] ] app/assets/javascripts/react/main.js -o app/assets/javascripts/react/bundle.js
Run Sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq
You will now have Agile Season running on
- Add to
rowsexport BACKUP_DROPBOX_API_KEY='...'
- Manually run
cd ~/PROJECTS_DIR/agileseason/backup
andRAILS_ENV='...' bundle exec backup perform --trigger rails_database --config-file ./config.rb
- Restore from a backup in production
psql -U agileseason_production -d agileseason_production -f PostgreSQL.sql -h