These are demos for the Connected Expression workshop taking place in Eidenhoven during Dutch Design Week.
- Serial Data Relay (in Processing/Serial_Data_Relay, accompanies Arduino/Serial_Data_Relay)
- Serial Data Meter (in Processing/Serial_Data_Meter, for use with Arduino/Ultrasonic_Sensor_Data_Relay)
- Audio Sampler (in Processing/Audio_Sampler)
- Audio Tracker (Processing/Audio_Tracker, for use with Arduino/Ultrasonic_Sensor_Data_Relay)
- Video Player (in Processing/Video_Player)
- Video Sampler (in Processing/Video_Sampler)
These sketches were written for Processing 3. They require the Minim library and the Video. To install Minim, click the "Download ZIP" button on its GitHub page and extract it to the "Processing/libraries/Minim" folder. To install the Video library, first open Processing 3, then select Sketch > Import Library... > Add Library... then select the "Video" library.