A "2025" version of the official Axum-Leptos template
- Leptos - A modern Rust web framework for building reactive web applications
- TailwindCSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
- WebAssembly - For running Rust code in the browser
- Axum - Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
- Tokio - Asynchronous runtime for Rust
- Tower - Tower is a library of modular and reusable components for building robust networking clients and servers.
- Tower-http - HTTP specific Tower utilities
- Playwright - End-to-end testing framework
- reqwasm - A simple HTTP client for WebAssembly
- serde - A data serialization framework for Rust
- serde_json - A JSON serialization/deserialization library for Rust
- cargo-leptos - Build tool for Leptos applications
- Install Rust (nightly):
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Install cargo-leptos:
cargo install cargo-leptos --locked
- Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
cd end2end && npm install
- Start the development server and Tailwind watcher in separate terminals:
# Terminal 1: Start the Leptos dev server
cargo leptos watch
# Terminal 2: Watch for Tailwind changes
npm run watch
This will start your application at
and automatically rebuild CSS when Tailwind classes change.
- For production build:
cargo leptos build --release
Run end-to-end tests:
cargo leptos end-to-end
- Server entry point with Axum configurationlib.rs
- Shared code and WASM hydration setupapp.rs
- Main application component and routing setupcomponents/
- Reusable UI componentsCounter.rs
- Example counter componentmod.rs
- Components module definitions
- Application pages/routesHome.rs
- Homepage componentAbout.rs
- About page with API integrationmod.rs
- Pages module definitions
- Backend server codehandlers.rs
- API endpoint handlersroutes.rs
- API route definitionsmod.rs
- Server module setup
- CSS and TailwindCSS filesend2end/
- End-to-end tests with Playwrighttests/
- Test specificationsplaywright.config.ts
- Playwright configuration
- Static assetsCargo.toml
- Rust dependencies and build configurationpackage.json
- Node.js dependenciestailwind.config.js
- TailwindCSS configuration
- Full-stack Rust development with shared types
- Server-side rendering (SSR) with hydration
- Client-side routing
- API integration example
- Reactive state management
- Modern CSS with TailwindCSS
- End-to-end testing setup
- Development hot-reload
This project is released under the Unlicense. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your own applications.