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Chaos Coder


Chaos Coder is a Next.js application that generates multiple variations of web applications simultaneously using AI. This tool helps developers quickly explore different implementation possibilities for their web application ideas.

Note: All the code for this project is located in the nextjs-web-app folder.

Key Files

This project contains several important files that form the core functionality:

Core Application Files

  • nextjs-web-app/src/app/results/page.tsx (32KB): The main results page component that displays the generated web application variations. Handles code generation, UI rendering, voice input processing, and performance metrics tracking.

  • nextjs-web-app/src/app/dashboard/page.tsx (24KB): The user dashboard component. Manages user authentication state, subscription information, credit tracking, and user profile data.

  • nextjs-web-app/src/app/page.tsx (20KB): The landing page component with the primary application interface.

Service and Infrastructure Files

  • nextjs-web-app/src/lib/payment/index.ts (24KB): The centralized payment service. Handles all Stripe integration, subscription management, customer creation, checkout sessions, webhook processing, and billing operations.

  • nextjs-web-app/db/schema-updates.sql (20KB): Database schema definitions for the Supabase backend. Contains table structures, indexes, row-level security policies, and stored procedures for user authentication, credit management, and subscription tracking.

UI Components

  • nextjs-web-app/src/components/SubscriptionPlans.tsx (16KB): Component for displaying and managing subscription tiers and plans.

Context Providers

  • nextjs-web-app/src/context/AuthContext.tsx: Centralized authentication context that manages user sessions, tokens, and authentication state.
  • nextjs-web-app/src/context/ThemeContext.tsx: Theme management context for light/dark mode.
  • nextjs-web-app/src/context/GenerationsContext.tsx: Context for managing the number of web application variations to generate. Provides consistent state across the application.


  • nextjs-web-app/public/favicon.ico (124KB): The website favicon.
  • nextjs-web-app/public/coin.png (100KB): Image asset for the credit/token system.


The purpose of Chaos Coder is to accelerate the development process by providing multiple variations of code solutions for web applications. By generating multiple different approaches at once, developers can compare and choose the best implementation for their specific needs.


  • Generates multiple unique web application variations (configurable with no upper limit)
  • Real-time code preview for each variation
  • Interactive interface with theme toggling (light/dark mode)
  • Voice input support for hands-free prompting
  • Performance metrics for generation times
  • Keyboard shortcuts for quick access to tools
  • Robust user authentication with centralized AuthService
  • Secure payment processing with Stripe integration
  • Subscription plans (Free, Pro, Ultra) with different credit allotments
  • Credit purchase system for additional generations
  • User profile management with first name personalization
  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop
  • Persistent settings via localStorage

Tech Stack

  • Next.js 15 with Turbopack
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Framer Motion
  • Supabase for authentication and database
  • Stripe for payment processing
  • Zod for schema validation
  • Hugging Face Inference API
  • Radix UI for accessible components


  • Node.js 18.x or higher
  • npm or yarn
  • A Supabase account for authentication and database
  • A Stripe account for payment processing
  • A Hugging Face account for AI model access


1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd chaos-coder

2. Install dependencies

cd nextjs-web-app
npm install

3. Set up environment variables

Create a .env file in the nextjs-web-app directory with the following variables:

# Hugging Face API token

# Supabase configuration

# Stripe configuration

# Site URL

# Optional: Portkey API key if using Portkey

4. Supabase Setup

  1. Create a new project in Supabase
  2. Enable Email Auth in Authentication settings
  3. Set up email templates for verification
  4. Create necessary database tables by running the schema scripts:
    # First create the exec_sql function
    psql -h your_supabase_host -U postgres -d postgres -f db/create-exec-sql-function.sql
    # Then apply the schema updates
    npm run db:schema
  5. Copy your project URL and anon key to the .env file

5. Stripe Setup

  1. Create a Stripe account if you don't have one
  2. Set up subscription products for Pro and Ultra tiers
  3. Configure webhook endpoints in the Stripe dashboard
  4. Add your Stripe keys to the .env file

6. Run the development server

npm run dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000 (or another port if 3000 is in use).


  1. Access the application in your web browser
  2. Sign up for an account or log in if you already have one
  3. View your available credits in the dashboard
  4. Upgrade to a paid subscription or purchase additional credits
  5. Enter your web application requirements or ideas in the input form
  6. View and compare the five different application variations
  7. Use the code preview panel to inspect and edit the generated code
  8. Deploy your favorite variation directly from the interface

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift+L: Open prompt input
  • Shift+P: Open performance metrics
  • Shift+T: Toggle theme (light/dark mode)


Available Scripts

# Start development server with Turbopack
npm run dev

# Build for production
npm run build

# Start production server
npm start

# Run linting
npm run lint

# Apply database schema updates
npm run db:schema

# Deploy (requires configuration)
npm run deploy

Project Structure

├── db/               # Database scripts and schemas
├── public/           # Static assets
├── scripts/          # Utility scripts
├── src/
│   ├── app/          # Next.js app router pages
│   │   ├── api/      # API routes
│   │   │   ├── stripe/  # Payment API endpoints
│   │   │   └── ...      # Other API endpoints
│   │   ├── auth/     # Auth-related pages
│   │   └── ...       # Other pages
│   ├── components/   # Reusable UI components
│   │   ├── auth/     # Authentication components
│   │   └── ...       # Other components
│   ├── context/      # React context providers
│   │   ├── auth/     # Authentication context
│   │   ├── theme/    # Theme management context
│   │   └── generations/ # Generations context
│   ├── lib/          # Utility functions and services
│   │   ├── auth/     # Centralized authentication service
│   │   ├── payment/  # Payment processing service
│   │   └── ...       # Other utilities
│   ├── store/        # State management (Zustand)
│   ├── types/        # TypeScript type definitions
│   ├── utils/        # Utility functions
│   └── fonts/        # Custom fonts
├── .env              # Environment variables
├── .eslintrc.json    # ESLint configuration
└── package.json      # Project dependencies and scripts

Authentication System

The authentication system has been completely overhauled to use a centralized service-oriented architecture:


The AuthService class in src/lib/auth/index.ts provides a comprehensive API for all authentication operations:

// Client-side authentication
const { data, error } = await AuthService.signIn(email, password);
const { data, error } = await AuthService.signUp(email, password, firstName);
const { error } = await AuthService.signOut();
const { data, error } = await AuthService.signInWithOAuth('google');

// Server-side authentication
const supabase = await AuthService.createServerClient(cookieStore);
const { user, error } = await AuthService.getCurrentUser(supabase);


  • Unified client and server authentication
  • Consistent error handling
  • Session management
  • OAuth integration (Google)
  • User metadata management
  • Type-safe database operations

Payment System

The payment system uses Stripe for processing subscriptions and one-time purchases:


The PaymentService class in src/lib/payment/index.ts handles all payment operations:

// Create checkout sessions
const { url } = await PaymentService.createSubscriptionCheckout(customerId, 'pro', userId);
const { url } = await PaymentService.createCreditPurchaseCheckout(customerId, amount, 'pro', userId);

// Handle webhook events
const { success, message } = await PaymentService.handleWebhookEvent(body, signature, webhookSecret);

// Manage subscriptions
const { success, message } = await PaymentService.cancelSubscription(userId);


  • Subscription management (Free, Pro, Ultra tiers)
  • One-time credit purchases
  • Automatic credit allocation
  • Stripe webhook integration
  • Secure payment processing
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • Transaction history

Database Schema

The application uses a Supabase PostgreSQL database with the following tables:

Core Tables

  1. profiles

    • Purpose: Stores user profile information with subscription and credit data
    • Schema:
      • id (UUID): Primary key, linked to auth.users
      • credits (INTEGER): Current credit balance for user
      • max_monthly_credits (INTEGER): Monthly credit limit based on subscription tier
      • stripe_customer_id (TEXT): Stripe customer reference
      • stripe_subscription_id (TEXT): Stripe subscription reference
      • subscription_period_start (TIMESTAMP): Start of current subscription period
      • subscription_period_end (TIMESTAMP): End of current subscription period
      • last_credited_at (TIMESTAMP): When credits were last refreshed
      • subscription_tier (ENUM): 'free', 'pro', or 'ultra'
      • subscription_status (ENUM): Status from Stripe (active, past_due, etc.)
      • updated_at (TIMESTAMP): Last update timestamp
  2. subscription_history

    • Purpose: Tracks changes to user subscriptions
    • Schema:
      • id (UUID): Primary key
      • user_id (UUID): Reference to auth.users
      • subscription_tier (TEXT): Tier of subscription
      • status (TEXT): Status of subscription
      • amount_paid (DECIMAL): Amount paid
      • currency (TEXT): Currency of payment
      • stripe_subscription_id (TEXT): Stripe subscription reference
      • stripe_customer_id (TEXT): Stripe customer reference
      • description (TEXT): Additional details
      • created_at (TIMESTAMP): When record was created
  3. credit_purchases

    • Purpose: Records one-time credit purchases
    • Schema:
      • id (UUID): Primary key
      • user_id (UUID): Reference to auth.users
      • amount (INTEGER): Number of credits purchased
      • cost (DECIMAL): Amount paid
      • currency (TEXT): Currency of payment
      • stripe_session_id (TEXT): Stripe checkout session ID
      • stripe_payment_intent_id (TEXT): Stripe payment intent ID
      • created_at (TIMESTAMP): When purchase was made
  4. credit_history

    • Purpose: Audit trail of all credit transactions
    • Schema:
      • id (UUID): Primary key
      • user_id (UUID): Reference to auth.users
      • amount (INTEGER): Number of credits added/removed
      • type (TEXT): Transaction type (purchase, usage, reset, etc.)
      • description (TEXT): Additional details
      • created_at (TIMESTAMP): When transaction occurred
  5. credit_reset_logs

    • Purpose: Logs when the credit reset function runs
    • Schema:
      • id (UUID): Primary key
      • executed_at (TIMESTAMP): When reset was executed
      • success (BOOLEAN): Whether reset was successful
      • error_message (TEXT): Any error details if failed

Database Functions

The database includes the following secure functions for managing credits:

  • add_user_credits: Safely add credits to a user
  • deduct_user_credits: Safely remove credits from a user
  • reset_daily_credits: Automatically refresh credits daily
  • handle_new_user: Creates a profile when a new user signs up

Important Note on Triggers

When a new user signs up, a trigger automatically creates a profile record for them with default subscription values (free tier, 30 credits).


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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9 separate websites IN SECONDS for you to chaotically edit!






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