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Model generation complete: 321000 total triangles
STL file written successfully to: akaday-2024-github-skyline.stl
Made with contrib.rocks.
I'm passionate about engineering, automation, and embedded systems. Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here you'll find my projects, contributions, and ways to connect with me.
- ActionGuard: A tool designed to enhance the security of GitHub Actions workflows by detecting potential security issues such as hardcoded secrets, deprecated actions, and insecure configurations.
- Project Name: Brief description of what the project does and why it's interesting or useful.
- Another Project: Highlight some key features and technologies used.
- Open Source Contributions: Share some notable open source contributions you've made.
- Languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, Rust, etc.
- Frameworks and Libraries: React, Node.js, Npm, Git, Django, etc.
- Tools and Platforms: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, GitHub Actions, etc.
- Email: your-email@example.com
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- Twitter: @YourTwitterHandle
- Phone: +212643750870
Beneath the wail of the wind's fierce cry, Where angry waves kiss the midnight sky, In the heart of the storm, where fears abide, Brave souls venture, their courage our guide.
The sea roars wild, a relentless beast, With whitecaps frothing, never ceasing feast. Yet in the darkness, a light does gleam, From vessels strong, driven by a dream.
Through torrents thick and thunder’s clap, They chart their course on nature’s map. With hearts of steel and eyes aglow, They search the depths for souls below.
Whispers of hope in the tempest's breath, Rescue's call defies the dance of death. In lifeboats sturdy, with hands held tight, They brave the maw of the endless night.
For every life they fight to save, Against the ocean’s mighty wave, They bring a spark, a beacon bright, Guiding lost souls back to the light.
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Blessing! I love exploring new technologies and sharing my knowledge with the community.