Repo for my tasks for the data science internship with InternCareer
- Dataset: Top 1000 Youtubers statistics
- Description: This dataset contains valuable information about the top YouTube streamers, including their ranking, categories, subscribers, country, visits, likes, comments, and more. Your task is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the dataset to extract insights about the top YouTube content creators.
- Tools Used: R Programming & Kaggle
In order to solve this task, I had to take time to actually understand what the problem was and how I would go about it. The following was how I approached the projects:
- First figured out what too I would use. Would it be R? Python? Tableau? or Power BI?
- Once I had the tool selected, R, I then had to decide whether I would use RStudio, Posit Cloud, Juptyer Notebook or Kaggle and I ended up choosing to go with Kaggle for my platform of choice.
- After that, the actual coding began in which I began to analyse the data from the dataset, making sure that it was in line with the requirememts of the task
- Dataset: Terrorism Database
- Description: The Terrorism Database contains information about terrorist attacks worldwide. It includes details such as the date, location, attack type, weapons used, number of casualties, and responsible groups. Your task is to create a Power BI dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of global terrorism trends and patterns.
- Tools Used: Power BI
To run this project, the Global Terrorism Dashboard, you need to use Microsft Power BI
- Picking a tool, either Tableau or Power Bi and the tool selected was Power BI
- Once the tool was selected, the next step was learning how to use it by cleaning the data and only selecting the necessary fields
- The selected fields included: Year, Contry, Weapon Type, Target Type, Attack Type, Nationality, Region and Success Rate