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Clickhouse role for Ansible with systemd/docker support.

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Clickhouse role. Supported service managers:

  • systemd
  • docker

Tested via systemd on the:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 bionic
  • Ubuntu 20.04 focal
  • Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

Tested via docker on the:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 bionic
  • Ubuntu 20.04 focal

Install role

  • Install using ansible-galaxy:
ansible-galaxy role install
  • Lastest version:
ansible-galaxy role install,master
  • Upgrade to latest:
ansible-galaxy role install --upgrade
  • Using requirements.yml file for Ansible Galaxy:
  - name: clickhouse
    type: git
    version: master

Command for install: ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yml

Prepare & running tests locally

mkdir ~/ansible-collections/
cd ~/ansible-collections/
git clone
cd clickhouse

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip3 install -r test-requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy collection install --force -r test-requirements.yml

molecule -v test default  # test default scenario with systemd service manager
molecule -v test docker  # test alternative scenario with docker service manager

Role Variables

Common system variables

Variable Type Default Choices Description
clickhouse_service_manager str systemd systemd, docker service manager for clickhouse-server
clickhouse_base_dir_root str /opt - parent common base dir
clickhouse_base_dir_config str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_root }}/conf - parent common config dir
clickhouse_base_dir_data str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_root }}/data - parent common data dir
clickhouse_base_dir_log str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_root }}/log - parent common dir for logs
clickhouse_base_dir_library str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_root }}/lib - parent common dir for library files
clickhouse_base_dir_temp str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_root }}/tmp - parent common dir for temp files
clickhouse_dir_data str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_data }}/clickhouse - specific data dir for service
clickhouse_dir_config str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_config }}/clickhouse - specific config dir for service
clickhouse_dir_log str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_log }}/clickhouse - specific logs dir for service
clickhouse_dir_temp str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_temp }}/clickhouse - specific dir for CH temp files
clickhouse_dir_ssl str {{ clickhouse_dir_config }}/ssl - specific dir for CH SSL files
clickhouse_dir_library str {{ clickhouse_base_dir_library }}/clickhouse - specific dir for CH library files
clickhouse_dir_user_files str {{ clickhouse_dir_library }}/user_files - specific dir for CH user files
clickhouse_dir_format_schemas str {{ clickhouse_dir_library }}/format_schemas - specific dir for CH format schemas
clickhouse_general_owner str root - general user for parent dirs and common files
clickhouse_system_user str clickhouse - user for clickhouse dirs and service
clickhouse_system_group str clickhouse - group for clickhouse dirs and service
clickhouse_apt_repository_repo str deb stable main - apt repository with CH packages
clickhouse_apt_repository_key_id str 8919F6BD2B48D754 - key for apt repository
clickhouse_apt_repository_key_server str hkp:// - apt repository key server

Clickhouse DBMS specific variables

Variable Type Default Choices Description
clickhouse_version str - clickhouse packages version
clickhouse_prompt str {{ inventory_hostname }} - clickhouse - display name for clickhouse shell
clickhouse_default_database_name str default - default database for CH (autocreate)
clickhouse_default_profile str default see clickhouse_user_profiles_default the default profile for users who don't have it
clickhouse_macros_shard_name str 01 - macros name for sharding
clickhouse_macros_replica_name str {{ inventory_hostname }} - macros name for replica identifier
clickhouse_listen_hosts list ["::"] - listen addresses
clickhouse_listen_reuse_port bool true true, false allow clickhouse to reuse listen port for many hosts
clickhouse_listen_try int 1 - number of attempts to listen a port
clickhouse_listen_backlog int 4096 - TCP listen backlog for clickhouse
clickhouse_listen_port_mysql int - - MySQL-compatible Clickhouse port, disabled by default
clickhouse_listen_port_tcp int 9000 - clickhouse tcp port
clickhouse_listen_port_http int 8123 - clickhouse http port
clickhouse_listen_port_interserver int 9009 - clickhouse interserver port
clickhouse_enable_secure_protocols bool false true, false enable SSL/TLS protocols
clickhouse_ssl_certificate str (certificate content) "" - Public x509 SSL certificate content
clickhouse_ssl_private_key str (private key content) "" - Private OpenSSL key content
clickhouse_listen_port_https int 8443 - clickhouse https port
clickhouse_listen_port_tcp_secure int 9440 - clickhouse secure tcp port
clickhouse_zookeeper_enabled bool false true, false use zookeeper for replication
clickhouse_zookeeper_hosts list[dict] - [{ 'fqdn': '', 'port': 2181 }, { ... }] list of zookeeper hosts
clickhouse_zookeeper_session_timeout_ms int 30000 - Timeout for ZK session in milliseconds
clickhouse_zookeeper_operation_timeout_ms int 10000 - Timeout for ZK operation in milliseconds
clickhouse_distributed_ddl_zookeeper_path str /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl - Zookeeper path for DDL
clickhouse_distributed_ddl_profile str - see clickhouse_user_profiles_default var Profile for DDL queries
clickhouse_resharding_task_queue_path str /clickhouse/task_queue - Zookeeper path for task queue
clickhouse_config_log_level str warning trace, debug, information, warning, error clickhouse log level
clickhouse_config_log_size str 1000M - max size for log file
clickhouse_config_log_count int 5 - max count rotated logs for store
clickhouse_config_max_open_files int, str maximum - CH soft limit for max opened files
clickhouse_config_uncompressed_cache_size int 8589934592 - CH uncompressed cache size
clickhouse_config_mark_cache_size int 5368709120 - CH mark cache size
clickhouse_config_timezone str Europe/Moscow see timezones on wikipedia Default timezone for CH Date/DateTime columns
clickhouse_config_mlock_executable bool false true, false CH mlock executable setting
clickhouse_config_umask str "027" - umask
clickhouse_config_builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval int 3600 - Dictionaries reload interval
clickhouse_config_max_table_size_to_drop int 50GB - Large table delete protection
clickhouse_config_max_partition_size_to_drop int 5 GB - The same as table size, but about the partitions
clickhouse_config_max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio float 0.8 - Memory ratio soft limit
clickhouse_config_max_thread_pool_size int 15000 - Thread pool size, it is important that these are the streams of the clickhouse itself, they do not correlate with the number of cores
clickhouse_config_max_concurrent_queries int 300 - Max concurrent quieries
clickhouse_config_max_connections int 4096 - Max client connections
clickhouse_config_keep_alive_timeout int 3 - TCP keep alive timeout
clickhouse_config_max_session_timeout int 3600 - Max client session timeout
clickhouse_config_default_session_timeout int 60 - Default session timeout for clients
clickhouse_config_custom_settings dict - { foo: bar } Other uncovered config settings like <key>value</key>
clickhouse_merge_tree_settings dict - { foo: bar } MergeTree settings
clickhouse_sharding_clusters list(dict) - see defaults/main.yml for example Settings for sharding
clickhouse_query_log_database str system - Database name for query logs
clickhouse_query_log_table str query_log - Table name for query logs
clickhouse_query_log_engine str see defaults/main.yml - Engine settings for query log table
clickhouse_query_log_flush_interval_milliseconds int 7500 - Interval for flushing logs
clickhouse_part_log_enabled bool true true, false Enable partitions log
clickhouse_part_log_database str system - Database name for part logs
clickhouse_part_log_table str part_log - Table name for part logs
clickhouse_part_log_partition_by str toMonday(event_date) - PartitionBy expression for Engine
clickhouse_part_log_flush_interval_milliseconds int 7500 - Interval for flushing logs
clickhouse_user_profiles_default dict see defaults/main.uml - Default user profiles
clickhouse_user_profles_custom dict - - The same as clickhouse_user_profiles_default, taken out for ease of management
clickhouse_user_quotas_default dict see defaults/main.uml - Default user quotas
clickhouse_user_quotas_custom dict - - The same as clickhouse_user_quotas_default, taken out for ease of management
clickhouse_users_default list[dict] see defaults/main.yml - Default users list (by default password is insecure)
clickhouse_users_custom list[dict] - - The same as clickhouse_users_default, taken out for ease of management
clickhouse_graphite_rollup dict see example defaults/main.yml - Graphite rollup settings
clickhouse_compression list[dict] see example defaults/main.yml - Compression settings

Clickhouse client variables

Variable Type Default Choices Description
clickhouse_client_os_user str "{{ ansible_user or default('root') }}" - Config owner
clickhouse_client_os_group str "{{ ansible_user or default('root') }}" - Config group
clickhouse_client_config_user_name str default - Default CH user for clickhouse-client
clickhouse_client_config_user_password str password for user default - Password for Default clickhouse-client user
clickhouse_client_config_send_timeout int 1800 - Client send data timeout
clickhouse_client_config_receive_timeout int 6000 - Client receive data timeout
clickhouse_client_config_secure bool false true, false Enable only secure connect via clickhouse-client

SystemD specific variables

Variable Type Default Choices Description
clickhouse_systemd_service_dir str /lib/systemd/system - Path to actual service file
clickhouse_systemd_default_service_dir str /etc/systemd/system/ - Path to default service file (default service will be removed)
clickhouse_systemd_service_name str clickhouse-server.service - Service name (include file)
clickhouse_systemd_service_type str simple simple, fork Service type
clickhouse_systemd_capability_bounding_set list [CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_IPC_LOCK, CAP_SYS_NICE] - Service capability
clickhouse_systemd_limit_nofile int, str 500000 - NOfile limits for service
clickhouse_systemd_limit_core int, str infinity - Core limits for service
clickhouse_systemd_restart str always - Restart policy
clickhouse_systemd_restart_sec int 30 - Restart interval for failed service
clickhouse_systemd_custom_settings dict see example defaults/main.yml - Uncovered custom settings for system service

Docker specific variables

Variable Type Default Choices Description
clickhouse_docker_prune_after_up bool true true, false Execute docker system prune after composition deploy
clickhouse_docker_service_name str clickhouse - Docker-compose service name
clickhouse_docker_restart_policy str unless-stopped - Service restart policy
clickhouse_docker_container_name str clickhouse - Clickhouse container bane
clickhouse_docker_hostname str clickhouse - Container hostname
clickhouse_docker_cpus int - - CPU's quota for container
clickhouse_docker_mem_limit str - - Memory quota for container
clickhouse_docker_cap_add list [SYS_ADMIN, SYS_NICE, NET_ADMIN] - Container capability set
clickhouse_docker_published_ports list(dict) see defaults/main.yml [{ 'host': 8123, 'container': 8080 }, { ... }] Published ports

Example Playbook

  • Basic example
- hosts:
    - role: clickhouse
        clickhouse_service_manager: systemd
        clickhouse_listen_port_http: 8123
        clickhouse_listen_port_tcp: 9000
        clickhouse_enable_secure_protocols: true
        clickhouse_ssl_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/server.crt') }}"
        clickhouse_ssl_private_key: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/server.key') }}"
          - username: test
            password: test
            profile: default
            quota: default
              - test
                - ::/0
  • Example of installing two Clickhouse instances on the same server:
- hosts:
    - role: clickhouse
        clickhouse_service_manager: docker
        clickhouse_dir_data: "{{ clickhouse_base_dir_data }}/clickhouse_docker"
        clickhouse_dir_log: "{{ clickhouse_base_dir_log }}/clickhouse_docker"
        clickhouse_dir_config: "{{ clickhouse_base_dir_config }}/clickhouse_docker"
          - host: "{{ clickhouse_listen_port_tcp }}"
            container: 8125
          - host: "{{ clickhouse_listen_port_http }}"
            container: 9005

    - role: clickhouse
        clickhouse_service_manager: systemd
        clickhouse_listen_port_http: 7798
        clickhouse_listen_port_tcp: 9100

Author Information


Clickhouse role for Ansible with systemd/docker support.






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