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AutoTyper For Mac

This app automatically types the contents of a text script into an app. It's goal is to make it easier to make screen recordings where typing is necessary. Instead of doing it manually, the app will do it for you. Faster and without flubbing keys.

You can check out an intro video here:

A screenshot of the AutoTyper Introduction Demonstration Video


  • Download the file. Unzip it and copy the file to your Applications folder.


  1. Create a .txt file with instructions in it (the full list of available instructions is in the Instructions sections further below).

  2. Use the 'Choose Instructions File' button to select your script file.

  3. Click on the app you want to output the script to in the 'Select App' section.

  4. Click 'Run'. You may be asked to allow the app permissions in the System Preferences. This is required to let AutoTyper simulate a keyboard to do that actual typing. (Note that sometimes you have to delete the AutoTyper item, click Run, and turn it back on to reset it.)


Here are a few instruction examples to get you started.

Hello, World

type: Hello, World!

Multiple Lines

type-line: Hello, 
type: World!

Type, Pause, Type

type: Hello,
press: space
type: World!

Note: the `pause` waits for you to press F4 at which point it types a space followed by World!.

Type A Block Of Text

Lorem ipsum dolor 
adipiscing elit. 
posuere ut volutpat.

Suspendisse euismod id malesuada. Proin id aliquet. end-lines

Outputs the block of text between start-lines and end-lines

Type, Select, Overwrite In VS Code

type: alfa, bravo, charlie
pause: 0.8
repeat: 2: option: left-arrow
press: option: shift: right-arrow
pause: 0.8
type: DELTA

This example types: alfa, bravo, charlie

Next, it selects bravo and overwrites it with DELTA. Pauses are added in to make it easier to see what's going on.

This works in apps like VS Code where option + left/right-arrow jumps words and option + shift + left/right-arrow selects words.

Type, Select, Overwrite In Neovim

press: escape
type: i
type: alfa, bravo, charlie
pause: 0.8
press: escape
type: 3bdwi
type: DELTA

Presses escape to make sure you're not already in INSERT mode then i to switch to it.

Next, it types alfa, bravo, charlie then pause before pressing escape again to switch to NORMAL mode and typing in the commands to back up 3 time, delete the word and switch back to INSERT mode before typing DELTA

Paste Contents Of A File

paste-file-lines: /path/to/sample.txt

Jump Between Windows

type: Window 1
press: command: ~
pause: 0.4
type: Window 2

AutoTyper only types into one app at a time, but you can jump between windows in apps like VS Code by using press: command: ~

Note that adding a pause: 0.1 or more is recommended to make sure the app has enough time to switch the window before typing continues.

General Notes

  • The basic ways to type are type: TEXT, type-line: TEXT, and type-down:TEXT. For example:

    type: Hello, World

    type-line: Hello, World

    type-down: Hello, World

  • The type: TEXT instruction doesn't add a return/enter after it finishes typing. (That it, it only types in the characters from your TEXT)

  • type-line: TEXT presses return/enter after typing your TEXT

  • type-down: TEXT presses the down arrow after typing your TEXT

  • The press: KEY instruction is used for pressing a specific KEY. (The full list of available keys is in the Keys section further below)

  • The press: MODIFIER: KEY instruction holds the specific MODIFIER while pressing the KEY. For example:

    press: command: a

  • Multiple MODIFIER keys can be held while pressing a key like:

    press: option: shift: right-arrow

  • The pause instruction pauses typing until you press F4 on your keyboard. This is the main thing I use to create breaks for talking when I'm doing scree recordings.

  • The pause: TIME instruction pauses for the specified time (measured in seconds). I generally use this for little pauses (e.g. pause: 0.3) to make it easier to track when I do thing like highlight and delete code.


This is the list of available instructions

Instruction Description
debug: on

Remove all delays and pauses to fast-forward until debug: off or the end of the script.

debug: on
debug: off

Restores all pauses so the instruction runs with their specified delays and pauses.

debug: off

Press the down arrow key one time.

down: NUMBER

Presses the down arrow key the specified NUMBER of times.

down: 3

Ends capturing lines that will be pasted via 'command + v' one at a time followed by pressing 'return' to move to a new line.

The capture is started with 'start-lines'.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipiscing elit. 

Curabitur dignissim pretium justo nec tincidunt. end-lines

Ends capturing lines that will be pasted via 'command + v' one at a time followed by pressing the down arrow.

The capture is started with 'start-lines-down'.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipiscing elit. 

Curabitur dignissim pretium justo nec tincidunt. end-lines-down

Presses the left arrow key one time.

left: Number

Presses the left arrow key the specified NUMBER of times.

left: 3
paste: TEXT

Pastes the TEXT by pressing 'command + v'.

paste: The quick brown fox
paste-down: TEXT

Pastes the TEXT by pressing 'command + v' then presses the down arrow.

paste-down: The quick brown fox
paste-line: TEXT

Pastes the TEXT by pressing 'command + v' then presses the return key to move to the next line.

paste-line: The quick brown fox
paste-file: PATH

Pastes the contents of the file at the given PATH by pressing 'command + v'.

Note: You can get the PATH for a file by right clicking on it in the Finder then holding the 'option' key. When you do, the 'Copy' menu item will turn into 'Copy ... as Pathname' which is what PATH uses.

paste-file: /Users/alan/example.txt
paste-file-lines: PATH

Pastes the contents of the file at the given PATH. Each line in the file is pasted individually via 'command + v'. The 'return' key is pressed after each line is pasted to move to the next line.

Note: You can get the PATH for a file by right clicking on it in the Finder then holding the 'option' key. When you do, the 'Copy' menu item will turn into 'Copy ... as Pathname' which is what PATH uses.

paste-file-lines: /Users/alan/example.txt
paste-file-lines-down: PATH

Pastes the contents of the file at the given PATH. Each line in the file is pasted individually via 'command + v'. The down arrow is pressed after each line is pasted to move to the next line.

Note: You can get the PATH for a file by right clicking on it in the Finder then holding the 'option' key. When you do, the 'Copy' menu item will turn into 'Copy ... as Pathname' which is what PATH uses.

paste-file-lines-down: /Users/alan/example.txt

Pauses typing until F4 is pressed on the keyboard.

pause: TIME

Pauses typing for the given amount of TIME which is measured in seconds.

pause: 1
pause: 1.2
pause: 0.3
press: KEY

Presses the given KEY one time.

Note: Only lower case letters can be used with 'press:'. Use 'press: shift: KEY' to make them upper case.

Note: The list of available keys is listed in the Keys section below.

press: a
press: space
press: right-arrow

Press the given KEY one time while holding down the MODIFIERS.


  • command
  • control
  • option
  • shift

One or more MODIFIERS can be used at a time.

Note: Only lower case letters can be used with 'press:'. Use 'press: shift: KEY' to make them upper case.

Note: The list of available keys is listed in the Keys section below.

press: command: a
press: option: right-arrow
press: option: shift: right-arrow
repeat: KEY

Presses the KEY the specified NUMBER of times.

Note: Only lower case letters can be used with 'repeat:'. Use 'repeat: shift: KEY' to make them upper case.

Note: The list of available keys is listed in the Keys section below.

repeat: 3: space
repeat: 3: up-arrow

Press the given KEY the specified NUMBER of times while holding down the MODIFIERS.


  • command
  • control
  • option
  • shift

One or more MODIFIERS can be used at a time.

Note: Only lower case letters can be used with 'repeat:'. Use 'repeat: shift: KEY' to make them upper case.

Note: The list of available keys is listed in the Keys section below.

repeat: 3: shift: a
repeat: 5: option: right-arrow
repeat: 2: option: shift: right-arrow

Resets the minimum and maximum times that the random delay between key presses uses to their default values.


Presses the 'return' key one time.

return: NUMBER

Presses the 'return' key the specified NUMBER of times.

return: 3

Presses the right arrow key one time.

right: NUMBER

Presses the right arrow key the specified NUMBER of times.

right: 3
set-delay: TIME

Sets the delay between key presses to TIME which is measured in seconds.

set-delay: 0.04
set-delay: MIN: MAX

Resets the minimum and maximum times that the random delay between key presses uses to MIN_TIME and MAX_TIME, respectively.

set-delay: 0.05: 0.1

Presses the 'space' key one time.

space: NUMBER

Presses the 'space' key the specified NUMBER of times.

space: 3

Starts capturing lines that will be pasted via 'command + v' one at a time followed by pressing 'return' to move to a new line.

The capture continues until an 'end-lines' instruction is found.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipiscing elit.

Curabitur dignissim pretium justo nec tincidunt. end-lines

Starts capturing lines that will be pasted via 'command + v' one at a time followed by pressing the down arrow.

The capture continues until an 'end-lines-down' instruction is found.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipiscing elit. 

Curabitur dignissim pretium justo nec tincidunt. end-lines-down

Stops the script from running.


Presses the 'tab' key one time.


Presses the 'tab' key the specified NUMBER of times.

tab: 3
type: TEXT

Types the given TEXT


  • Neither the 'return' key or down-arrow is presses after the TEXT is types. This provides as way to edit text in the middle of a line without making or moving to a new line.
  • Any spaces at the start of the TEXT are removed.
  • Any spaces at the end of the TEXT are removed.
  • Use a 'press: space' instruction to add spaces at either the start or the end of a piece of text if necessary.
type: The quick brown fox
type-down: TEXT

Types the given TEXT followed by pressing the down arrow key.


  • Any spaces at the start of the TEXT are removed.
  • Any spaces at the end of the TEXT are removed.
  • Use a 'press: space' instruction to add spaces at either the start or the end of a piece of text if necessary.
type-down: The quick brown fox
type-line: TEXT

Types the given TEXT followed by pressing the 'return' key.


  • Any spaces at the start of the TEXT are removed.
  • Any spaces at the end of the TEXT are removed.
  • Use a 'press: space' instruction to add spaces at either the start or the end of a piece of text if necessary.
type-line: The quick brown fox

Presses the up arrow one time.


Presses the up arrow the specified NUMBER of times

up: 3


This is the list of keys available for use in press: and repeat: instructions.

  • =

  • '

  • ,

  • -

  • .

  • /

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • ;

  • [

  • \

  • ]

  • a

  • b

  • c

  • caps-lock

  • command

  • control

  • d

  • delete

  • down-arrow

  • e

  • end

  • enter

  • escape

  • f

  • f1

  • f10

  • f11

  • f12

  • f13

  • f14

  • f15

  • f16

  • f17

  • f18

  • f19

  • f2

  • f20

  • f3

  • f4

  • f5

  • f6

  • f7

  • f8

  • f9

  • F1

  • F2

  • F3

  • F4

  • F5

  • F6

  • F7

  • F8

  • F9

  • F10

  • F11

  • F12

  • F13

  • F14

  • F15

  • F16

  • F17

  • F18

  • F19

  • forward-delete

  • function

  • g

  • h

  • help

  • home

  • i

  • iso-section

  • j

  • jis-eisu

  • jis-underscore

  • jis-yen

  • jis_kana

  • k

  • keypad-0

  • keypad-1

  • keypad-2

  • keypad-3

  • keypad-4

  • keypad-5

  • keypad-6

  • keypad-7

  • keypad-8

  • keypad-9

  • keypad-clear

  • keypad-decimal

  • keypad-divide

  • keypad-enter

  • keypad-equals

  • keypad-jis-comma

  • keypad-minus

  • keypad-multiply

  • keypad-plus

  • l

  • left-arrow

  • m

  • mute

  • n

  • o

  • option

  • p

  • page-down

  • page-up

  • q

  • r

  • return

  • right-arrow

  • s

  • shift

  • space

  • t

  • tab

  • u

  • up-arrow

  • v

  • volume-down

  • volume-up

  • w

  • x

  • y

  • z

  • ~


  • The app works on macOS 14.x. I'm not currently set up to test other versions.

  • The app was built on a U.S. keyboard. I'm not currently set up to test other keyboards. I think there will be some work to do to get other character sets to work. I don't know enough about that yet to know what to expect or what would need to be done.

From alan w smith


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