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168 lines (99 loc) · 5.99 KB

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Give vite the ability to resolve imports using TypeScript's path mapping.


pnpm add -D vite-tsconfig-paths
npm install --save-dev vite-tsconfig-paths
yarn add -D vite-tsconfig-paths


  1. Ensure the project either has "type": "module" set or that the Vite config is renamed to vite.config.mjs / vite.config.mts depending on whether TypeScript is used

  2. Inject vite-tsconfig-paths in the Vite config

    import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
    import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths'
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],

⚠️ CSS imports are not supported.

Due to a Vite limitation, CSS files (and CSS dialects) cannot be resolved with this plugin.

This is being tracked in #30.

⚠️ Non-TypeScript modules need special configuration.

To enable path resolution in non-TypeScript modules (e.g. .vue, .svelte, .mdx), you must set the allowJs option to true in your tsconfig.json file.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true

Alternative: If you prefer to avoid allowJs or it didn't help, passing loose: true to the plugin constructor should work.

tsconfigPaths({ loose: true })

⚠️ TSConfigs are not watched.

You should restart Vite when you make changes to a tsconfig file; particularly these settings: include, exclude, compilerOptions.paths, and compilerOptions.baseUrl.

This is being tracked in #17 (contributions welcome).


Plugin Options

You pass these options when calling the plugin constructor in your Vite config.


You should try using the plugin without any of these options, and only set them when you know you need them.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [tsconfigPaths({ /* options go here */ })],

root: string

The directory to search for tsconfig.json files.

The default value of this option depends on whether projects is defined. If it is, then the Vite project root is used. Otherwise, Vite's searchForWorkspaceRoot function is used.

projects: string[]

If you have an esoteric setup, you might need this option to specify where your tsconfig files are located. The paths within are relative to the root option.

If defined, the root directory won't be searched for tsconfig files. You should always try using just the root option first, because this option is more brittle.

loose: boolean

Disable strictness that limits path resolution to TypeScript and JavaScript importers. In other words, when loose: true is used, any file that gets transpiled into JavaScript will have its imports resolved by this plugin.

For example, this is useful if you want imports in Vue templates to be resolved, but don't want to use allowJs in your tsconfig.

parseNative: boolean

Enable use of the tsconfck.parseNative function, which delegates the loading of tsconfig files to the TypeScript compiler. You'll probably never need this, but I added it just in case.


This option can slow down Vite's startup time by as much as 600ms, due to the size of the TypeScript compiler. Only use it when necessary.

ignoreConfigErrors: boolean

When true, parsing errors encountered while loading tsconfig files will be ignored.

This is useful if you have a monorepo with multiple tsconfig files, and you don't want to see errors for the ones that aren't relevant to the current project.

skip: (dir: string) => boolean

A function that determines which directories to skip when searching for tsconfig.json files.

While .git and node_modules directories are always skipped, this option allows you to skip additional directories, which is useful in large monorepos to improve performance.


TSConfig Options


If your tsconfig file has "allowJs": true in it, path resolution will be expanded beyond TypeScript importers. The following extensions will have their imports resolved by this plugin: .vue, .svelte, .mdx, .mjs, .js, .jsx

If you believe another file extension should be supported by default, please open an issue or pull request.



If the baseUrl is defined, it gets prepended to all bare imports, and its resolution will take precedence over node_modules. This is also how TypeScript does it.

Say the baseUrl is ../root and you import react. This plugin will use ../root/react if it exists. If not found, then react is resolved normally. The baseUrl is relative to the project root (where tsconfig.json lives).



The include and exclude tsconfig options are respected.

Internally, globrex is used for glob matching.



The DEBUG environment variable can be used to figure out why this plugin isn't working as you may have expected.

DEBUG=vite-tsconfig-paths yarn vite

Also, check out the Troubleshooting wiki page for more guidance.