A JavaScript component for creating watermarks with web technologies supported above IE11+. For more details around browsers compatibilities, please check the document, "Web skills for creating watermarks".
npm i watermarks-js --save
Use the component as a CommonJS module:
const Watermarks = require('watermarks-js');
new Watermarks(document.createElement('div'), {
contents: ['Aleen', 'aleen42@vip.qq.com'],
watermarks: {
region: { // control the position of watermarks
x: 200,
width: 100,
height: 100,
align: 'left', // text-align (left by default)
alpha: 0.2, // font-alpha (0.2 by default)
fontSize: 16, // font-size (16 by default)
fontRotate: Math.PI / 4, // font-rotate (-45° by default)
lineHeightRatio: 1.5, // line-height (1.5x by default)
Or directly used it in browsers as a script:
<script type="text/javascript"
src="https://github.com/aleen42/watermarks/releases/download/1.0.3/watermark.dist.js" />
new Watermarks(document.createElement('div'), {
contents: ['Aleen', 'aleen42@vip.qq.com'],
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MIT © aleen42