Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Aleksa Vladić, a computer engineer with a strong passion for technology and innovation about Web Development and Programming. I love building cool stuff, and my favorite languages are JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Java. 🌟
I enjoy tackling complex problems and turning ideas into reality through programming, and I’m always eager to learn new skills and technologies that can help me grow as a developer.
- Frontend: React, Next.js, Angular, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, WordPress
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Django, Flask Laravel, Spring Boot, .NET, Ruby on Rails
- Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Java, C#, Ruby
- Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, GraphQL
- Other Tools: Docker, Git, APIs, CI/CD, Kubernetes, GCP, AWS, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Cypress
- Advanced Next.js features (SSR, ISR, etc.).
- Improving my DevOps skills with Docker and CI/CD.
- Exploring Machine Learning and AI.
When I’m not coding, you will find me cycling, reading up on the latest tech trends, enjoying video games, or watching short films.